[Limited-Time Winter Event!] Snowfall Crasher is Open for Business!

Events Jan 16, 2025, 10:00 (UTC+8)











[Limited-Time Winter Event!]
Snowfall Crasher is Open for Business!


Experience the magic of a snowy wonderland at the Snowfall Crasher!❄

Enjoy a variety of event quests like snowboarding and smelt fishing to feel the winter atmosphere!

Jan 16, 2025 (Thu) after maintenance - Feb 6, 2025 (Thu) before maintenance

Whoa, hey! You finally made it! I've been waiting for ya!

So, uh, how was navigating with the invitation I gave you?

Hey, hey! Welcome to the Snowfall Crasher!

This place is packed with fun stuff to do,

like hidden sightseeing spots and tons of snacks to keep the cold at bay.

Seeing is believing, right? Go on, take a look around!

Welcome to the Snowfall Crasher.
Check out the map below and choose where you want to go.

※ Right-click the [Event] Snowfall Invitation to be guided to the event area.


Snowfall Crasher Map


View Details

Adrenaline rush atop Everfrost!

Snowboard down the slope!

The ice is calling!

Reelin’ it in with ice fishing fun!

Warm winter delights await!

Savor Snowfall snacks from Silver Shops

Attention, brave Adventurers!

Snowfall Crasher villagers are in need of aid!

The festivities have stirred the slumbering Yeti?!

Hunt the fearsome Yeti Piku!

Want to enjoy everything winter has to offer?
Head on over to Snowfall Crasher!

Enjoy the event to obtain

[Event] Snowfall Seals!

Main Rewards

Cron Stone x500

Advice of Valks (+150)

[Event] Honey-roasted Sweet Potato

[Event] Crispy Goldfish Delight



Adrenaline Rush at the Everfrost!
NEW! Snowboard down the slope!


Speed through the winds of the Mountain of Eternal Winter!
Enjoy Snowfall Crasher with a snowboard! 

Jan 16, 2025 (Thu) after maintenance - Feb 6, 2025 (Thu) before maintenance


Visit Snowfall Crasher Helper Lando and

complete the [Event] Snowfall Crashin' the Ice! quest!

▲ Discover various activities in Snowfall Crasher with Lando!
 ※ This quest can be found under [Quest (O) - New].
※ This quest can be completed once per Family.
Quest Reward

[Event] Snowfall Seal x10

[Event] Classic Snowboard (7 Days)

[Event] Snowfall Flare x3

※ You can purchase the [Event] Classic Snowboard (7 Days) from Snowfall Crasher Helper Lando for 1,000,000 Silver.

※ You can purchase the [Event] Snowfall Flare from Snowfall Crasher Helper Lando for 500,000 Silver.


Use this special flare exclusively in the Snowfall Crasher to teleport straight to the summit!


All aboard the Griffon lift, brought to you by Lando!
Fly to-and-fro between the summit and event area!



Griffon Station at the base of the mountain

Griffon Station at the summit


Glide down the snowy mountain
with the snowboard!

※ If you stray too far from the event location, you'll be exposed to the blizzard of the Mountain of Eternal Winter and may get the Frosbite debuff, which continuously decreases your HP. Make sure to bring Citron Tea and Mesima Tea!

Skill Control Guide 설명
▲ Make turns!
D / A

D / A + Shift
Change Direction


▲ Must go faster!




▲ Wanna look cool? Try some tricks!

[During Jump] Aerial Trick

Oops! You fell over! We recommend you register [Event] Classic Snowboard to a quick slot for a smoother ride!

▲ Practice makes perfect! It hurts when you fall over!

If you've purchased a Noonbora Board (vanilla/Black Spirit/Papu/Otter) from the Pearl Shop (F3),
or if you have the [Event] Classic Snowboard, which can be exchanged with the [Event] Snowfall Seal,
you can use the Social Action: Ride Board to mount the snowboard on the Snowfall Crasher slopes.




Feel the rush of the cool breeze daily!
Accept the [Event] [Daily] Shreddin' Snowflakes! quest from the villager at the summit and get a special winter treat!

※ This quest can be found under [Quest (O) - New].


[Event] Snowfall Seal x10

[Event] Honey-roasted Sweet Potato

[Event] Crispy Goldfish Delight

Item Effects

[Event] Honey-roasted Sweet Potato

Extra AP Against Monsters +20

Monster Damage Reduction +20

Critical Hit +2

Combat EXP +300%

Skill EXP +30%

Knowledge Gain Chance +10%

Higher Grade Knowledge Gain Chance +5%

* Cannot be used with [Event] Roasted Sweet Potato.

Duration: 60 min

Cooldown: 60 min

[Event] Crispy Goldfish Delight

All Life Skill Mastery +100

Life EXP +50%

Gathering Item Drop Rate +5%

Mount EXP +15%

Auto-fishing Time -10%

Chance to Catch Rare Fish +5%

Weight Limit +100LT

* Cannot be used with [Event] Goldfish Delight.

Duration: 60 min

Cooldown: 60 min

※ [Event] Honey-roasted Sweet Potato and [Event] Crispy Goldfish Delight will be removed after the Feb 6, 2025 maintenance, so use the items during the event period!


Experience the Thrill on the Frozen Ice! Feel the Excitement of Smelt Fishing!



Talk to the Black Spirit and accept
the [Event] In Search of the Snowfall Crasher quest!

Complete the quest and get directions to the smelt fishing spot!

[Event] Splat Fisher's Fishing Rod x30

* This quest can be found under [Quest (O) - New] and can be completed once per Family. 

* The [Event] Splat Fisher's Fishing Rod can be purchased from the Lando for 10,000 Silver each and using it will guide you to the smelt fishing spot.


One per Family! Trade the [Event] Chilly Smelt with Lando and get yourself a cute Fwuzzy Alpaca!

The weekly exchange quests can be accepted after the Jan 16 (Thu) maintenance.

Family Exchange 

[Chilly Smelt x1]
Registration: Fwuzzy Alpaca (Permanent) 

[Chilly Smelt x5]
Valks' Cry x30


[Chilly Smelt x10]
Artisan's Memory x25

[Chilly Smelt x15]
Advice of Valks (+100)


▲ Get yourself a cute Fwuzzy Alpaca (Permanent)!

Weekly Exchange! Hand over the [Event] Chilly Smelt to Lando and get all sorts of adventure support!

Weekly Exchange

[Chilly Smelt x2]
Artisan's Memory x5

[Chilly Smelt x2]
Enhancement Support Box I


[Chilly Smelt x2]
Life Enhancement Support Box I

[Chilly Smelt x3]
Item Collection Increase Scroll x5

[Chilly Smelt x3]
Secret Book of Florin x5

[Chilly Smelt x3]
Courser's Aura x3


[Chilly Smelt x4]
Life Enhancement Support Box II

[Chilly Smelt x4]
Enhancement Support Box II

[Chilly Smelt x4]
Advice of Valks (+50)

[Chilly Smelt x5]
[Event] Snowfall Seal x10


Go smelt fishing during the event and you might catch

[Event] Plump Chilly Smelt or [Event] Chilly Smelt.

[Event] Plump Chilly Smelt

Sell to NPC Shop for 10,000,000 Silver

[Event] Chilly Smelt

Sell to NPC Shop for 3,000,000 Silver

※ You can exchange [Event] Plump Chilly Smelt x1 for [Event] Chilly Smelt x3 with "Snowfall Crasher Helper" Crio.

How to Ice Fish


(1) Head to the smelt fishing spot Lando showed you, and right-click the [Event] Splat Fisher's Fishing Rod in your Inventory (I) to start ice fishing.


▲ Follow the arrow in the circular UI and rotate your mouse accordingly.

Keep the fish moving up and down in the colored zone in the middle—that's the trick!


(2) Once you get a bite, press the spacebar to start the minigame!


(3) The minigame lasts up to 30 seconds. Keep the fish in the blue gauge to wear it down. Once it's tired, reel it in with the spacebar!


▲ Rotate Mouse (Left): Reel in the line and bring the fish closer to the surface.


▲ Rotate Mouse (Right): Slacken the line and let the fish to move away from the surface.





Snowfall Crasher Winter Snack Silver Shops!


Why winter is worth the wait!
Enjoy tasty winter snacks and adventure support!

"We've got some unique treats you won't find anywhere else."

▲"Snowfall Crasher Merchant" Bolormaa

"Step right up! Today's the day for a special deal!"

▲"Snowfall Crasher Merchant" Ayukan

Featured Items

[Event] Roasted Sweet Potato

[Event] Goldfish Delight

[Event] Snowfall Tteokbokki

[Event] Snowfall Noodle Craze

※ Weekly sale items refresh every Monday at midnight.

Discover the winter snacks and adventure support on sale!


Help the Villagers of Snowfall Crasher!

The folks of Snowfall Crasher are eagerly awaiting your aid, Adventurers!

You accept the weekly event quests from the Snowfall Crasher villagers starting Jan 16 (Thu) at 00:00.

Help the Goldfish Delights Merchant on a lucky streak!

[Event] [Weekly] Knead the Seasonal Catch?
from the Goldfish Delights Merchant

Check in on the ice fisher who's feeling the chill!

[Event] [Weekly] Snow Never Bothered Me
from the Fisher

Time to get that bait over to the bait manager!

[Event] [Weekly] Hooked on Delivery
from the Otter Villager

Track down what was lost during your Griffon ride!

[Event] [Weekly] Snow Much to Find
from the Griffon Manager at the base

Get those supplies up to the top of Snowfall Crasher!

[Event] [Weekly] Frosty First Aid Run
from the Villager

Deliver the safety warning to the Griffon Manager down there!

[Event] [Weekly] No Fowl Play, Safety All the Way!
from the Griffon Manager at the summit

Help shore up that drooping roof!

[Event] [Weekly] Roof Repairs? Snow Problem!
from the Villager at the summit


Complete each quest to get the rewards below!

Quest Completion Rewards
[Event] [Weekly] Knead the Seasonal Catch?
- Hand over Wheat Flour x10 to the Goldfish Delights merchant

[Event] Snowfall Seal x10

[Event] Crispy Goldfish Delight
[Event] [Weekly] Snow Never Bothered Me
- Obtain liquor from the tavern
- Deliver the liquor to the fisher

[Event] Snowfall Seal x10

[Event] Wild Bourbon Whiskey

[Event] Western Bourbon Whiskey
[Event] [Weekly] Hooked on Delivery!
- Hand over the sack to the bait manager

[Event] Snowfall Seal x10
[Event] [Weekly] Snow Much to Find
- Search for the lost item

[Event] Snowfall Seal x10
[Event] [Weekly] Frosty First Aid Run
- Deliver provisions to the summit

[Event] Snowfall Seal x10
[Event] [Weekly] No Fowl Play, Safety All the Way!
- Relay the message to the manager below

[Event] Snowfall Seal x10
[Event] [Weekly] Roof Repairs? Snow Problem!
- Obtain Logs, Interact to complete quest

[Event] Snowfall Seal x10

※ Event quests can be found under [Quest (O) - New].
※ Each quest is a weekly recurring quest that resets every Thursday.




Festival Noise Awakened the Fearsome Yeti Piku from Long Slumber!


All that festival racket has stirred the Yeti Piku from its long slumber. 

It's furious and marching toward the town! 

Stop the Yeti Piku from attacking nearby towns and keep the peace! 

The Boss "Yeti Piku" will appear in the Snowfall Crasher after the Jan 23 (Thu) maintenance. 



Get the [Event] Frosted Matchlock via Challenge (Y)!


[Event] Frosted Matchlock


* This challenge can be completed once per Family, and the item can be repaired.



Grab your matchlock and head out to take down the Yeti Piku that's stormed into the Snowfall Crasher!
* The Yeti Piku is especially vulnerable to matchlock attacks, so get ready beforehand!

Yeti Piku Spawn Schedule
Day Time
Monday to Sunday 12:30

※ Yeti Piku appears at these specific times each day.

※ Yeti Piku won't appear on Arsha, Arsha: Anonymous, and NEW Olvia servers.

How to Defeat the Yeti Piku

① When you see the following message, it means the Yeti Piku will soon appear! Five minutes after the message pops up, the Yeti Piku will arrive at its initial spot.

② Take the Frosted Matchlock from Challenge or your regular matchlock and dash to where the Yeti Piku first appears!

③ Once out of the cave, the Yeti Piku will follow its path. It won't attack you until it gets to its final stop.
(Tip! Try attacking Piku while riding your horse!)

④ When Piku arrives at the final spot, the battle begins. Don't drop your guard after beating the Yeti Piku! Two more furious Yeti Pikus will show up and attack!




Defeat Yeti Piku and obtain all these items!

You can obtain all the items below
[Event] Snowfall Seal x5
Sharp Black Crystal Shard x1-3
Hunter's Seal x4-15

Concentrated Magical Black Gem x1-2

Black Gem x3-7

Black Gem Fragment x10-15

You can also obtain the following according to a set probability
[Event] Satiated Piku Horn Decoration

[Event] Skillful Piku Horn Decoration
Advice of Valks(+60)

Advice of Valks(+50)

Advice of Valks(+40)

Advice of Valks(+30)

[Event] Piku Molar
Black Stone x20-30
Cron Stone x1-3
Memory Fragment x1-3
Royal Fern Root x2-5

[ Furniture Items Obtainable from Yeti Piku ]
Obtain the [Event] Satiated Piku Horn Decoration or the [Event] Skillful Piku Horn Decoration and install it in your residence to gain the following effects!
[Event] Satiated Piku Horn Decoration

Item Drop Rate +10%

Combat EXP +50%

Skill EXP +30%

Extra AP Against Monsters +5

Knowledge Gain Chance +10%

Durability: 10, Duration: 180 min

[Event] Skillful Piku Horn Decoration

All Life Skill Mastery +25

Life EXP +30%

Mount EXP +20%

Energy Recovery +1

Max Weight Limit +100LT

Durability: 10, Duration: 180 min

[Event] Piku Molar

Collect 10 and exchange with NPC Lebyos in Heidel for [Event] Satiated Piku Horn Decoration or [Event] Skillful Piku Horn Decoration.

※ You can also exchange with "Snowfall Crasher Merchant" Ayukan during the event.


[Event] Snowfall Seal Exchange List

Item Exchange Limit per Family Required Seal Qty

[[Event] Classic Board (Permanent)

* Use this back outfit to hit the slopes on the Snowfall Crasher with a social action!
1 30

Advice of Valks(+150)
1 50
Cron Stone x500
1 40
Supreme Old Moon Box
1 40

[Event] Snowboard Rack (Residence) 
1 20

[Event] Sweet Potato Roaster (Manor)
1 20

[Event] Goldfish Delight Maker (Manor)
1 20
[Event] Life Enhancement Help Kit III
1 20
[Event] Enhancement Help Kit III
1 20
Sealed Book of Life (7 Days)
1 10
Sealed Book of Combat (7 Days)
1 10
[Event] Lara's Warm Black Tea x5
3 5

Item Collection Increase Scroll x5
3 5

Artisan's Memory x10
3 5

Valks' Cry x10
3 5
Cron Stone
Always Exchangeable 1

Snowfall Crasher Silver Shop - Items for Sale

Selling NPC Item Effects Weekly Purchase Limit per Family Price
"Snowfall Crasher Merchant" Bolormaa

[Event] Snowfall Tteokbokki

Recover 50 Energy upon use

Energy Recovery +1


Duration: 60 min

Cooldown: 60 min

5 1,000,000 Silver
[Event] Snowfall Gimbap

All Life Skill Mastery +25

Life EXP +25%

Movement Speed +5


Duration: 60 min

Cooldown: 60 min

5 1,000,000 Silver
[Event] Snowfall Crispy Bites

Cooking/Alchemy Time -1 sec

Processing Success Rate +10%


Duration: 60 min

Cooldown: 60 min

5 1,000,000 Silver
[Event] Snowfall Noodle Craze

Auto-fishing Time -5%

Chance to Catch Rare Fish +5%


Duration: 180 min

Cooldown: 180 min

2 1,000,000 Silver
[Event] Snowfall Fishcake Frenzy

Mount EXP +30%

Training EXP +20%


Duration: 60 min

Cooldown: 60 min

2 1,000,000 Silver

[Event] Melty Marshmallow Munch

Combat EXP +300%

Skill EXP +50%

Item Drop Rate +10%

* For up to 5 party members.

Duration: 60 min

Cooldown: 60 min

5 10,000,000 Silver

[Event] Cozy Hot Cocoa

Life EXP +50%

Gathering Item Drop Rate +10%

Weight Limit +100LT

* For up to 5 party members.

Duration: 60 min

Cooldown: 60 min

5  10,000,000 Silver

[Event] Roasted Sweet Potato

Extra AP Against Monsters +5

Monster Damage Reduction +5

Critical Hit +2

Combat EXP +300%

Skill EXP +30%

Knowledge Gain Chance +10%

Higher Grade Knowledge Gain Chance +5%

※ Cannot be used with [Event] Honey-roasted Sweet Potato.

Duration: 10 hr

Cooldown: 10 hr

2  10,000,000 Silver

[Event] Goldfish Delight

All Life Skill Mastery +25

Life EXP +25%

Gathering Item Drop Rate +5%

Mount EXP +15%

Auto-fishing Time -10%

Chance to Catch Rare Fish +5%

Weight Limit +50LT

* Cannot be used with [Event] Crispy Goldfish Delight.

Duration: 10 hr

Cooldown: 10 hr

2  10,000,000 Silver
Selling NPC Item Weekly Purchase Limit per Family Price
"Snowfall Crasher Merchant" Ayukan

Marvelous Balacs Lunchbox
3  20,000,000 Silver
Courser's Aura
5  10,000,000 Silver
[Event] Box of 5 Lara's Warm Black Tea
1  10,000,000 Silver
Item Collection Increase Scroll
20  10,000,000 Silver
[Event] Box of 5 Secret Books of Florin
1  10,000,000 Silver
[Event] Box of 5 Giovan Grolin's Support Scrolls
1  10,000,000 Silver
[Event] Magical: Beast's Draught
5  1,000,000 Silver
[Event] Magical: Giant's Draught
5  1,000,000 Silver
[Event] Magical: Verdure Draught
5  1,000,000 Silver
[Event] Magical: Frenzy Draught of Corruption
5  3,000,000 Silver

[Event] Snowboard Rack

[Event] Sweet Potato Roaster

[Event] Goldfish Delights Maker

* Notes
- Unspecified quantities in rewards default to one item. 

- Event details and duration are subject to change or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances. Any changes will be announced on this event page without separate notices. 

- Event items may be restricted in trade, sale, and usage, with varying binding settings per item. Transfer or recovery of these items is not possible. 

- For details on item binding, refer to the in-game item descriptions. 

- Items or rewards, once used, cannot be recovered. 

- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods may lead to cancellation, reward repossession, and game access restrictions. 

- For any questions or concerns regarding the event, please contact [Support]

- Any content not specified on this page is subject to the [Black Desert Event Rules]

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Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.