Known Issues
Greetings Adventurers,
This is a list of in-game known issues that are currently being investigated.
We are working to resolve these issues as soon as possible and apologize for any inconveniences you may have experienced.
We will continuously update this notice as issues are discovered and resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Current Known Issues
- This issue is scheduled to be fixed during next week's live server maintenance.
● Ships checked in at the Kuit Islands before the Feb 6 (Thu) maintenance cannot be retrieved.
- If you are experiencing this issue, please contact Support to receive assistance in retrieving your ship.
- The "Change Pet Name" button is located 4th from the top in the UI displayed after selecting a pet for Gamepad UI mode. The function to change the pet's name is working correctly.
● Character controls become unresponsive if a Bonus Quest is accepted while selling fish one by one from your Owned Items list after successfully bargaining with a Trade Manager.
- Please move to the Character Selection screen and reconnect to regain character control if this issue occurs.
※ This issue is scheduled to be fixed during the Feb 13 (Thu) maintenance.
● Incorrect information is being displayed when hovering over the Guild (G) - Guild Member Status - 'Apply' (for participating in Node War) button. Please refer to the correct information below.
- Occupation Mode Node War: Participation can be changed at any time after applying. However, you cannot cancel participation within 15 minutes before the Node War begins.
- Construction Mode Node/Conquest War: Participation can be changed at any time on the server after building the fort. However, you cannot cancel participation while the Node/Conquest War is in progress.
- Occupation Mode Node War: If you cancel participation, participation for all guild/alliance members will be cancelled as well.
- Construction Mode Node/Conquest War: If the fort is dismantled, participation for all guild/alliance members will be cancelled as well.
● The information displayed in the Contribution UI does not accurately reflect current Contribution Points.
- Please be advised that your Family's actual Karma will not decrease.
● During Node/Conquest War, certain areas deemed Combat Zones following the Oct 24 maintenance, will still display Safe Zone messages and alerts.
- Zone change messages and character highlight colors
- Region name colors on the minimap
※ For details on Safe Zones during the Node/Conquest War, check the [Patch Notes - Oct 24, 2024]. Note that other areas will be applied as combat zones during Node/Conquest War.
● For Dusa's Awakening questline, using a normal character (non-season character) and equipping a +0 - +15 enhancement level Tuvala Enlightened Blade during Dusa's Awakening tutorial causes it to not be completable.
● Containers installed in residences are not appearing in the list of the Contribution Point Usage UI.
● Exclusive titles for Conquest War are not obtainable in certain situations.
- If you've met the kill count requirements (100, 180, 300) but still haven't received your titles, please contact Support through a 1:1 inquiry.
● Clorince's Bag and Liana's Tool Bag cannot be used or moved in certain situations.
- If you cannot use Clorince's Bag or Liana's Tool Bag, please submit an inquiry via Support.
● We are aware of the issue where "Private/Personal Trade" is not possible when using the gamepad UI.
● We are aware of the issue where AP is not reduced normally when it rains or snows.
● We are aware of the issue where having your internet connection disconnected while waiting in the Arena of Arsha causes you to be stuck on the loading screen when trying to re-access the Arena of Arsha from the ESC menu → Arena of Arsha.
● We are aware of the issue where you cannot level up when receiving EXP as a quest reward at level 59 99.99%.
● We are aware of the issue where you sporadically do not obtain gathering materials while Water Scooping.
Resolved Issues
- This issue will be fixed with the February 6 (Thu) maintenance.
● The effects of certain buff items are being applied multiple times in certain situations. As a temporary measure, the following items have been made unavailable, and any active effects will also be removed.
- [Event] Melty Marshmallow Munch, [Event] Cozy Hot Cocoa, [Event] Blessing of Flame
- It is not possible to use Party Summoning Scrolls while one of the items above is in your inventory.
- If you are experiencing this issue, please move the items into your storage before using the Summoning Scroll.
※ This issue will be fixed during the Feb 6 (Thu) maintenance.
● Mount EXP gain is currently capped at 400%.
- This cap will be increased to a maximum of 1,000% during the Feb 6 (Thu) maintenance.
* With recent content updates, including new items and Hot Time events that offer extra Mount EXP, interest in Training has significantly increased. Therefore, alongside the Feb 6 update, we are also preparing to introduce additional Training buff items and Hot Time events.
● With the update on Jan 23 (Thu), we've made the mount stat grade criteria clearer. We are now investigating confusion caused by average growth stat grades, previously rounded at the third decimal place.
- We're identifying affected adventurers and will compensate by reissuing the items used.
● Selling the following trade items in certain situation can lead to incorrect trade experience gain, and have been temporarily disabled.
- Magical Mandragora, Witch's Poison Herb, Saffron with Strong Scent, Fantastic Blue Rose, Moonlit Evening Primrose, Medicinal Autumn Bellflower
※ We are investigating cases of abnormal trade level increase and will provide further information once the investigation is complete. Cases with adventurers who are found to have abused this will be handled in accordance with the operational policy.
● The object for movement placed at the bottom of the Snowfall Crasher snowboard slope sometimes does not work.
- If you fall below the slope while mounted on a board, please note that you can use the [Event] Snowfall Flare provided via Mail (B) to move back up the slope.
● Fishing in certain areas of the Snowfall Crasher region may cause hypothermia.
- This issue will be fixed during the Jan 23 (Thu) maintenance.
- Contact Support if you experience any penalties such as crystal destruction or EXP decrease due to this issue.
● The description of the "[Event] Plump Chilly Smelt" item indicates Lando instead of Crio as the "Exchange NPC".
- This issue will be fixed with the January 23, 2025 maintenance.
● Unchecking "All" for quest type in the Quests (O) window while in The Magnus crashes the game client.
● The Auto-fishing Time reduction effect from the Manos/Crio/Loggia Fishing Chair is not being applied.
● The descriptions of the following items have been found to contain duplicate phrases. This issue will be fixed on Jan 16.
- [Striker] Noonbora Box
- [Striker] Noonbora Box (Papu)
- [Striker] Noonbora Box (Otter)
- [Striker] Noonbora Box (Black Spirit)
- [Mystic] Noonbora Box
- [Mystic] Noonbora Box (Papu)
- [Mystic] Noonbora Box (Otter)
- [Mystic] Noonbora Box (Black Spirit)
● Clicking on "Guild Funds" in the Guild Storage UI accessed through the Guild (G) window may cause the client to crash.
- Adventurers are advised to avoid interacting with "Guild Funds" at this time. Please note that no actual Guild Funds are being withdrawn in this process.
- The remaining progress records for simplified quests on characters who completed the Balenos region main quests will be deleted in a future update.
● Tuvala Accessory item descriptions display the incorrect quest reward.
- You can bring a DEC (X) Tuvala Accessory to Fughar to exchange it for a TET (IV) Kharazad Accessory.
- This issue will be fixed during the Jan 9, 2025 (Thu) maintenance.
● Due to an abnormal Fitness EXP effects from the Ancient Book of Combat/Life, we have temporarily discontinued the sale of the [2025] New Year's Adventure Pack II from the Pearl Store on Jan 2 (Thu).
- In addition, the Ancient Book of Combat/Life have been temporarily disabled.
※ We will distribute replacements for the Sealed Ancient Book of Combat/Life you used after the Jan 2 (Thu) maintenance. These replacements will be delivered to your Mail (B) following the Jan 9 (Thu) maintenance and will function as intended.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please submit them through [Support].
● Pressing the retry button after your character has died in the Black Shrine while a monster's attack is still ongoing may lead to your character dying again, resulting in a death penalty.
● When certain accessory items listed for sale are sold, the sale notification displayed at the bottom right shows unnatural item names.
● After the maintenance on December 19 (Thu), some Mounts' Skill Level has decreased by approximately 1-3%.
- This issue will be fixed and the Skill Level of the affected Mounts will be changed back to the original level with the maintenance on January 2 (Thu).
● When returning to the Character Selection screen from Customization, the Show Head Gear and Show Face Accessories buttons remain displayed on the screen.
● Completing the Blackstar Main Weapon crafting quest with Deadeye rewards Blackstar Revolvers that cannot be registered on the Central Market.
- This issue will be fixed during the Jan 2 (Thu) maintenance. Any untradable Blackstar Revolvers obtained from this quest will be exchanged for the proper item.
● [Deadeye] Narchillan weapons cannot be manufactured with Narchillan Processing Stones (Main/Awakening/Sub-weapons). - This issue will be fixed during the Jan 2 (Tue) maintenance next week.
● [Indonesian] Description of the Tuvala Earring for non-seasonal characters incorrectly states it as a ring.
- This issue is scheduled to be fixed during the Jan 2, 2025 (Thu) maintenance.
● The "Krogdalo's Sanctuary" crafting quest is currently unavailable with the Mythical Horse obtained from the "[Event] Choose Your Mythical Horse Box."
● [Deadeye] Unable to exchange Beginner Black Stone for Naru Lil' Devil with NPC Fughar.
● The class skill guide does not appear during the tutorial with Deadeye.
● Fixed the issue where you could not get Twitch Drops rewards on Dec 14 (Sat) and 16 (Mon).
- Adventurers who met the event condition on those days can claim their Twitch Drops rewards.
- Knowledge of both Seoul and Morning Light - Nampo's Moodle Village unlearned
- Knowledge of both Abyssal Veins - Seoul and Abyssal Veins - Morning Light unlearned
- Please note that deaths caused by this issue will not be penalized.
● Apocros' location occasionally appears abnormally in Syca's Glare.
● Entering, leaving, and/or re-attempting the Magnus (abyssal veins) deactivates quest type settings and prevents you from accepting the Magnus Main quests.
- Check "All" for Quest Type in the Quest (O) window to be able to accept the quests.
● Quests with requirements and objectives linked to items in the Manage Currency UI cannot be completed.
- Affected quests: [Weekly Training] Imperial Horse Delivery, Grand Prix Vera's Scroll, [Manor] Northern Heidel Gothic Fountain, [Miniature Elephant] Permit from the Merchant League.
● [Warrior, Ranger, Sorceress, Berserker] We are aware of the issue where an uncomputable Succession questline appears in an unaccepted state in the Quest window (O) for a character that completed the Succession quests before the Awakening & Succession questlines were combined.
● We are aware of the issue where the minimap marks are sometimes incorrect.
● We are aware of the issue where the gauge of Black Spirit's Rage shows a negative value and often does not change.
- This issue is resolved after you log in again.
● We are aware of the issue where certain crafting information is displayed in the Korean language in Crafting Notes.
● We are aware of the issue where the background terrain appears abnormally when the direction of the camera changes.
● We are aware of the issue where the Stable button located on the lower right screen on World Map(M) does not work at Rock Post.
● Cannot smoothly progress through the [Tale] The Dokkebi Brothers - In Search of the Jade Ring quest that is available in Godu Village.
● Cannot interact (harvest, plant breeding, etc.) with Magical Seeds planted on fences if you're below Farming Artisan 1.
- Mediah: Abandoned Iron Mine
- Balenos: Casta Farm
● [Occupation Node War] A tier 3 neutral fort in the Balenos & Serendia Territory Group is not being created under the following conditions:
- When more than 6 guilds (alliances) participate in the Balenos Territory and the Node War area is Casta Farm or Terrmian Cliff.
● Certain quests in the "[Mediah] [II] Rebuilding the Merchant Guild" questline cannot be completed as intended. As a temporary measure, these quests have been disabled. If you have already started the questline, please follow the steps below:
- Accept the "[Mediah] Meaning of Trust" quest and reconnect to complete it. The next quest, "[Mediah] Temporary Alliance" will then be accepted.
- Accept the "[Mediah] Maudi Budar's Whereabouts" quest and reconnect to complete it. The next quest, "[Mediah] Symbol of a Secret Alliance" will then be accepted.
- This issue will be fixed during the Nov 28 (Thu) maintenance.
● [Warrior/Sorceress/Ranger/Berserker] The Lil' Otter Fishing Carrier is visible in Customization (F4).
● The Lil' Otter Fishing Carrier is visible when swimming for certain classes.
- Temporary Measure Duration: 20:50 ~ 22:00 (GMT+8)
- Items Affected: Certain combinable scroll items such as Ancient Relic Crystal Summon Scroll and Pila Fe Scroll.
● We have identified a discrepancy in the price of the new prize catch fish compared to the price listed in the Nov 14, 2024 (Thu) update notice.
- This issue is scheduled to be fixed during the Nov 21, 2024 (Thu) maintenance.
- The price difference for new prize catch fish sold between Nov 14 (after maintenance) and Nov 21 (before maintenance) will be compensated during the Nov 21 (Thu) maintenance.
● The Barter Refresh Points aren't resetting at 6 AM.
- To fix this, go to the Character Selection window after 6 AM.
- This issue will be fixed during the Nov 14 (Thu) maintenance.
● Incorrect naming rules are displayed when creating a new character in "gamepad UI mode."
● Karma may decrease when subjugating World Bosses with certain classes.
● The minimap is flickering in certain situations.
● If a worker that has reached Lv. 40 and learned the Delivery skill is promoted and becomes Lv. 1, they cannot be assigned to previous tasks they already did.
- Temporarily assigning affected workers to a residence/node where they were not previously working at will allow you to assign them to the previous tasks again.
- This issue is scheduled to be fixed during the Oct 31, 2024 (Thu) maintenance.
● Hwacha and Flame Towers installed in the Balenos/Serendia Node War Territory Group cannot be upgraded.
● The Guild Rankings UI's Territory/Node column is abnormally displaying conquered territory marks.
- This will be fixed during the Oct 24, 2024 (Thu) maintenance.
● Progressing through the [Balenos] Forest Wolves quest is abnormal after the Oct 17, 2024 (Thu) maintenance.
- As a temporary solution, you must move to the Character Selection screen and reconnect after having accepted the quest to automatically complete it. This issue will be fixed during the Oct 24, 2024 (Thu) maintenance.
● If you discarded Dusa's Awakening weapon needed for the skill tutorial during the "[Dusa Awakening] Hello Suffering, Old Friend" quest, you won't be able to continue the quest.
- To ensure smooth quest progress, we have prepared the following coupon to acquire the "Canon Enlightened Blade."
- Valid Until: Before the Oct 17 (Thu) maintenance
※ Since the Canon weapon binds to the character upon acquisition, please collect the item with Dusa currently progressing the quest.
※ This issue will be fixed during the Oct 17 (Thu) maintenance.
● [Dusa] Elements: Generate's skill description displays abnormal information regarding the order of Generative skills.
- The description should read as follows.
"Wood fuels fire." (Fire --> Wood)
"Fire enriches earth with ashes." (Earth --> Fire)
"Earth bears metal." (Metal --> Earth)
"Metal collects condensating water. (Water --> Metal)
"Water nurtures wood." (Wood --> Water)
- The abnormal information will be removed during the Oct 17 (Thu) maintenance.
● Clicking the Guild (G) - Update Guild Member Status button when the Guild Manor is already set up causes the Guild Manor to reset.
- If you experience this issue, you can set the Guild Manor to another guild member's manor and then revert it back to the original manor.
● Using the Escape function in the Guild Manor relocates you to a location near the manor instead of the original entry point.
* You can enter the Guild Manor by selecting the Guild Manor Entrance Button via the Guild (G) menu and exit by using the Manor entrance door.
● An unnatural object is floating in the air at a specific location in the Sherekhan Necropolis region.
- This issue occurs when a party member enters Syca's Glare before the party leader interacts with the Sol Magia to move to Syca's Glare. To avoid this, we kindly ask party members to stay close to the party leader instead of heading to Syca's Glare on their own.
● When wearing the Memento Mori Helmet, the eyepatch part may appear unnatural with certain customizations.
● If you forfeit the "[Dusa Awakening] Echo of Sangdo School" quest or exit the NPC conversation during the quest, you will no longer be able to continue the Dusa Awakening quest.
- Follow the quest navigation guide to find the Echo of Sangdo School, then interact with it to proceed with the quest.
● The "PRI (I) Tuvala Enlightened Blade," obtained as a quest reward from "[Dusa Awakening] That Day in Sangdo School," cannot be equipped by Season Characters.
- You can still equip the "Canon Enlightened Blade" to proceed with the Dusa Awakening questline.
● The item "PRI: Tuvala Enlightened Blade" obtained as a reward during the Dusa Awakening questline for Season Characters, cannot be equipped, inhibiting quest progression.
- As a temporary fix, either exchange and enhance a new "PRI (I) Tuvala Enlightened Blade" via a blacksmith in any major city, or graduate from the season, then equip the Tuvala weapon to complete the questline.
● Pearl outfits and their item icons worn by your Dusa appear to be missing after returning from certain cutscenes.
- Relog into the game or wear another Pearl outfit to make them appear again.
● The incorrect Guild Information page appears when using the search function and clicking on a displayed guild name in the Guild Rankings menu.
● Clicking the Season++ banner displayed in the Challenge (Y) and End Game windows does not link to the GM Note.
● During the [Deposed Crown Prince] Puppet or Hidden Dragon quest, certain attack patterns may cause the death penalty to apply when your character dies.
- If you experience a death penalty due to this issue, the losses (destroyed crystals, EXP loss) incurred will be restored during the maintenance on September 26 (Thu).
● Images and text at the bottom of the Collection of Tales UI do not match on page 2 of Morning Light I.
● Clicking on the Tale of Imoogi in the Collection of Tales UI does not display the adventure log, even after having completed the tale.
- Knowledge obtained from this NPC and the NPC will be deleted during the Sept 26 (Thu) maintenance.
● Cannot interact with the object required to teleport and proceed with the quest during "[Atoraxxion] Ancients' Record."
● Certain items rented with Contribution Points, such as the drum and flute, are displayed incorrectly in the "Contribution Point Usage Info UI."
● In the "The Boss is Late" quest, the "Soldier's Corpse" vanishes, making it impossible to progress the quest.
● Cannot select Horse Breeding Reset (Female) x10 multiple times from the [SUMMER WEEK 4] Mount Variety Pack.
- If you wish to purchase this pack, please select another item in addition to Horse Breeding Reset (Female) x10.
● [Corsair] Some characters cannot change their skill add-ons.
- This issue will be fixed during the Sept 5 (Thu) maintenance.
● When the summoning of
● [Wizard] Super Armor buff is applied during the last action of "Flow: Magical Evasion" even during the skill's cooldown.
● [Ninja] Using "Black Spirit: Sura ChaoSpree" with less than 50% of Black Spirit's Rage does not activate the skill, but its effect and sound is triggered.
● The NPC "Kamasylve Priestess" for the "[Supply] Energizing Cuppa" general quest vanishes, making it impossible to proceed with the quest.
● The camera behaves abnormally in certain situations.
● If the quest "[Crow's Nest] Time-catching Ghost" has already been completed, you cannot complete Adventure Log - Fughar's Road to Success Volume 3, Chapter 2.
- This issue will be fixed with the Aug 14 (Wed) maintenance.
● When a Supply Depot is built in a region where a Fort is not activated during a Node War, a mount that has died cannot be recovered.
- This issue will be fixed during the July 10, 2024 (Wed) maintenance.
- The [Scholar] class can indeed open the [Event] Succession Classic Box without any issues.
- Forward Guard will only apply at the start of the skills (as described) when fixed during the August 1 (Thu) maintenance.
● [Berserker] Giant Leap - Backstep combos aren't smooth.
● [Lahn] Binding Chains - Cannot combo into Fatal Attraction from attack 2 after certain skills.
● [Witch] Ultimate: Teleport - Pressing S + C with your staff also triggers the cooldown.
● Exquisite Cron Meal incorrectly lists Special Attack Evasion Rate as an effect in its item description. - The meal not granting the effect is working as intended, and the description will be fixed during the Aug 1 (Thu) maintenance.
● If "Lightstone of Earth: Disrupt" was sold before the July 24, 2024 (Wed) maintenance, and Silver from its sale was not collected, the Central Market may not be functioning normally.
- As a temporary measure, the item has been removed from the sale list to ensure the smooth operation of the Central Market.
- Uncollected Silver from sales will be sent after maintenance on Aug 1 (Thu).
● Cannot receive refund of the War of the Roses participation fee if you have no Silver in your inventory.
- This issue will be fixed during the Aug 1 (Thu) maintenance.
● A Guild Master cannot directly appoint a Guild Member as the new Guild Master. - This issue will be fixed during the July 25 (Thu) maintenance.
● Promoting a Clan to Guild causes certain guild functions to not function normally for the Guild Master.
● Cannot use the same character name even after 3 minutes have passed since deleting a season character.
● Upon entering the Sea Palace, the minimap displays "Margoria".
● [Dusa] Unique idle animation is not available when wearing Treant and Desert Camouflage.
- This issue will be fixed during the July 18 (Thur) maintenance.
● [Dusa] Exclusive effect is not available when wearing Treant and Desert Camouflage.
- This issue will be fixed during the July 18 (Thur) maintenance.
● The Seal of Solare exchange for Chilling Fragments is not working properly in the Manage Currency window.
- Any missing Chilling Fragments will be restored after the July 18 (Thur) maintenance.
● Guild League inactivity penalties are still being applied even though the Guild League trial period has ended.
- Scores decreased due to the inactivity penalty after the trial period ended will be returned to normal during the maintenance on July 17 (Wed).
● When equipping only the 'Sielos Armor' outfit on certain classes, the character's hand is displayed abnormally.
- Please note guilds that received additional Guild Funds will have the incorrectly sent funds deducted during the July 10 (Wed) maintenance.
● The Dusa class cannot complete the objective for the "[Serendia II] Longing for Priola" quest. - This issue will be fixed during the July 10 (Wed) maintenance.
● The Tuvala Pendant awarded for completion of Dusa's Succession quests is not enhanced instead of the intended PRI (I).
- For your progression, the following coupon will grant Time-filled Black Stone x1,000 to enhance this item.
- Coupon Code: 0703-NEWC-LASS-DUSA / Coupon Validity: Until the July 10 maintenance
- The Tuvala Pendant will be converted into a Tuvala Awakening Weapon when the Dusa's Awakening is released. While it is unequippable, it can be enhanced up to PEN (V).
● "A Whole New Me" in the Season Pass cannot be completed after completing Dusa's succession quests, so it has been temporarily changed to be auto-completed.
● [Mystic] Flow: Prey Hunt sometimes fails to activate, even with 3 Martial Spirit Shards, after Crouching Wolf following Tidal Burst in Awakening.
● [Wizard] After summoning a summon and using Cataclysm the extra attack is not applied (Awakening).
● [Maehwa] The visual effect of Prime: Petal Swirl is displayed smaller compared to the attack area.
● [Striker] No damage is applied and the effect appears abnormal when chaining Wolf's Fang into Wolf's Explosive Fangs.
● [Warrior] Deep Ground Slash does not activate on Ground Slash hits.
● The skill add-on buffs aren't being applied for the following skills:
- [Nova] Prime: Bitter Reign / [Woosa] Prime: Stormfall / [Awakening Berserker] Devastation
● [Lahn] The Bound debuff of Deadly Dance is not applied to extra attacks after the first hit (Awakening).
● [Ninja] The Attack Speed increase buff from Prime: Shadow Slash is also being applied to the targets who are hit.
● Kaia Necklace and Chimera's Pupil Gem can be purchased from Armor Vendor Mandolf in Trent.
- These items will be made unavailable and removed during the June 26 (Wed) maintenance.
● If the client crashes while entering the Trials of Erethea, the message "Unable to re-enter. You have other team member(s) still in the Trial of Erethea" is intermittently displayed and you are unable to re-enter the area.
- If you are unable to proceed with the Trial of Erethea content due to this issue, please send an inquiry through customer support.
● Entering, leaving, and/or re-attempting the Magnus (abyssal veins) deactivates quest type settings and prevents you from accepting the Magnus Main quests.
- Check "All" for Quest Type in the Quest (O) window to be able to accept the quests.
● Due to an error message displaying, some adventurers could not equip a Conquest War title.
- To resolve this, please go to the Character Selection window or restart the game.
● The quests "[The Magnus] Pendulum Goes Tick-tock" and "[The Magnus] Scarlet Thread" are currently unavailable.
- This issue will be fixed during the June 19, 2024 (Wed) maintenance.
● If a member who is not the guild master participates in the "Guild Auction House Bid" with the given authority, the bid will be marked as "Auction Finished" in the My Bid List of the auction window. This will result in the inability to use the guild house or withdraw the bid price.
※ This issue occurs when a guild member, not the guild master, participates in the guild house auction. To ensure a smooth guild house auction, please have the guild master participate in the auction.
● Names and functions are not displayed correctly when setting guild authorities.
● Terdapat isu di mana text pada beberapa halaman Adventure Log pavino Greko Jilid 3 terlihat tidak natural.
- The correct EXP will be restored during next week's maintenance.
- This issue will be fixed with a future update.
● Appearances for Warrior cannot be saved in the Beauty Album.
- This issue will be fixed during the May 14 (Tue) maintenance.
- This will be fixed with the maintenance on April 24, 2024.
● The "[Manor] [Daily] For Future Musicians" quest cannot be completed, due to it requiring an item that is not obtainable.
- This will be fixed with the maintenance on April 24, 2024.
● Pressing the R key repeatedly to accept quests from NPCs that also offer item exchanges causes the immediate exchange of the item at the top of the exchange list.
- This issue only occurs when you have the items required to make exchanges with the NPC.
● [Female Classes] Campus Blossom armor has the text "Wearing this armor will hide your underwear and swimwear." included in its description.
- Wearing the armor does not hide your underwear or swimwear and you can check this from the description of the outfit in the Pearl Shop (F3).
- This issue will be fixed during maintenance on Apr 3 (Wed).
● The number of [Event] Jetina's Certificate Seals owned is not displayed correctly in the Old Moon Guild ADV Lesson UI.
● [Co-op] Defeat Darkened Boss I/II quest cannot be accepted when using the Darkened Boss Summon Scroll I/II.
- Those unable to obtain the quest reward Darkened Boss Bundle I/II because of this issue will receive it via Mail (B) on Mar 28 (Thu).
● In certain situations, a "Your mount is too heavy." message is displayed when checking a mount into a stable or wharf without exceeding the weight limit.
● Some adventurers received fewer rewards than expected for every 10 Guild League victories from the "[Extended] Seize Victory and Obtain Lightstone of Fire!" event.
- The missing rewards will be distributed via Mail (B) on Mar 28 (Thu).
- This issue will be fixed during Mar 27 (Wed) maintenance.
- [Weapon] Exchange Boss's Latent Aura for a Concentrated Boss Crystal
- This issue will be fixed during the Mar 20 maintenance.
● 15-day Value Pack benefits for returning adventurers are not being applied correctly.
- This will be fixed during maintenance on Mar 20 (Wed). This will allow any affected returning adventurers to correctly receive benefits.
● [Weapon] Exchange Boss's Latent Aura for a Concentrated Boss Crystal cannot be completed in the Guaranteed Enhancement category of the Progression Pass
- This will be fixed during maintenance on Mar 20 (Wed).
● The list of obtainable items displayed when right-clicking the [Event] Special ADV Manual Box is incorrect.
- This issue will be fixed during the Mar 20 maintenance.
- This issue will be fixed during the Mar 13 (Wed) maintenance.
- Due to this issue, we have temporarily disabled the usage of the affected items.
- If you have any of the affected items in your Inventory, you are not able to use Party Summoning Scrolls.
- Please move the [Combat] Trina Demolition Axe or [Combat] Trina Matchlock from your Inventory to your Storage if you wish to use a Party Summoning Scroll.
- This issue will be fixed during the Feb 28, 2024 (Wed) maintenance.
● The following quests have incorrect acceptance conditions. This issue will be fixed during the Feb 14 maintenance.
- Suggested quest: [Combat] [Lv.56] PEN (V) Gear - The Old Moon's Best Deal
- Progression Pass quest: [Quest] Complete Old Moon Guild's Trade Offer
● The following pet's display location in the Pearl Shop (F3) is abnormal.
- Young Azure Dragon Pack IV - Young Azure Dragon (Taunt Monster): Weight Limit Increase
● Clicking a certian part of the Hystria Ruins icon on the world map (M) sometimes shuts down the game client.
● When using the Happy Papu emoji, the Happy Black Spirit emoji appears instead.
- This will be fixed during Jan 24, 2024 (Wed) maintenance.
● Adventurers participating in a conquest war do not get the non-participant penalty when entering a conquerable area of another territory before their conquest war ends.
● Some CC effects are incorrectly applied to the following skills:
- [Striker] Echo Spirit incorrectly applies Stun effect in PvP.
- [Woosa] Stun and Knockdown effects are not applied by Sari Flowers with Bloomburst and Bloom Deluge in PvP.
● During Node War certain stats of the guild members of Alliances are lower than intended.
- We're currently working on a fix for this issue.
- This will be fixed during the Jan 17 maintenance and you will be able to complete it after.
● We are aware of the issue where the Board button does not appear after disembarking from a ship.
- The Board function can also be used through the anchor icon found at the top left of the screen.
● The number of remaining recoveries for the "Restore Crystals" function may not display correctly in certain circumstances after being refreshed on January 1, 2024.
- The function will still work correctly and the actual number of recoveries remaining will be updated after reconnecting or switching servers.
● Descriptions of some reward items from the Black Shrine Boss Blitz do not include Deboreka Earring.
- Please note that Deboreka Earring is included in the drop tables as intended and is unaffected by this issue.
- This issue will be fixed during the Jan 3, 2024 (Wed) maintenance.
● Processing (L) an Artifact item with "Ancient Power - Red Shard" and "Ancient Seal – Black Shard" while using the "Process all identical items" option selected causes the "Ancient Power - Red Shard" and "Ancient Seal – Black Shard" to only be part of the Simple Alchemy processing for the first time and not for the subsequent times.
- After the first time, only the Artifact item will be processed via Simple Alchemy. If you wish to include the "Ancient Power - Red Shard" and "Ancient Seal – Black Shard" as well, please deactivate the "Process all identical items" option.
● The new class "Scholar" cannot progress through the Ulukita main questline.
- This issue will be resolved during Dec 27, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
● "[Scholar Ascension] Towards Hidden Memories" quest cannot be accepted from the Black Spirit.
- This quest can be accepted from the recording device after the cutscene ends.
● Cannot progress some quests with [Black Market] Patrigio.
- This will be fixed during the Dec 27, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
● Scholar's "Action Reaction" skill applies incorrect figures for its All Accuracy Rate increase effect.
● The icon for Black Spirit: Potential Energy I is not displaying.
- The above items will be resolved during Dec 27 (Wed) maintenance.
● The TET (IV) Blackstar weapon related challenge is not being completed when a season character graduates right after meeting the requirements.
- This issue can be resolved by re-logging in with the season character that has met the requirements. This will be fixed with next week's maintenance.
● When wearing the Grandpa Cron's Helper Outfit Set, the gloves slot does not count towards the Outfit Slot Equip Effect (8 Parts).
- This issue will be fixed during the Dec 27 (Wed) maintenance.
● Certain adventurers have been issued additional "Contribution Points" when refunded those invested during a production node event (Finto Farm Warehouse, etc.).
- Additional CP will be removed during the Dec 27 (Wed) maintenance.
● The following chair items' appearance are not displayed when used by [Scholar].
- [Event] Sturdy Chair, Snow White Halloween Chair, Golden Halloween Chair, Classic Halloween Chair
● Weapon Exchange Coupon and Item Copy does not work on certain [Scholar] class's ascension weapons.
- Fiery Dandelion Sledgehammer, Dragon Slayer Sledgehammer, Fiery Dragon Slayer Sledgehammer, Sledgehammer of Fusion, Ultimate Sledgehammer of Fusion, Sledgehammer of Fission, Ultimate Sledgehammer of Fission.
- This issue will be fixed with the Dec 13 (Wed) maintenance.
● We have verified that you cannot disconnect your connected Twitch account when using a Steam account.
● In Murrowak's Labyrinth,
- These items will be available again after the next maintenance, and the remaining and newly added quantities will be combined so that you can submit the same number of total entries.
- Items on hold: Rare Cron Stone Bundle, Cron Stone, Combat/Skill EXP Exchange Coupon, Advice of Valks (+120), Mount Skill Change Coupon, Theiah's Orb, Artisan's Memory.
- If you've been moved to this location via the Witch Awakening quest NPC "Unknown Pattern", you can continue the quest after using the Menu (ESC) - Escape function.
- This issue will be fixed with the Nov 22 (Wed) maintenance.
- This issue will be fixed with the Nov 8 (Wed) maintenance.
- This will be fixed with the Nov 8 (Wed) maintenance.
- This will be fixed on the Nov 1 (Wed) maintenance.
● Some voice lines are not being played when Black Shrine bosses are defeated.
- This issue will be fixed during the Oct 18, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
● The item description of the [Event] All-new ADV Support Box is incorrect.
- Using this item will net you with 5,000 Contribution EXP.
- This issue will be fixed during the Oct 11 (Wed) maintenance.
● Able to use the Miraculous Nourishing Soup and Iridescent Maehwa Liquor items repeatedly under certain circumstances.
(These items have been temporarily disabled from use.)
- The effects obtained from stacking the Miraculous Nourishing Soup, Iridescent Maehwa Liquor items have been removed through the latest update.
- You will be able to exchange the [Event] New Friends Seal [Once per Family] from Oct 11 (Wed) onwards.
※ The [Event] New Friends Seal [Once per Family] exchange has ended during the Sept 26 (Tue) maintenance.
- The skill's damage in-game is correctly reduced by 35.4% as mentioned in the Sept 13 (Wed) patch notes.
- This tooltip will be fixed during the Sept 26 (Tues) maintenance.
- In this case, you can still log in and play the game normally with a regular Black Desert account that is connected to an social media account, but not with a Facebook account.
- This issue will be fixed with the Sept 20, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
- [Season] Coelacanth will officially be changed to Plump Coelacanth during the Sept 20 (Wed) maintenance.
● You can currently reaccept and complete the [Special Gift] Traveling Light I and II quests even upon initial completion.
- You can only use the Value Pack (1 Day) and Value Pack (7 Days) quest rewards once per Family.
- Boulder Golem, Rock Golem, Indomitable Golem
- The precise spawn time of world bosses can be viewed in [Adventurer's Guide - World Bosses] and by pressing the world boss notification
- Adventurers who have previously discarded these items will find them restored and placed in their first inventory slot.
● Confirmed the descriptions of some pets' item pickup time in the Pearl Shop (F3) did not match the actual time.
- The time has been changed to be set to Lv. 10 through the July 5 (Wed) update, regardless of their tiers.
- Please note that the actual item pickup is correctly applied based on Lv. 10, unlike the descriptions.
- This issue will be fixed during the August 23, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
- Sequential maintenance will be done to fix the Cron Stone shop prices. Please note that connection to all servers may be temporarily unavailable during maintenance in order for you to update the client. Please check the maintenance notice for more details.
● We are investigating the issue with not being able to claim weekly rewards from Black Shrine.
- Please ensure that you have sufficient weight & inventory before claiming the rewards.
- More detailed information will be announced via Official Website.
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on Aug 2 (Wed).
- With the July 26 (Wed) maintenance, some Black Shrine Boss Blitz weekly rewards will have up to DUO (II) Deboreka Earrings added to their reward table.
- Thus, this temporary measure is to give adventurers who've cleared this week's Black Shrine Boss Blitz a chance to obtain the newly added rewards.
※ Please note that Black Shrine Boss Blitz weekly rewards will be obtainable as before after July 23 (Sun) 00:00.
● When players immediately convert to Tuvala gear without equipping the PEN (V) Naru Main Weapon, the option to Chat (W) with the Black Spirit to complete the Season Pass quest "Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 6" is not displayed in certain situations.
● During Fox's Gift II, the Woosa and Maegu Awakening quest, it has been confirmed that the cutscene restarted instead of moving to the quest location, Shinhyang, when there was not enough space in the inventory.
- If this issue occurs, please secure at least 4 or more empty slots in your inventory so that you can proceed with the Awakening quest properly.
- "[Event] What's in the Cards for Today?" resets every day at midnight, and after the reset, you can proceed with the quests, "[Event] The Best Taste" and "[Event] 2023 FESTA: With Gratitude."
- Quest rewards that were not obtained due to this issue will be given out during the maintenance on July 12 (Wed).
- To meet the quest target, Old Lady Birigongdeok, you need to dismount and return to the path you came from in order to proceed normally.
● Confirmed the Skill Add-on level for [Maegu] Foxflare Fleche has been set to Tier 1.
● Certain NPCs that are in the cutscenes in the Land of the Morning Light get displayed abnormally after the cutscene ends.- This will be fixed to Tier 2 during July 12 (Wed) maintenance.
● The daily quest [Event] What's in the Cards for Today? is resetting again at 010:00.
This issue will be fixed during the July 5 maintenance.
- Please note that Prankkebi's skills and effect remain unaffected by this issue.
● Workers stop working despite having Stamina left.
● A certain quest group name, newly added during the maintenance on May 24, 2023 (Wed), is not displayed in the Quests (O) window.
- The quest can still be completed normally, and this issue is scheduled to be fixed during the maintenance on May 31, 2023 (Wed).
● There is a known issue where players are unable to use the Fughar's Timepiece despite meeting the requirements.
This is scheduled to be resolved during the May 31 (Wed) maintenance.
● Unnatural presentation during the completion of the quest [Oduksini] As a Friend in the Land of the Morning Light.
- This issue is scheduled to be fixed during the maintenance on Jun 21 (Wed).
● When opening any [Event] Deokman's Sack, purchasable from Peddler Deokman's shop, the item acquisition message appears unnatural.
● We have identified an issue where the battle with Sangoon is not functioning properly during the progress of the LoML main quest [Sangoon] In Defying the Decree of Ahshi, which is available from characters Lv. 56 and up. As a temporary measure, the quest will be immediately completed upon accepting it.
- We would like to inform you that if you start your adventure in the Morning Light or engage in battles with Sangoon in the Black Shrine, the battle with Sangoon will proceed normally.
● Scrolling in the Family Inventory does not work when moving items into the Family Inventory.
- This issue is scheduled to be fixed during the maintenance on June 7, 2023 (Wed).
● The node investment UI does not function in certain situations when using the Gamepad UI.
- This will be resolved during the June 21, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
● The quest navigation for the first and second [Duoksini] For the Dokkebi quest objectives are switched, as well as the third and fourth quest objectives.
- Regardless of the completion mark on the World Map (M), you can complete the quest by visiting the four quest objective points, and this issue will be fixed during the maintenance on Jun 21 (Wed).
● [Maegu] The Fox spirit does not disappear when interacting with certain NPCs in the Land of the Morning Light while in non-combat stance.
- This issue is scheduled to be fixed during the maintenance on Jun 21 (Wed).
● The quest "Dokkebi's Lost Belongings III" in The Eyes of Adventure Vol. 8 at the Land of the Morning Light cannot be completed as intended.
- This will be resolved after the June 21 (Wed) maintenance.
● Unnatural presentation during the completion of the quest [Oduksini] As a Friend in the Land of the Morning Light.
- This issue is scheduled to be fixed during the maintenance on Jun 21 (Wed).
●The quest "Dokkebi's Lost Belongings III" in The Eyes of Adventure Vol. 8 at the Land of the Morning Light cannot be completed as intended.
- If you're having difficulty completing the Adventure Log, you can visit the Serendia-2 server to use the temporary ship.
- This will be resolved after the June 21 (Wed) maintenance.
● NPC Patrigio's (Velia, Calpheon, and Grána) dialogue for the materials to craft the Bonfire of Dreams does not match the actual materials.
● Screenshot of Ninja being displayed along with the selected class when clicking Venia Riding Hat Box Fashion Album within the Pearl Shop.
● Issues were discovered in the Calpheon Elvia - Primal Giant Post monster zone so the monsters in the zone were temporarily despawned.
● Woosa obtains the [Woosa] Moonflower Premium Set, which can be registered on the Central Market when opening the [Event] Thankful Premium Outfit Box.
- This will be fixed during June 14 (Wed) maintenance to give the item that cannot be registered on the Central Market, like the other classes.
※ The item obtained this way is taxed on the Central Market.
● We are currently inspecting an issue where the character's voice abnormally sets to a lower tone (the slider gets set to "Deep").
● Equipping an outfit (Desert Camouflage, etc.) that takes four slots (including the headpiece) causes the headpiece outfit's dye to sporadically not be visible when the headpiece equipment's durability drops.
● Following the Trading Activity Revamp update on April 6 (Thu), Trade items that were supposed to be sold at 30% of their price due to unconnected nodes or expirations (excluding the newly added Trade items in this update), were being sold at 25% instead.
- The 5% difference in Silver price will be sent during the May 24 (Wed) maintenance.
※ Please note, this issue does not apply to the newly added Trade items that were released in the April 6 (Thu) Trading Activity Revamp update.
● We've confirmed that accumulated damage is not applied when hunting Sensitive Giant Elk and Sensitive Seagull with a sniper rifle. We will do our best to have this issue fixed by the May 17 maintenance.
● [Maegu] In the Battle Arena, the Solare Statue celebrating the top Maegu Player displays incorrectly.
● An Atoraxxion Pet's visual effect is visible during Node/Conquest War
● [Maegu] Following the April 26 (Wed) maintenance, the listed skill changes from the March 29 (Wed) update were not being applied.
- Foxflare, Petal Play: Description of the skill's damage distribution.
- Spirited Away, Flower Shroud: Changes to PvP damage reduction rate.
※ This issue will be fixed during the May 10 (Wed) maintenance.
● When a player attacks another player with a summoned attack, it is confirmed that the attack does not register when the player being hit uses a PvE only i-frame.
● Reactions of the village residents to rumors of the rising and dropping prices of military supplies in the Old Moon Guild Newsletter are occurring simultaneously in certain situations.
- This issue will be resolved during the April 26 (Wed) maintenance.
● Certain crystal explanations are displayed abnormally in your Crystal Inventory.
- It is expected to be resolved during April 26 (Tue) maintenance.
● The "Nampo Wharf +1 Expansion Coupon" cannot be claimed from in-game mailboxes (B) or located in your Inventory/Storage.
- This item was sent to Adventurers who had the "Port Ratt Wharf +1 Expansion Coupon" during the March 8 maintenance.
* This issue will be resolved during the April 19 maintenance.
● The "Refugee Household Items" that are required to complete the "Theater Troupes of Mediah, Conch Shell #4" quest cannot be obtained.
- This issue will be fixed during the April 19, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
● Despite being listed in the item description as able to open the box, Maegu is currently not able to open the 'Horrifying Halloween Outfit Box'.
- The item description will be modified during the March 15, 2023 (Wed) Maintenance.
● Using the Repeat All feature in the Worker List will attempt crafting tasks even if you do not have enough crafting materials causing the task to not be cancelable.
- As a temporary workaround, you can change servers or reconnect to your character to resolve this issue.
- This issue will be fixed during the March 22, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
● When attempting to complete the 'Shoot the Birds in the Sky' quest from Chuck Laurie near Olvia, an issue has been discovered where you cannot complete it due to poor hit registration.
- This issue will be fixed during the April 12, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
● The following UI elements display abnormal icons and comments.
- My Information (P) - Lifeskill Tab - Gathering
- This issue will be fixed during the April 12, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
● The buy/sell buttons of NPC Wolfgang, a trader in Calpheon, do not appear as intended.
- If the trade item sale button does not show when talking to Wolfgang in the south of Calpheon, try to talk to the NPC from a different direction.
- The purchase button may show on Calpheon NPCs who cannot sell trade goods, but the actual purchase will not proceed.
- This issue will be fixed during the April 12, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
● For the Trading lifeskill, the [day] indicator in the guaranteed price period on the Quotation Board and Order Contract menu is not displayed properly.
● The Tuvala Awakening Weapon Exchange Coupon confirms that it is not possible to exchange other classes Awakening Weapons to the Maegu Tuvala Pendant.
- Arena of Solare and Marni Realm Shaded Areas
- Red Battlefield Castle Ruins
● Adventurers who were progressing through the following Atoraxxion: Sycrakea's main quests before the maintenance on November 16 and want to play through Atoraxxion's Solo Story Mode will need to forfeit the questline and re-accept it in the Solo Story Mode.
- [Atoraxxion] The Fallen Darkened Dawn, [Atoraxxion] [Elvia] The Fallen Darkened Dawn
- [Atoraxxion] Cruel Time, [Atoraxxion] [Elvia] Cruel Time
* If you've already defeated Berurah, you'll need to re-enter Solo Story Mode, then re-summon and defeat Berurah in Solo Story Mode to continue.
* Information about forfeiting and re-accepting the quests will be added to the quest summaries at a later date. Please note that items that were previously obtained in the 5-party mode of Atoraxxion cannot be used for interactions in the Solo Story Mode.
● Resurrecting while in spectator mode in the final boss location of Atroraxxion: Vahmalkea or Sycrakea may cause the game to close unexpectedly.
● Disallowing notifications on the notifications permission pop-up that appears when launching the Black Desert+ app for the first time on iOS or certain other environments cause the app to not behave optimally.
● Tier 4 Pets with names that included inappropriate words cannot be trained to Tier 5
- If you experience this issue, please contact us via Support Center with the following information to receive assistance.
* Pet Type:
* Pet Name:
* New Name:
● When a task is being carried out by a worker at a node that is connected to Finto Farm, in certain situations a message saying "The production key from the production site is invalid" appears and the work of a worker at Finto Farm does not progress as intended.
● The Black Desert TV website does not behave as expected when attempting to use it.
● There is an issue where when the [Woosa] Kibelius Swallowtail Fan is equipped, the fan does not show on the waist of the outfit in a non-combat stance.
- This issue will be fixed during the February 15 (Wed) maintenance.
● When a Guild or Alliance occupies a region and loses in Node Wars, it has been confirmed that an issue with obtaining personal rewards occurs in the following situation.
- February 1 (Wed) after maintenance - February 3 (Fri): In case of defeat in the Node Wars participated in.
- February 5 (Sun) - February 7 (Tue): If you lose in a second Node Wars.
(In cases where you only participate once, rewards should be able to be collected normally).
* This issue will be fixed in the February 8, 2023 (Wed) maintenance, and if you missed out on personal rewards, they will be sent during the February 15 (Wed) Maintenance.
● During the `All Server Hot Time and Season Character Boosts` event that ran from January 18, 2023, it was discovered that boosts other than the Life Skill EXP effect were not applied after the February 1, 2023 update.
- The following will be reapplied after the February 8, 2023 maintenance.
* Combat EXP +500%
* Skill EXP +50%
* Mount EXP +50%
● Abyss One: The Magnus will intermittently close the game while playing.
- This issue will be fixed during the February 8, 2023 (Wed) maintenance.
● We are investigating reports of being unable to summon guild bosses in certain situations.
- If you encounter this issue, please have either the guild master or advisor try again. If you are still unable to summon the guild boss, please contact us via Customer Support.
- Mixing the Salanar Shoes with another outfit may shorten the length of the shoes.
- This statement tells you that the length of the shoes can be shortened when mixed with outfits other than Salanar, as mentioned in the Pearl Shop description.
● [Maegu] Salanar outfit incorrectly displays certain descriptions of the Salanar armor piece.
*The statement will be replaced with the following, as indicated in the Pearl Shop description.
- Incorrect: Wearing the armor of this costume will hide the appearance of the sub-weapon in a non-combat stance. However, when the cloak hiding function is activated, the appearance of the sub-weapon is visible again.
- To be replaced by: Equipping this outfit's helmet will hide the appearance of some accessories. Turning Helmet visibility off will enable accessories to be displayed correctly.
● Using the hashtag feature in the Monster Zone UI may sporadically cause the game client to shut down unexpectedly.
● When reconnecting to the game (such as switching characters or moving servers) while a character's energy is full, the character's total energy amount may drop from 1 to 6 energy intermittently.
● [Node Wars] You will not be able to obtain personal rewards even when conditions have been met (number of defeats/fortresses etc) if you join or establish an alliance before the end of the Node War that you were a part of has concluded.
- In order to receive rewards for Node War without this issue, please refrain from joining an alliance while the Node you were fighting for is still being contested.
● If Guild Boss Khan is summoned after entering the exclusive area for Khan, no other guild members will be able to enter the area other than those who were there when it was summoned.
- For a smooth experience, it is recommended that all those who want to join enter before the boss is spawned.
- Additionally, upon death, you may be removed from the area if you choose to spawn in a safe zone/nearby town.
※ We apologize for the issue and will attempt to resolve this quickly.
● An issue has been discovered where after the February 1, 2023 update, Guilds and Alliances that occupy a region can only participate in Node Wars once a week.
- After 00:00 on February 5 (Sun) 2023, when participation in Node Wars has been reset, Guilds and Alliances should be able to participate in Node Wars twice a week as expected.
● The 'Fixed Character Perspective' setting does not function properly.
● The quest NPC for '[Godr-Ayed Weapon] Don't Judge A Book…' cannot be interacted with.
● During Arena of Solare, an issue has been discovered where the client will shut down in the following situations:
- If a character dies and spectates mode is used, and the fight if a long distance from the resurrection point, the game will close.
- This issue will be fixed during the January 11 Maintenance.
- Please note that this issue will be fixed during the December 28, 2022 (Wed) maintenance.
● The Ultimate Katan Awakening Weapon Box's item description incorrectly contains text referring to the Woosa class.
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on December 28, 2022 (Wed). Please note that the Woosa class item will be added in a future update.
● After extracting a crystal at the Blacksmith with the Black Spirit's Essence or Crystal Extraction tool, attempting to remove a crystal without these items will display a message saying they have been extracted normally.
- We are preparing a fix for this issue and will release additional information once we have more to share.
- Until the issue is fixed, please double-check that you have the required materials.
● When wearing the [Maegu] Moonlit Silver outfit, certain abnormal character movements will occur in the following situations.
- [Pearl Shop] When you click to show the exclusive action.
- When accessing the character for the first time.
- When equipping and unequipping the Fox Spirit Charm.
● When exchanging a Tuvala Awakening Weapon for a Maegu Tuvala Pendant, the Maegu's Tuvala Pendant tooltip displays incorrectly and cannot be exchanged.
● The quest, "[Enhancement] Even Sharper Tuvala Awakening Weapon I, II" which requires the Tuvala Pendant for Maegu cannot be completed.
- This issue will be fixed during the February 1, 2023 maintenance.
● The World Map (M) shows abnormally near the Balenos Mountains.
● The '[Event] Illusory Butterfly' incorrectly states the end date of the event period.
- The '[Event] Illusory Butterfly' exchange event ended January 4, 2023, as shown on the event notice. This item can be sold for 500,000 now that the event has ended.
● Repairing the Max. The durability of Maegu's Tuvala Pendant with Tuvala Ore is currently not possible.
● The Tuvala Pendant cannot be obtained by exchanging Tuvala Ore with a Blacksmith, so max. durability cannot be restored with the same item.
● If your gathering level changes while continuously gathering water, your water gathering will be canceled.
● In the Arena of Solare's equipment menu, the HAN Magic Crystal - Hoom is not shown in the list of crystals available for Awakening weapons.
● The tooltip for the Serendian Soldier Armor that can be produced through the Costume Mill and given to new characters shows unnaturally.
● [Maegu] While wearing the "Moonlight Silver" outfit and performing the outfit's special animation on sloping terrain, the bottom of the costume will display incorrectly
● Outfits or equipment dyed using the Color Palette tool in the Dye (J) menu are not properly reflected by the doppelgangers created by Prime: Foxspirit: Deceiver.
- Please note that dyes applied using the Merv's Palette or consumable dyes will be properly reflected by the doppelgangers created by Prime: Foxspirit: Deceiver.
● The quests, "[Awakening Weapon EXC] PRI(I) - PEN(V) Tuvala Pendant" cannot be completed.
- This issue will be fixed during the February 1, 2023 maintenance.
● [Drakania] Fate Beckons skill add-ons cannot be applied or changed.
- This issue will be resolved during the February 1(Wed) maintenance.
● There is an issue where checking the 'Use Cron Stones' option when attempting a Dream Horse awakening attempt without the Animation skip would not apply the Cron Stones attempt.
- When selecting Maehwa in the Character Creation Window
- When wearing the [Maehwa] Scarlet Destiny Helmet
● Equipping the [Shai] Salanar Gloves with three parts of the [Shai] Whimsical Alchemist causes the Whimsical Alchemist's set effect to become active.
- Whimsical Alchemist Set Effect (4 Parts): Alchemy EXP +10%
- This issue will be resolved during the January 11 maintenance to remove the Whimsical Alchemist set effect from the [Shai] Salanar Gloves.
- Please note, that if you install a new wallpaper, the existing wallpaper will be automatically deleted.
- This issue will be fixed during the January 4, 2022 (Wed) Maintenance.
ㄴ Woosa cannot enter Marni's Realm, Red Battlefield, Battle Arena
ㄴ Fairies will still use the Miraculous Cheer skill.
* These issues are scheduled to be resolved during the December 21st maintenance.
● [Woosa] Using the Yangban Step skill in a combo causes the skill to activate faster than intended.
- Please note that the amount of stamina consumed by Yangban Steps is the same as intended. This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on December 21, 2022 (Wed).
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on December 21, 2022 (Wed).
- We will provide an announcement regarding the Woosa class items above once they are updated.
- Please note that this issue will be fixed during the December 7, 2022 (Wed) maintenance, and items lost due to the abnormal improvement will be sent to your mail (B) during December 7, 2022 (Wed) maintenance.
● The [Mystic] Coco-nutty pirate Gauntlet and Cestus overlap with certain glove pieces.
- This will be fixed during the December 7, 2022 (Wed) Maintenance
● If the following items were used before the November 30, 2022 (Wed) maintenance, the cooldown time of the item may show abnormally.
- Blessing of Fragrant Wind, Blessing of Earth
* Please note that this issue will rectify itself after a certain period of time, and the item will be able to be used as intended.
- Please note that this issue will be updated on November 30th, and will revert the volume and velocity to the pre-November 23 state.
- Lucretia Dagger, Corrupt Yolun Dagger, Voidlight Dagger
* Please note that you cannot fight the final boss if you enter the final boss room in this way.
- If you experience a related issue such as being removed from the party or your party members are shown as being on different servers, please have the affected party member(s) reconnect to the game and the party leader reinvite them to the party.
- If you experienced a similar issue, please reconnect the game to claim your reward.
- Based on the game records during the maintenance on November 23 (Wed), Adventurers who defeated Impassioned Amarillos but did not receive the boss loot will be given the missing loot via in-game mail.
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on November 23, 2022 (Wed).
- Please note that Exchange NPC's shop within Atoraxxion is available to use.
- If you experience this issue, please wait a moment for the area to be fully activated or return to the previous area before using the Darkened Dawn.
- Please note that the actual skill effect is working as intended. The skill description will be fixed during the maintenance on November 23, 2022 (Wed).
● Visiting a certain location near Terrmian Beach in the following questline state causes a cutscene to repeatedly playback.
- Completed the '[Event] Welcome to Terrmian!' quest but did not complete the following '[Event] Clash of the Furr-some Papus and Otters' quest.
* Please avoid going to the affected location if this issue is applicable to you. If you are stuck because of the cutscene, please contact us via Support for further assistance.
● Auto Arrange in the Inventory and Storage does not sort items in the same order as before.
● The changed camera perspective for boss battles does not revert to the normal camera perspective after the boss battle ends.
- If you experience this issue, please close and restart the game client to resume normal gameplay.
- If you experience this issue, please close and restart your game client to resume normal gameplay.
● Skipping the tutorial causes your character to be trapped in water or moved to the desert in certain situations.
- If you experience this issue, please close and restart your game client to resume your gameplay.
● Unable to use 'Load Cargo' via Wharf Manager to move items from your storage to your ship.
● Unable to use the Black Spirit: Blazing Strike skill as Awakening Drakania.
● Dyes can be applied to Drakania's Blackstar Trion and Godr-Ayed Trion.
● Trying to download an image with an image watermark while in expanded mode on the Photo Gallery causes an error message to appear.
● Heart of Kutum's tooltip incorrectly states that it can be used to reform awakening weapons.
- Please note that the Heart of Kutum can only be used to reform sub-weapons.
● The tooltip of Kutum's Power Stone incorrectly states its duration and cooldown as 1 minute.
- Please note that the actual duration and cooldown are 5 minutes.
● While playing the Arena of Solare, certain situations such as entering the battlefield or going to the next round causes the game client to sometimes unexpectedly shut down.
- We are currently investigating this issue. If you experience this issue, please locate the files from the file directory below and submit them to us via Black Desert Support. We will do our best to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.
- File Directory: C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\CrashDumps
- File Name: BlackDesert64.exe.XXXXX.dmp (File which matches the time the issue occurred)
* If the file size is too large to upload directly to our support website, please upload the file to Google Drive and send us the download link.
* Please provide as much information as possible in our inquiry regarding the circumstances when the issue occurred. (E.g., Was entering Arena of Solare, round just ended on Ruins of Tzol, etc.)
● Resurrecting during Red Battlefield causes the loading screen's image to behave abnormally.
- Please note that the game is loading normally even if the loading screen is black screen.
● HP sometimes does not properly recover when using HP recovery items or skills in the Marni server (Battle Arena, Red Battlefield, Erethea's Limbo, Atoraxxion boss chamber, etc.).
● Hotkeys are not working properly when battling the biome bosses in Atoraxxion: Sycrakea after certain cutscenes.
- This issue can be resolved by clicking the Settings button on the lower right-hand side of your screen.
• Forfeiting the current main questline during the [The Magnus] Golden Lion of Serendia causes the Abyss to not be completable.
- If you want to restart the Abyss during the [The Magnus] Golden Lion of Serendia, please go to the ESC menu → Retry or return to the Magnus to restart.
• During cutscenes, weapons held by characters appear abnormally after entering the Magnus and equipping Abyss-exclusive gear.
• Retrying after dying within one of the Magnus' abyss may cause certain quest objects to not be interactable.
- If you experience this issue, please go to the ESC menu → 'Return to the Magnus' to re-enter this abyss and resume the main questline.
• The Transport button for moving items from one storage to another is not displayed in the Storage menu.
- Please note that you can transport items via the transport button in World Map (M) menu.
• Moving the mouse cursor to the edge of the Character Selection, Server Selection, or Character Creation screen causes the cursor to behave abnormally.
- You can temporarily work around this issue by opening Black Desert in windowed mode and moving the location of the window.
• Exiting content with a shadow effect such as Red Battlefield not as intended may sometimes cause the shadow effect to linger, resulting in character movement not behaving properly. - If you experience this issue, please restart your game client to resume normal gameplay.
- If you experience this issue, please restart your game client to resume normal gameplay
• Certain circumstances such as opening/closing the Skill (K) window or resurrecting may cause your camera perspective to change.
• Containers of regions without a Storage Keeper do not function properly for Adventurers who have not completed the Magnus main questline.
• Due to an event area, the navigation of the 'Discussion of Trading Rights' quest for the Calpheon main questline is not functioning optimally.
- Please refer to the map below for proper navigation.
• The [King's Key] Francesca Seric quest has been temporarily disabled as there is an issue with progressing past the cutscene playback.
• Exiting the Magnus with Gamepad mode activated causes Gamepad controls to not function.
• Incorrect titles were provided for the Heidel Street and Hall of Adventurers Chat Group's Gold/Silver/Bronze total likes.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on November 2, 2022 (Wed).
• During the '[The Magnus] A Rowdy Crowd' quest, selecting either 'Retry' or 'Return to the Magnus' from the ESC menu after successfully capturing a horse may cause the message 'You've already captured a horse.' to appear, resulting in the quest not being completable.
- If you experience this issue, please go to the ESC menu → 'Escape Abyss One' to return to the overworld, and then re-enter the Magnus to resume the main quest line.
• NPC Geranoa (Halloween event NPC for [Event] [Weekly] Isabella's Attack) is not visible under certain circumstances.
• [Tamer] Moving forward under certain circumstances causes your character to switch to a non-combat stance.
- Please note that this issue will not occur when using skills, using Legendary Beast's Power, evading forward, or while running.
• [Kunoichi] Hidden Dagger Jutsu (Abyssal Skill) does not activate using the skill slot hotkey.
• [Ninja] Covert: Cut Throat (Abyssal Skill) does not activate using the skill slot hotkey.
• Going to the 'Character Selection Screen' via the ESC menu during a cutscene for Magnus' main questline may cause you to be unable to further progress the main questline.
- If you experience this issue, please go to the ESC menu → 'Escape Abyss One' to return to the overworld, and then re-enter the Magnus to resume the main quest line.
• Clorince's Travel Bag currently allows the following items (that were listed as not being able to be moved in the Oct. 19 patch notes) to be moved remotely to other regions.
- Trade items, exchange items, treasure items, Ornette's Spirit Essence, Odore's Spirit Essence, and basic potion items.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on October 26, 2022 (Wed).
• Chat Group Likes were not reset during the maintenance on October 19, 2022 (Wed).
- Please note that Chat Group Likes will be reset and titles sent out during the maintenance on October 26, 2022 (Wed).
• Using 'Auto-move to Storage' in the storage of another region causes the items of your current location's storage to move in certain situations.
- This issue will be resolved with the update on October 26, 2022 (Wed).
• Rowboat may sometimes not appear in the proper place when entering the '[The Magnus] Peaceful Vagabond' abyss.
- If you experience this issue, please go to the ESC menu → 'Retry' or 'Return to the Magnus' to re-enter this abyss.
• Unable to use an OTP backup to log in to accounts with OTP via the game launcher. If you encounter this issue, you can resolve this issue by following one of the methods below:
- Log into the official website and go to the Security Center to unregister your OTP, then re-register.
- Log into the official website and input your phone number for your profile, then use the SMS 2-Factor Authentication from the game launcher to log in.
• Following a looped auto-path with the following settings causes the distance of the auto-path to decrease.
- Settings > Navigation Path Setting: Land > Smooth
•Completing the [Season] Fughar's Special Timepiece quest does not complete the 'A Whole New Experience Presented by Fughar!' challenge of the Season: Dawn of Dragons Pass.
• Fixed the issue where the application would shut down abnormally in certain situations such as setting world boss alerts in the AOS 12 settings.
• There is an issue where the effect of [Event] Stella's Spirit Stone does not apply correctly and therefore the usage of this item has been temporarily blocked.
• Occasionally unable to log in to Black Desert + under certain circumstances.
• Unable to hand over the Scorching Sun Crystal during the '[Godr-Ayed Weapon] In the Fallen God's Name: Storm Devoured Godr-Ayed Greatsword' quest.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on August 31, 2022 (Wed).
• An issue was discovered where the [Event] Sand Castle Repairs I and II quests were not as smooth as intended, and therefore have been temporarily taken down.
• When selecting the 'No Otters Like Otters' crossroad quest, you will see the quest name '[Event][Daily] Clean Out the Stinkin' Otters' instead of '[Event][Daily] Sock it to the Mouthy Papus'
• In specific circumstances, it is difficult to progress through Drakania's Awakening questline.
- If you are under Lv. 56 and have less than 3 skill points, you will be able to progress through the questline if reset your combat skills.
- If you are Lv. 57 or higher, please make sure you have more than 3 skill points to be able to complete the Awakening questline.
• The 'Shattered Dragon's Malic' item could be applied in the Arena of Solare and therefore has been temporarily disabled.
- Please note this issue will be corrected during the August 24th (Wed) Maintenance.
• The Cantabile outfit animation does not appear when the outfit is equipped by a [Corsair] or [Sage] character.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on August 24, 2022 (Wed).
• Moving the location of the Marniwave UI causes the moved location to not be saved in certain circumstances.
• Narchillan Trion cannot be manufactured with Narchillan Processing Stone (Awakening Weapon).
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on August 3, 2022 (Wed).
• When progressing through the [Drakania Awakening] Cup of Erethea or [Drakania Awakening] Wings Unfurled quests at the same time as other Adventurers, the quests sporadically become instantly completed.
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on August 3, 2022 (Wed).
• Only ten of the most recent matches are shown on the Arena of Solare's UI.
* The UI will be changed during the maintenance on June 29 (Wed) to display 20 of the most recent matches.
• Using the Gamepad UI causes the 'Key Input UI' to not be displayed during the cutscene that appears after accepting the [Balenos] Black or Red? quest.
- Please note that you can progress normally by temporarily switching off gamepad mode with a character that is not doing the quest. This cutscene will be changed to no longer require key inputs during the maintenance on June 22, 2022 (Wed).
• Completing an Adventure Log while inside the Arena of Solare causes certain additional stats from Adventure Logs to be applied as 0 after leaving the Arena of Solare.
- Until this issue is fixed, please avoid completing any Adventure Logs while inside the Arena of Solare.
• Two of the choices in the [Tool Bag] Liana's Trivia Part 2 quest are both displayed as Ludowig.
- Please note that the second choice should be: Ludoperiwig
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on June 15, 2022 (Wed).• During the Sand Castle Crasher event on Terrmian Beach, if you have selected a different side for this week than the previous week, you will be unable to use the transformation scrolls of that side.
- Transformation Scrolls for Papu: [Event] Fierce Pine Blader, [Event] Immortal Persimmon Knight, [Event] Chilled Chestnut Slinger, [Event] Fierce Pine Blader
- Transformation Scrolls for Otters: [Event] Solitary Conch Blader, [Event] Resolute Crab Knight, [Event] Vehement Conch Boxer, [Event] Solitary Conch Blader
• Completing the [Event] [Daily] Clean Out the Stinkin' Otters may cause the [All's Fair in Vacation and War] title to be obtained.- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on August 10, 2022 (Wed), and the title will be obtainable via 'Hidden Masterpieces.'
- Adventurers who failed to obtain the title by interacting with the 'Hidden Masterpieces' will be sent the title during the maintenance on August 10, 2022 (Wed).
• Empress Papuraora and Otter General Crioniak, who defend the starting points in the Sand Caste Shore-down event, appear at incorrect locations once the battle begins.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on August 10, 2022 (Wed).
• There is an issue where you cannot enter Red Battlefield while under the 'Satiated' debuff.
• It is difficult to proceed with the 'Sand Castle Shore-down' event when entering with a fishing rod equipped.
*If you enter with a fishing rod, ESC Menu - War (F7) - Red Battlefield (1) will allow you to leave within a minute.
• We are aware of an issue where the silver obtained from selling items to NPCs and having the silver sent directly to the Storage, will result in the Silver being unobtainable.
- Please be careful not to send silver directly to storage when selling items to the Terrmian Night Market NPCs.
- This issue will be rectified in the August 10 (Wed) Maintenance.
• When selecting the 'Papus is Pu-rrfect' crossroad, you will see the quest name '[Event][Daily] Sock it to the Mouthy Papus' instead of '[Event][Daily] Clean Out the Stinkin' Otters'
- Please note the above issues will be rectified during the August 10, 2022 (Wed) Maintenance
• There is an issue with the [Wizard] Mr. Mussels armor where the unique animations are not displayed with a weapon drawn in a standby position.
• The [Uncovered] Worn Crate of Keepsakes that appears during the Ash Dragon's Roar cannot be damaged.
- As a result, we've temporarily disabled the appearance of Ash Dragon Vatroth.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on August 10 (Wed) and the event will be extended to August 17 (Wed).
• Only the Upgraded Compass Part that is obtainable from Hystria Ruins can currently be dropped by monsters at Kratuga for 'The Treasure Hunt is On' event, rather than dropping Aakman Temple's compass part.
- Please note that if you wish to obtain the Upgraded Compass Part that is obtainable from Aakman Temple, you can currently obtain it from Thornwood Forest or Aakman Temple. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on July 13 (Wed).
• Re-opening the Dye window after clicking the Mount icon while the Merv's Palette effect is active causes the game client to sometimes unexpectedly shut down.
• Cannot receive the Blessing of the Elvia Spirits effect under certain circumstances even if the Reminiscence of the Elvia Spirits effect is currently not active.
- You can receive the effect by reconnecting through the Character Selection Screen. We will do our best to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.
• Some of the Ancient Statues are not spawning under certain circumstances in the Gyfin Rhasia Temple (Underground).
- Please note that the Ancient Statues will be repositioned if they are not disturbed for a certain amount of time. We will do our best to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.
• Pets do not reattempt to pick up loot after previously failing to pick up loot (due to not having enough empty Inventory slots, etc.) even if enough space is made in the Inventory.
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on May 4, 2022 (Wed).
• Currently you cannot accept the quest through Duncan even with a [Event] Brave Warrior's Token in possession.
- This will be fixed during May 25 (Wed) maintenance, and you'll be able to proceed with the quest during the following period.
- Quest Period: May 25, 2022 (Wed) after maintenance – Jun 15, 2022 (Wed) before maintenance
• Trying to take out certain pets such as the Llama or Hedgehog that have Talents that cannot be stacked causes you to be sporadically unable to take out pets.
- Please note that reconnecting to the game may allow you to take out the affected pet.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on May 18 (Wed).
• When attacking as Drakania, the damage ratio applied to opposing classes is applied the same across all classes in PvP.
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on May 11 (Wed). Please refer to the [Class Damage Ratios] for the proper damage ratios.
• The appearances of the Abandoned Monastery's Relief Aid Priest and certain NPCs for Shai's Talent questline are being displayed abnormally.
• The character animations appear unnatural when viewing a character in a specific character slot from the Character Selection Screen while having expanded all 26 character slots.
• The visual effect of Erethea's Snow Leopard pet is not being displayed properly.
• Unable to obtain headpieces for Sage or Corsair from the Yianaros Headpiece Box.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on April 27, 2022 (Wed).
• The price of the [Shai] Treant Camouflage is not correctly reduced by the Premium/Classic Camouflage Sets 20% Off discount.
• Drakania's Dragon's Advance III skill does not apply its movement speed buff under certain circumstances.
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on April 20, 2022 (Wed).
• Summoning the Black Spirit while in combat stance as a Drakania character causes the non-hostility (aggro) time of the monsters in the following regions to not be applied as intended.
- Monsters in the Balenos, Serendia, Calpheon, Mediah, and Valencia
• The terrain of the Crow's Nest area is not visible on the World Map (M).
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on March 30, 2022 (Wed).
• Adventurers who completed the PEN (V) Accessory questline offered by NPC Jetina are unable to progress 'Season Pass - How to Get a Powerful Accessory 2.'
• The character animations appear unnatural when viewing a character in a specific character slot from the Character Selection Screen while having expanded all 26 character slots.
• The 3rd and 5th dye slots of Valkyrie's Hyperion outfit apply dyes to parts of the same area.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on April 6 (Wed) to ensure the 5th dye slot will no longer dye the 3rd dye slot's area (belt and dress).
• [Guardian] Black Spirit: Prime: Claw Reveal's PvP damage reduction is improperly applied.
- Please note that the proper PvP damage reduction should be -62.3%, but the current reduction is -35%. This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on January 26, 2022 (Wed).
• Mousing over 'Collect Today's Dice' in Black Spirit's Adventure causes the tooltip to keep flashing.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on January 26, 2022 (Wed).
• The terrain of the Crow's Nest area is not visible on the World Map (M).
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on March 30, 2022 (Wed).
• The Newborn Crimson Pack I's availability and discount period incorrectly states that it ends on March 30, 2033.
- Please note that the correct end date is March 30, 2022. This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on March 23, 2022.
• The appearances of the Abandoned Monastery's Relief Aid Priest and certain NPCs for Shai's Talent questline are being displayed abnormally.
• Quests that cannot be accepted are displayed in the Quests (O) > Main Quest > [II] Black Angel tab.- The affected quests will be removed during the maintenance on February 16, 2022 (Wed).
• Hotkeys are not working properly when battling the biome bosses in Atoraxxion: Sycrakea after certain cutscenes.- This issue can be resolved by clicking the Settings button on the lower right-hand side of your screen.
• Setting up a guild drill with the [Guild] Drill Assembly Set may sometimes cause the game client to shut down unexpectedly.
- As a result, we have temporarily disabled the usage of the [Guild] Drill Assembly Set.
• The [4th Anniversary] Ornette's Dark Honey Wine Pack's Pearl Shop Item Description incorrectly states the amount of EXP that an Ornette's Dark Honey Wine x1 will grant a Lv. 1 Radiant and Brilliant Fairies.
- Please refer to the item tooltip of Ornette's Dark Honey Wine for the correct EXP amounts.
• Unable to enter certain areas around the Tuir River during the quest 'Going Spelunking' when trying to go to the areas to complete the quest.
- This issue will be resolved during next week's maintenance.
• Calling on your Alpaca will sometimes cause your client to crash.
- This issue will be fixed during maintenance on Jan 5 (Wed).
• Equipping Crio's Fishing Chair currently prevents you from catching fish.
• Ice fishing may automatically cancel while fishing.• The Fughar's Times of Success Volume 1, Chapter 1 objective 'Visit the man Fughar met' cannot be completed with [Cron Gift Shop] Patrigio.
- This issue will be fixed by the end of the event during Dec 29 (Wed) maintenance.
• Desert illnesses 'heatstroke' and 'hypothermia' aren't being applied in certain parts of the Valencian Great Desert.
• Certain Adventurers cannot use the War Vendor when their Guild wins in a Node War while occupying a territory.
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on November 24 and compensation will be sent out to the affected adventurers during the maintenance on December 1.
• Activating the 'Hide Certain NPCs option' causes the quest NPCs of 'The Origin of Mystic Power' and '[Awakening] Bree Tree Ruins' for the '[II] The Mysterious Ruins' questline to not be visible.
- Please turn off the 'Hide Certain NPCs' to complete the quests normally.
• Certain items that are supposed to show their creator's Family name are not displaying the name.
• Certain actions (Q) sometimes do not activate properly when controlling the MOD Oog Mk III.
• The text for the 'Ongoing' tab in the Quest (O) window and Adventurer's Board search filter is incorrectly displayed as 'All Dyes.'
• The tooltips of the [Manor] [Halloween] Wanderers Three, [Manor] [Halloween] Jolly Good Shot, and [Manor] [Halloween] Traveling Pumpkins manor items incorrectly state that they can be installed inside the manor.
- These manor items can only be installed outside the manor.
• Certain event NPCs in Marni’s Spooky Playground are not visible.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on November 3, 2021 (Wed).
• Some of the event NPCs in “Marni’s Spooky Playground” are missing on certain servers.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on October 27 (Wed).
• The tooltip of the [Halloween] Mount All Skill Training Coupon is missing 'donkey' in its list of mounts that it is available for.
- This issue will be resolved during the October 27 maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where the Kamasylvia territory is shown in the [Node War Information] on the [World Map (M)].
• The tooltip of the Concentrated Red Nose's Aura incorrectly states that you need Concentrated Giath Crystal to obtain Concentrated Red Nose's Aura.
- Please note that the correct method is: Select Heating from the Processing window with Oquilla Earth Crystal x1, Concentrated Red Nose's Aura x30, Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Armor) x50, Concentrated Red Nose Crystal x120, and Memory Fragment x450
• The description of '[Progression] Reach Lv. 62' in the Progression Pass incorrectly states that you can claim a PEN (V) Capotia Ring from the Challenge (Y) window.
- Please note that the correct item that you can claim from the Challenge (Y) window is a TRI (III) Capotia Ring.
• We are aware of the issue with the PEN (V) Nouver Sub-Weapon that can be obtained from the [PEN (V) Boss Gear]: The Old Moon Guild's Best Deal questline where it cannot be upgraded with the Inverted Heart of Garmoth.
- This issue will be resolved during the October 20 (Wed) maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where certain NPCs are not displayed properly when you leave the House of Horrors in Marni’s Spooky Playground.
- Please reconnect after going to the Character Selection screen and the characters will be displayed properly.
• [Nova] We are aware of the issue where Axian does not go berserk in certain circumstances.
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot obtain the [Combat EXP +20%] 30 min - Energy Burn buff from the Black Spirit.
• We are aware of the issue where damage is being dealt incorrectly to monsters after entering Sycrakea, so we have prevented monsters and NPCs from spawning on the Season Servers as a temporary measure.
• We are aware of the issue where the minigame UI when controlling the MOD Oog Mk III for the Red Light, Green Light event in Marni’s Spooky Playground is displayed abnormally.
• We are aware of the issue where the name of the dye selected on the Dye UI palette differs from the name of the dye displayed.
- This issue will be resolved during maintenance on October 13, 2021.
• We are aware of the issue where the “Third Test: Naga, I Want You!” quest for the Shai’s Naga outfit questline is displayed twice, and picking the bottom one causes you to be unable to progress to the next quest.
- Please note that you can complete the questline normally by selecting the quest that appears on top.
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot complete “Objective: Sell a Broken Golem's Core” for Chapter Ten of Igor Bartali's Adventure Log.
- Please note that you can complete it normally if you have a Broken Golem's Core in your inventory.
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot accept the [Valencia] Clean Revenge quest of the [Lv. 56 Valencia II] Treasure of Valencia main questline.
- Please note that you can accept the quest normally if you have two or more Ancient Iron Coins in your inventory.
- We’ve prepared a coupon containing the “Broken Golem's Core” and “Ancient Iron Coin” for Adventurers encountering difficulties completing the Adventure Log and/or quest.
- Coupon Code: MISS-INGQ-UEST-ITEM / Valid until the maintenance on September 29
• We are aware of the issue where Cadry's Token items that are obtained after the maintenance on September 15, 2021 (Wed) cannot be used for processing the “[Guild] Restoration of Cadry's Forbidden Book” item.
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on September 29, 2021 (Wed)
• We are aware of the issue where the Vahmalkea: Rift Chest that you can obtain as a reward from [Season] Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea contains the 2021 Summer Season item: [Season] Rift's Thorn.
Please note that while this item can be exchanged through the NPC, any remaining [Season] Rift's Thorn will be exchanged for [Season] Rift's Roots during the maintenance on September 29, 2021 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot enter Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea - Vaha's Cradle on the season and normal servers.
- Please note that a hotfix is being prepared to fix this issue.
• We are aware of the issue where the item name's listed in the tooltip of the Custom Buff Box are missing the [Event] tag.
• We are aware of the issue where the item description of the [Gamescom] Select Your Buff Pack has a typo for the amount of Item Collection Increase Scroll (60 min) it contains.
- Please note that the actual amount of Item Collection Increase Scrolls (60 min) is 15.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on September 1, 2021 (Wed).
• [Corsair] We are aware of the issue where the skill 'Elvia: Dark Mists' can be used without any Elvia weapon equipped.
* However, please note that the amount of damage when there aren't any Elvia weapons equipped is different from when an Elvia weapon is equipped, and only normal skill damage is applied. The issue will be fixed during the maintenance on August 25, 2021 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue where the text in the Friend Messenger window appears abnormal after a load screen (character selection, switch servers, etc.).
• We are aware of the issue where the Pearl’s Blessing gauge does not appear properly when purchasing a product with a coupon discounted price that is 1000 Pearls or higher in the Pearl Shop (F3).
• [Corsair] We are aware of the issue where your character does not keep sprinting after pressing the Shift key while auto-running.
- This issue will be fixed during the August 18, 2021 (Wed) maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where the dialogue for certain NPCs and Labao (appears during the [Corsair] Labao on Deck! skill) are displayed in the dialogue screen.
- This issue will be fixed during the August 18, 2021 (Wed) maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where you can interact with another Adventurer's Campsite.
• We are aware of the issue where the Calpheon Storage +8 and +4 Expansion Slot Coupons in the Calpheon Storage +20 Pack incorrectly have the [Event] tag in front of their names.
- The intended name does not have the [Event] tag.
- This issue is only related to the name of the item and has no affect on the item's actual usage (will behave the same as similar Pearl items.)
• We are aware of the issue where the Coral Shine Blue Shell Prop Set that you can obtain from the [Event] Choose Your Luxury Prop Box reward does not include the Coral Harp.
* Adventurers who've already selected and opened the Coral Shine Blue Shell Prop Set will be sent the missing Coral Harp to their in-game mailboxes (B) during the maintenance on August 11, 2021 (Wed). Additionally, if you select and open the Coral Shine Blue Shell Prop Set after the August 11 maintenance, you will be able to obtain the Coral Harp normally.
• We are aware of the issue where several “pirate scarecrows” are visible in the ocean near Port Epheria.
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on August 4, 2021 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue where the [Event] Be a Server for a Day quest sometimes appears again in the Quest (O) -> 'New Quests' list even if you’ve already completed the quest.
- Please note that you can only complete this quest once a day per Family.
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on August 4, 2021 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue where the Pearl Shop description of the [Hot Summer] Value Pack (20 Days) incorrectly lists Merv's Palette effect as 90 days.
- Please note that the effect is only 20 days for all the effects listed.
• [Archer] There is an issue with the Glide skill not being activated when using certain skills right after pressing the Tab key while moving forward in the combat stance.
- This issue is scheduled to be fixed during the maintenance on July 28th.
• [Hashashin] There is an issue with certain skills not activating smoothly in combo right after pressing the Tab key while moving forward in the combat stance.
- This issue is scheduled to be fixed during the maintenance on July 28th.
• We are aware of the issue with Corsair’s Wave Breaker skill which it consumes double the stamina when used.
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on July 28, 2021 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue where using Corsair’s Wave Breaker skill while having insufficient stamina causes the skill to be interrupted mid-use.
- This issue will be fixed during the maintenance on July 28, 2021 (Wed).
• We are aware of an issue where Grace Lauren's voice-over and quest dialogue are overlapping in the Atoraxxion main questline. This issue will be resolved during the next maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where Shift + Mouse left-clicking certain Loggia tool items displays the Crafting Notes.- This issue is resolved after you log in again.
• We are aware of the issue where the gauge of Black Spirit's Rage shows a negative value and often does not change.
• We are aware of the issue where the Stable button located on the lower right screen on World Map (M) does not work at Rock Post.
• There is an issue where furniture are not visible when installing a certain furniture in the residence.
• We are aware of the issue with the [Nova] Sweet Coco Pack where its item information in the Pearl Shop incorrectly lists the [Witch] tag for the bikini items.
- Please note that the actual bikini items are for the Nova class.
• We are aware of where the tooltip of the Node Investment Benefit icon incorrectly states that fighting monsters will make the item drop rate +10%.
- Please note that the actual effect is that the +5% Item Drop Rate buff will only apply 10% of the time when defeating monsters.
• We are aware of the issue where the item description of the [Shai] Coco Gloves is missing the Amity +10% effect.
- The item’s actual effect is properly applied, and the item description will be fixed during the maintenance on July 14, 2021 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue where the main questline is abnormally displayed for characters that are the recipient of Fughar’s Timepiece.
- Instead of the abnormally displayed quest, you can continue on with the next quest after the most recently completed quest in the Quests (O) -> Main Quest tab.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on July 14, 2021 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue with Processing (L) - Simple Cooking where only 3 slots for ingredients are available causing you to be unable to cook Cron Meals.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on July 14.
• We are aware of the issue where certain progress bar (gauge) UI elements appear abnormal in certain circumstances.
• We are aware of the issue where the [Event] Black Spirit's Claw included in the New Class Pack: Corsair Edition cannot be used.
- Please note that the unusable [Event] Black Spirit's Claw will be swapped for a usable item during the July 7, 2021 (Wed) maintenance.
• [Corsair] We are aware of the issue where the damage dealt by Succession skills is lower than intended.
• We are aware of the issue where you can no longer complete the Season Pass if you switch to the simplified main questline after completing the [Boss] Giath, the Goblin Chief quest on the normal main questline. - This issue will be fixed in the future and the Season Pass will be changed to be completable again. - Please note that content other than the Season Pass rewards can be accessed normally.
• We are aware of the issue where the in-game title cannot be achieved even after completing the Challenge Reward with the adjustment of the required life EXP.
• We are aware of the issue where the alert system of the Kratuga Ancient Ruins sometimes does not function properly.
- You can obtain the in-game title when your life level increases.
• We are investigating the issue where fishing is not available in Lake Valencia.
• There is an issue where items that are not being currently sold are intermittently displayed in Volatile Price Items category in Central Market.
• We are aware of the issue where the NPC Patrigio located near Duvencrune does not appear normally.
• We are aware of the issue where the quest window lights up when mousing over it.
• We are aware of the issue where Karma is decreased by 200,000 when forcefully retrieving a Guild Galley from the World Map (M).
• There is currently an issue where certain Skill Add-ons cannot be used when a “Combat/Skill EXP Exchange Coupon” has been used.
- If you encounter this issue, please go to the Character Selection screen, and you’ll be able to use Skill Add-ons normally.
• We are aware of the issue where the text for Title names is not properly aligned in the Integrated UI.
• We are aware of the issue where characters level 49 and below are able to fire a ship's cannon.
- Please note that damage is not inflicted by fired shots.
• We are aware of the issue where the completion rewards for the 'Dream Chest' Challenge of the 'Oasis Chest' event can be received even though the completion requirements haven't been fulfilled
.- This issue will sporadically occur for only some Adventurers.
• We are aware of the issue where the sales period in the description text for Emperor Hawk is incorrect for the Limited Pet Bundle.
• We are aware of the issue where the navigation guide for certain NPCs is abnormal.
• We are aware of the issue where the item description of the [Striker] Blue Gaia Outfit Set incorrectly states that your Gauntlet and Gardbrace will be invincible with the outfit.
- Please note that the correct description should be “If you put on the Gauntlet and Gardbrace, the Gloves will be invisible”.
• We are aware of the issue where improvements to flute instrument sound caused the pitch to be abnormally expanded and a different sound from before.
• We are aware of the issue where certain items are incorrectly stated as being obtainable from 'Lavon Felix' in the Crafting Notes.
• We are aware of the issue where upon using the portal from the Upper Zone to Abyssal Zone you can no longer see your Pet if you've entered Protty Cave with a Pet (Bird) taken out.
- If you experience this issue, please check in your pet and take the out again.
• We are aware of the issue where the enhancement levels are not displayed for the icons of item rewards in the Challenge (Y) menu.
• We are aware of the issue where using a skill with grab sometimes results in the grab failing with the text 'Blocked' appearing.
• We are aware of the issue where the no longer obtainable 'Dim Magical Armor' is referred to in the quest window for the Calpheon main quest 'Looking for Adventurers'.
• We are aware of the issue with the [Season] Swell Sea Shell's item description where there is a line break missing between the Advice of Valks (+60) and Secret Book of Old Moon (20 Days).
- Please note that the exchange quest for the Advice of Valks (+60) and Secret Book of Old Moon (20 Days) are separate exchanges.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on July 7, 2021 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue with the item description of the [Season] Swell Sea Shell where it incorrectly states Patrigio as the exchange NPC instead of Igor Bartali.
• We are aware of the issue where trying to list an item on the Central Market during the 15-minute wait time for a previous item that was listed to sell with the Old Moon Trade Pass applied causes the button for using the Old Moon Trade Pass to be displayed.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on June 29, 2021 (Tue).
• We are aware of the issue with the [Daily] Old Moon Guild Subjugation Request - Gyfin Rhasia Temple quest where the number of monsters listed in the quest summary is different from the actual quest goal.
- Please note that the actual number of monsters that need to be defeated is 1,000.
• We are aware of the issue with the [Daily] Old Moon Guild Subjugation Request - Waragon Nest quest where the number of monsters listed in the quest summary is different from the actual quest goal.
- Please note that the actual number of monsters that need to be defeated is 2,500.
• We are aware of the issue where clicking certain outfits of a different class in the Pearl Shop causes an abnormal notification message to appear.
- Please note that the purchase and function of the product are normal.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on June 16 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue where the name of Krogdalo's Feather is incorrectly spelled as Krogadalo's Feather.
- This issue will be resolved during the June 16 maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where upgrading an Enhanced Flame Tower/Big Hwacha that is overlapping another annex building during Node/Conquest War causes the Enhanced Flame Tower/Big Hwacha to disappear.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on June 2, 2021 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue where trying to upgrade a Barricade, Flame Tower, or Hwacha as a normal or apprentice guild member during Node/Conquest War causes the materials to be consumed and the annex to be removed.
- Please note that Guild Master/Advisor/Officers/Quartermasters/Cannoneers can upgrade these annexes normally.
• We are aware of the issue with the [Secret Book] Pilgrim's Steps I where its description incorrectly states that it grants Melee DP +5 instead of Ranged DP +5.
• We are aware of the issue where an abnormal message is displayed when checking a Stable without any mounts from the World Map (M).
• We are aware of the issue where the Giant Mudster for the Field Boss Rush event does not appear in the Elvia Realm servers.
• [Sage] We are aware of the issue where using a skill near the closed stone gate at the Ancient Stone Chamber can cause you to move in and out of the quest area during Sage’s Awakening questline.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on April 28, 2021 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue where the alerts no longer activate after being in Elvia Realm: Biraghi Den for a certain period of time.
• We are aware of the issue where walking backward with a Sage character while continuously attacking barehanded causes an error message to appear.
• We are aware of the issue where the Trading EXP Transfer Coupon would occasionally malfunction.
- Until this issue is fixed thoroughly, we will be temporarily suspending the item's use and its purchase on Pearl Shop.
• We are aware of the issue where Adventurers who completed the “[Event] Popular Love Boat!” quest during a previous event period are unable to interact with the “Flower.”
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on April 14, 2021 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue where items that are not able to be registered on the Guild Item Rental Storage due to their enhancement levels appear to be registerable.
• We are aware of the issue where some of the additional rewards for the number of rounds completed in Black Spirit's Adventure before its revamp were not sent during the maintenance on April 7th.
- We are currently investigating this issue and will update you as soon as it is resolved.
• We are aware of the issue where the Prime: Rift Chain skill description’s “Super Armor for 1 sec(s) after using skill” text is missing the additional text that the effect is nullified during cooldown.
- Please note that the Super Armor effect is not applied during the cooldown.
• We are aware of the issue where the event period stated on the “[Event] The Best Donkey Trainer” quest description in the New Quest window differs from the actual event period.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on April 7, 2021 (Wed). The event quest will be available until the maintenance on April 14, 2021 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue where the order of the Valencia-2 server is abnormal in the server selection and server change screens.
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot activate “Forced PvP Mode (ALT+C)” in the following cases.
- If you equip a copied(tagged) item that is able to be rented out to a guild member.
* TRI (III) and TET (IV) weapons, armor, and accessories that can be sold on the Central Market are able to be rented out to a guild member.
- We are aware of the issue where activating 'Forced PvP Mode (ALT+C)' causes you to be unable to equip the items mentioned above.
• We are aware of the issue where Maehwa's Petal Bloom skill add-on is applied as Flow: Moonlight Dash's add-on.
- This issue will be resolved during the March 24 (Wed) maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where the name of the Striker Awakening skill is incorrectly displayed as 'Falling Leaves' instead of 'Autumn Blaze' in the Indonesian language setting.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on March 24, 2021 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue where the [Event] Black Spirit's Illusion quests cannot be accepted.
- This issue will be fixed during the March 10, 2021 (Wed) maintenance.
- The Distorted Illusion in the Altar of Blood event will be extended until March 17, 2021 (Wed) maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot hear the sounds when directly adjusting the Velocity of Notes in the Compose screen.
- You can hear sounds normally by using the Velocity function at the top-right of the Compose screen to input Notes.
- This issue will be resolved during the March 17 maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where the skill command tooltip is displayed abnormally when viewing the Skill window with the gamepad mode activated.
• We are aware of the issue where the Plump Pufferfish's item tooltip is abnormal.
• We are aware of the issue where playing an instrument causes the appearance of other Adventurers' instruments to no longer be visible.
• We are aware of the issue where occasionally dialogue for the quest “Second Test: How Much Do You Know About the Nagas?” of the questline “The Naga Enthusiasts Club” does not appear making it difficult to understand the questions.
- The order for the questions of the “Second Test: How Much Do You Know About the Nagas?” are as follows:
1. What is the name of the group of vile beings that fought the Nagas and drove them out of their lands?
2. The Nagas inhabit diverse areas. Which of the mentioned places do the Nagas not live in?
3. The Nagas and Fogans fight each other due to their mutual hatred. With that said, how do you say 'I hate Naga' in Fogan?
• We are aware of the issue where the Elvia Realm is not marked for the Arsha server on the server selection screen.
• We are aware of the issue where the Value Pack icon is not displayed in the Central Market.
• We are aware of the issue where the expiration dates displayed for in-game mail sent after February 17 may differ from the actual expiration date/time depending on your PC’s time zone.
- Please note that this difference will be the time difference between your PC’s time zone and GMT+8.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on March 3rd.
• We are aware of the issue where the Pearl Shop descriptions of the Shining Arctic Box and Shining Arctic Box Set incorrectly state that 'you cannot check out more than two Arctic Foxes at once' instead of 'you cannot check out more than one Arctic Fox at once.'
• We are aware of the issue where the UI that displays the durability of the tool while cooking/performing alchemy sometimes cannot be viewed.
• We are aware of the issue where certain classes cannot inflict damage using a javelin throw when riding the side seat of a guild elephant.
• We are aware of the issue where the damage and knockback effect when a character level up is not inflicted on nearby targets.
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot change the settings for the Dpad when using a controller/gamepad.
• We are aware of the issue where the [Archer] Red Gat’s item description incorrectly states it as Black Gat in the Pearl Shop (F3). Before making a purchase, please make sure to use the preview feature in the Pearl Shop to view the item.
- This issue will be resolved during the February 3, 2021 maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue when composing in the Music Album, the composed music disappears when setting on Full Screen by pressing 'Zoom In' button, and the first note in the music list is mixed in on the play.
• We are aware of the below issues that occur after learning Prime: Passed Pawn II, III.
- All DP increase effect is not being applied.
- SP and HP not recovering when using Succession skills while Axian has been summoned.
• We are aware of the issue where clicking on the Help UI after entering Old Moon Grand Prix Racetrack leads to an incorrect page.
- This is scheduled to be fixed on January 20, 2021 Maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where Royal Fencing: Remise I, II, III has SP recovery stats different from what is in the description.
- The description is scheduled to be changed to match actual stats on next week's maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where using Memory Fragments to repair durability on Giorgiaro Horse Gear recovers durability by 10 for each fragment.
- This issue is scheduled to be fixed on Jan 20, 2021 (Wed) Maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where certain NPC structures cannot be interacted with in Velia.
- This issue is scheduled to be fixed on Jan 20, 2021.
• We are aware of the issue where Grapple Resistance accumulates when using [Nova] Prime: Distorted Guard.
• We are aware of the issue where dyes are not being applied to Sephia Helmet when certain appearance customization options have been applied for [Nova].
• We are aware of the issue where Novas cannot accept the Tuvala awakening weapon enhancement quest '[Enhancement] Even Sharper Tuvala Sting'.
- Please note that this issue will be resolved during January 13 (Wed) maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where Santa Hat (E) effects are not properly displayed when Nova equips it.
• We are aware of the issue where the NPC mentioned in [Move] Memories' End: Ancient Stone Chamber is being displayed incorrectly.
- Talk to Stone Chamber Excavation Lead, the Ancient Stone Chamber node manager, to return to the secret room of the Ancient Stone Chamber.
• We are aware of the issue where the following Design for [Nova] Outfits cannot be obtained.
- Design: Delphe Knight Armor - Nova
- Design: Shroud Knight Armor - Nova
*Fixes are scheduled to be made during January 6, 2021 (Wed) Maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where the product description for the Triple Premium Outfit Set is being displayed abnormally.
- Nova characters will be able to open the [Event] Premium Outfit Box after the Awakening update.
• We are aware of the issue where Naru Gear Boxes are not being exchanged by Fughar during '[Crossroad] The Lamenting Head of the League of Merchants' in [Nova] Serendia Main Quest.- Naru Main Weapon Box- Naru Sub-weapon Box- Naru Helmet- Naru Armor- Naru Gloves- Naru Shoes
• We are aware of the issue where it sometimes doesn't snow in Fluffy Snowflake Village.
• We are aware that the Enchanted Scroll (+45) obtained from the Season Pass Challenge Reward 'Karanda, Queen of the Harpies' is malfunctioning when used in Simple Alchemy.
- This issue is scheduled to be fixed during Maintenance on December 30, 2020 (Wed). The Enchanted Scroll will be available for use with or without Simple Alchemy once the maintenance has taken place.
• We are aware of the issue where Nova is being shown in the New Year Hanbok Outfit Box item description.
- This issue will be fixed on December 30, 2020 (Wed) Maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where Winter Season Challenge descriptions are different from actual objectives.
- For Naru Adventure Gear 3, 'Enhance Naru Armor to +7 or higher then show it to the Black Spirit' is the correct quest requirement.
• We are aware of the issue where Naru Gear Boxes are not being exchanged by Fughar during '[Crossroad] The Lamenting Head of the League of Merchants' in [Nova] Serendia Main Quest.
- Naru Main Weapon Box
- Naru Sub-weapon Box
- Naru Helmet
- Naru Armor
- Naru Gloves
- Naru Shoes
• We are aware of the issue where Novas cannot open the Canape Classic Set box.
• We are aware of the issue where the items Rusty Morning Star and Old Quoratum equipped by Nova for Pre-Creation display irregular item descriptions.
• We are aware of the issue with the Steam Store incorrectly displaying Black Desert packages of different regions.
* Adventurers please take note and choose the correct region before purchasing the appropriate package.
[SEA] Black Desert - Explorer to Conqueror Package
[SEA] Black Desert - Traveler to Explorer Package
[SEA] Black Desert - Traveler to Conqueror Package
• We are aware of the issue where the details for Additional Copy incorrectly state that 'Marni's Processed Fuel' can be purchased with Loyalties.
- Please note that 'Marni's Processed Fuel' can only be purchased from the Pearl Shop.
• We are aware of the issue in Velia 2-3 Residence where furniture cannot be placed due to abnormal existing structures.
• We are aware of the issue where if no character in your Family has retrieved a large ship, and your Naval Fame drops to 'Pirate', you will not be able to restore your Naval Fame.
- If you are experiencing this issue, please contact Customer Support, and we will address the issue as soon as possible.
• We are aware of the issue where defeating Basilisk Guardians for the [Event][Weekly] Gorgo's Nightmare (Hard) quest aren't dropping Gorgo's Nightmare Fragment.
- You will be able to obtain Gorgo's Nightmare Fragment by defeating Basilisk Guardians for 1 week after December 2, 2020 maintenance.
- However, you must accept the event quest during its original period up until December 1, 2020 (23:59).
• We are aware of the issue where the item icon for [Wizard] Teary Ear Cuff is being incorrectly displayed as Kyrill Ear Cuff.
• We are aware of the issue where the Transport Mount function is unavailable from certain Stables and Wharfs located in regions such as the Kuit Islands and Narcion.
- This issue will be fixed during Dec 9, 2020 (Wed) maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where the item description of the Mythical Powder incorrectly states the usage description.
- The actual description for usage should be: 'to make Mythical Censer x1' instead of 'to make Old Moon Censer x1.'
• We are aware of the issue where retrieving your guild mount from the Stable Keeper/Wharf Manager will display your mount's HP, stamina, and/or injury decreasing at an irregular rate.
• We are aware of the issue where the quest icon for 'Mysterious Painting 4' isn't appearing in the Quests (O) window.
• We are aware of an issue where the Triple Premium Outfit Pack in the Pearl Shop (F3) has a typo.
- This issue will be resolved during maintenance on December 2, 2020 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue where you may be unable to restore your Naval Fame to Marine status if your Naval Fame changes to Pirate status while none of your characters in your family have a large ship taken out.
- If you experience this issue, please contact Customer Support for further assistance.
• [Music Album] We are aware of the issue where going over a certain number of notes while composing causes the composition to not be seamless.
• We are aware of the issue where the item description of the [Event] XX-times Tempered Stone incorrectly states the exchange period for the Advice of Valks as until November 25, 2020 (after maintenance).
- The actual exchange period is after the November 25, 2020 (Wed) maintenance. Please refer to the event page for more information.
• We are aware of the issue where some Adventurers were able to accept and complete the [Event] A Very Secret Deal I, II, III quests even though the quests were planned to be changed to be unacceptable and uncomputable from November 11 at 00:00 until the maintenance.
- We are currently investigating this issue. Adventurers who did not accept and complete the quests from November 11, 2020 (Wed) at 00:00 until the start of maintenance will be sent the [Event] Morden Secret Trade Voucher by in-game mail during the November 18, 2020 (Wed) November 25, 2020 (Wed) maintenance to allow them to be able to accept and complete the [Event] A Very Secret Deal I, II, III quests.
※ Adventurers who forfeited the quest after accepting the quest between November 11, 2020 (Wed) at 00:00 until the start of maintenance will also be sent the [Event] Morden Secret Trade Voucher.
• We are aware of the issue where PvP is unavailable when the Thanksgiving event's [Scared] Turkey appears.
• We are aware of the following issues for the Adventurer’s Board.
1. Number of Likes/Dislikes is displayed at the bottom of posts
2. Post likes, number of likes, and comments appear abnormal
3. Post comments are not displayed
• We are aware of the issue where the completion requirements for the 'Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 7' Season Pass Challenge incorrectly states +15 Naru Gloves instead of TRI: Naru Gloves.
• We are aware of the issue where the completion requirements for the 'Equipping Tuvala Adventure Gear 1' and 'Equipping Tuvala Adventure Gear 2' Season Pass Challenges incorrectly state Naru gear instead of Tuvala gear.
• We are aware of the issue where you can abnormally obtain the Gaze of Cantarnia from defeating Gyfin Rhasia monster.
- This issue will be resolved in the next week's scheduled maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where crystals transfused into Pearl outfits sometimes cannot be extracted.
• We are aware of the issue where the Midnight Lynx and Snowlight Lynx for the Valuable Friends and Kunid's Search Dog & Friends products in the Pearl Shop have incorrect item descriptions.
• We are aware of the issue where the Indonesian language item description of the [Season] Coco Leaf incorrectly states the exchangeable Tier 8 Horse Emblem as having S: Instant Accel instead of Instant Accel.
• We are aware of the issue where the interaction button to hand over the Blackstar's Claw to the NPC Dorin Morgrim to complete the quest [Blackstar Armor] Power of Ancient Ator does not appear.
- This issue will be resolved during the September 16th maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.
• We are aware of the issue where the Artina's Jukebox 10% Discount Coupon obtained as a final reward from Artina's Music Log questline cannot be added to the Coupon Book.
- This issue will be resolved during next week’s maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where completing the quest condition “[Daily EXC] Your Time, My Time” for the quest “[Repeat] Helping Fughar” sometimes does not complete the Season Pass Challenge.
- Please make sure to check if the “[Repeat] Helping Fughar” is reset in the Season Pass UI after midnight (00:00) before accepting this repeatable quest.
• We are aware of the issue where the Midsummer's Crimson Dragon Pack's Pearl Shop description incorrectly states that the Radiant Adventure Box is taxed instead of the box's contents.
• We've temporarily disabled the Altar of Blood due to an issue where monsters sporadically do not deal damage during the Altar of Blood.
• We are aware of the issue where the Witch and Wizard class requires a different amount of time for Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy/Cooking compared to other classes.
- This issue will be resolved during the next following maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where specific Adventurers may have reduced maximum Energy due to changes to certain Knowledge categories.
• We are aware of the issue where the in-game Wiki (F1) is not displayed properly.
• [Cursed Event] The Truth Behind the Mask
- We are aware of the issue where you cannot complete the quest if you attack the Red Paladin from a certain distance away. You can complete the quest by forfeiting and re-accepting it.
• We are aware of the issue where the in-game Wiki (F1) is not displayed properly.
• We are aware of the issue where using the Old Moon Trade Pass does not refresh the remaining amount that is displayed.
- You can refresh the remaining amount by re-accessing the Central Market. This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on July 15, 2020 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue where there are two Tapu NPCs in Altinova.
- The event quest can only be completed once as same as before.
• We are aware of the issue where character names change color based on Karma even while lv.49 or below.
• We are aware of the issue where a Black Spirit image sporadically appears during combat.
• We are aware of the issue where longer length text in the Chat Group window causes text to overlap with the background image or causes ellipses to appear abnormally.
• We are aware of the issue where the Pearl Shop description of the [Event] Beast Master Pack incorrectly displays the [Tamer] Golden Phoenix Outfit Set twice.
• [Valkyrie] We are aware of the issue where after using Death Line Chase to move backward while Shield Chase III is on cooldown using Shield Chase causes weapon and skill use to be abnormal.
• We are aware of the issue where right-clicking the Agris Fever UI causes an error message to appear.
• We are aware of the issue where the item descriptions for certain Ultimate Katan Awakening Weapons and Sandstorm Sub-weapons appear abnormal.
• We are aware of the issue where some text in the Compose & Play UI appears overlapped or unnatural.
• We are aware of the issue where the list for Black Desert TV is not being displayed on the official website.
• We are aware of the issue where searching for an NPC that is located in several places with the Find NPC feature will direct you toward an abnormal location.
• We are aware of the issue where using a skill that pulls in monsters causes your character to be pushed back by the monsters.
• We are aware of the issue where trying to view the Guild Info page from the Guild (G) window shows an error page.
• We are aware of the issue where Agris Fever sporadically does not recover points.
• We are aware of the issue where the completion requirements appear abnormal for Book of Margahan Chapter 2.
• We are aware of the issue where mousing over an item linked in chat after scrolling up moves back to the bottom of the chat window.
• We are aware of the issue where the Pearl Shop item description of the Epheria Marine set for certain classes incorrectly states Epheria Marine Armor instead of Clothes.
• We are aware of the issue where the Pearl Shop item description for the [Sorceress] Papillio Set incorrectly describes it as an Outfit Set instead of a Premium Set.
• We are aware of the issue where the Pearl Shop description of the [Event] Shining Arctic Box incorrectly states that it includes a Shining Arctic Box as a bonus instead of a Rare Arctic Box.
• We are aware of the issue where certain text in the Navigation Path Settings in the Game Options is displayed abnormally.
• We are aware of the issue where the “Decline“ button in the Guild Recruitment window is displayed abnormally.
• We are aware of the issue where “Notification” is displayed instead of “Post guild recruitment notice” when pressing the “Decline” button in the Guild Recruitment window.
• We are aware of the issue where you are sometimes unable to purchase or sell certain items.
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot obtain items when gathering from mushrooms in Polly's Forest in certain circumstances even though Energy was consumed.
• We are aware of the issue where the item description of the [Ninja] Bloodfiend outfit does not display the market registration price.
- The item above can be registered normally on the market and this issue will be resolved in the future.
• We are aware of the issue where the location of the NPC Jarette is changed preventing the normal completion of ‘[Event] Oh, My Lovely Jarette!’ once completing the quest ‘What Happened that Day’ in the ‘To Oquilla's Eye’ main quest.
- If you encounter this issue, you can normally complete the quest by completing the ‘The True Culprit’ in the ‘To Oquilla's Eye’ main quest.
• We are aware of the issue where you can't scroll down under specific situation while on Settings.
• We are aware of the issue where the game client stops during auto-navigation when Quick Route is selected in the Ocean Navigation Setting that is located in the lower-right of the World Map (M).
• We are aware of the issue where HP increase details do not fit the text space in the Campsite UI.
• We are aware of the issue where the item icon of [Event] Fantastic Honey Wine is not displayed in Crafting Notes.
• We are aware of the issue where the icon of the seed needed to be handed over during the quest for the 6th page of the Valentine’s Day Adventure log is displayed abnormally.
• We are aware of the issue where a Tier 3 - 4 Emperor Hawk pet sits on a character's shoulder (excluding Shai).
• We are aware of the issue where more than one Emperor Hawk sits on a character’s shoulder.
- Please note the two issues above will not occur with an Emperor Hawk that has used a Pet Appearance Change Coupon.
• We are aware of the issue where the Guardian Treant Camouflage outfit does not have visual effects.
• We are aware of the issue where there are no System Messages when obtaining a normal item from Shakatu’s Shiny Box (Life).
• We are aware of the issue where certain crafting information is displayed in the Korean language in Crafting Notes.
• We are aware of the issue where the quest NPC for the Leader of the Ahib is in an abnormal location making it difficult to complete the quest.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on February 5.
• We are aware of the issue where the end date of the event period for the ‘2nd Anniversary Special Login Rewards in the Attendance Reward window is different from the actual event period.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on January 22, and the date will be corrected to “until February 12, 2020 at 23:59”.
• We are aware of the issue where the [Dark Knight] Ataraxia Classic Set is incorrectly translated as an Outfit Set in the Indonesian language.
• We are aware of the issue where the color effect of [Tamer] Moonlight Faerie Shortsword is appearing in red.
• We are aware of the issue where the tooltip for +14 green weapons displays the market price of +1 instead.
• We are aware of the issue where the notification UI for pre-ordered items from the previous Market Place was not removed.
• We are aware of the issue where Archer's Canape Crossbow cannot be dyed.
• We are aware of the issue where the item transportation does not intermittently start.
- Please send your items by transport after moving to a different server if this problem occurs.
• We are aware of the issue where you can't control your character at the lobby if your character is attacked and dies while moving to Marni's Secret Isle.
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot use the Workers that were working on Fences which were removed due to some areas of the Coastal Cliff being changed to safe zones.
• We are aware of the issue where using certain Value Packs would apply the effect of Merv's Palette.
- This issue will be fixed after the next maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where the following skill cannot be reset by right-click while have an Armstrong's Skill Guide activated.
- [Valkyrie] Succession: Valkyrie's Vow
However, please note by resetting all skills this will also include Succession skills.
• We are aware of the issue where the [Berserker] skill description of ‘Storming Beast’ is displayed abnormally
• We are aware of the issue where the NPC Patrigio is not appearing.
• We are aware of the issue where the Weapon Exchange Coupon, Sub-Weapon Exchange Coupon, and Awakening Weapon Exchange Coupon are unavailable in the Pearl Shop.
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot edit your Introduction/Bio.
• We are aware of the issue where during the quest ‘[Event] Lala’s Request’ you cannot receive snowballs from Lala when you complete the quest condition to hit the snowman with the snowball cannon before completing the quest condition to receive snowballs from Lala.
• We are aware of the issue where the appearance of the Black Spirit cannot be changed even if quests for changing its appearance are completed.
• We are aware of the issue where Cox Pirates Extermination Seal items in possession were changed to Character bound.
• We are aware of the issue where the notification for purchasing an item is not displayed if the Central Market Warehouse is never used after placing a pre-order.
• We are aware of the issue where abnormal items are displayed in the item exchange list when using energy to exchange.
• We are aware of the issue where the Crystal of Elkarr’s effect is displayed abnormally after equipping the item.
- Please note that the normal effect of this Crystal is All Accuracy +12 / Ignore All Resistance +10%.
• [Kunoichi] We are aware of the issue where you cannot exchange a Shuriken for a Kunai using a Sub-Weapon Exchange Coupon.
• We are aware of the issue where 'Current Marketplace Asset Value' in storage menu is displayed as 0.
• [Tamer] We are aware of the issue where the movement while using Flash: Stance Shift I skill does not look natural.
• We are aware of issue where the set effect will not be applied by equipping both Helm Destroyer's Belt and Necklace of Sealed Magical Power.
• We are aware of the issue where storage cannot be used while carrying a bundle.
• We are aware of the issue where the Party Distribution Option message is displayed while not in a party after the loading screen once selecting a character.
• We are aware of the issue where you are moved to an abnormal location when using Escape in Kratuga Ancient Ruins.
• We are aware of the issue where the text 'Maintenance Scheduled' appears abnormally in the server selection window.
• We are aware of the issue where a character's stamina is abnormal when disembarking from a large ship's wheel.
- Please re-login to return your character's stamina to normal.
• We are aware of the issue where the NPC Maryan Pero, the Connoisseur of Calpheon, is missing.
- This issue will be resolved after the next regular maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where the main weapon, sub-weapon, or awakening weapon can sometimes not be seen in a non-combat stance.
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot end chatting through the voice chat UI while voice chat is on.
- This issue will be resolved during the next regular maintenance.
• The following skills will not have their buffs activated when used due to an issue where DP was being applied abnormally.
- Misty Haze
- Twirl-Three
- Kwik-Two
- Hop-Three
• [Witch/Wizard] We are aware of the issue where a Forward Guard would activate when switching to their Awakening Weapon during certain situations.
• We are aware of the issue where you can repurchase Knowledge that was already purchased from an NPC.
• We are aware of the issue where the description is not displayed when mousing over the icons of ship skills.
• We are aware of the issue where a white outline is shown while sailing a sailboat or frigate when General Settings → Show/Hide → Transparent Mast setting is on.
• We are aware of the issue where the remaining delivery count icon is not shown in the Imperial Delivery window.
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot obtain the processing knowledge of Celerity Draught and Unbridled Celerity Draught.
• We are aware of the issue where the Adventurer's Board cannot be found in the ESC Menu of the new UI.
• We are aware of the issue where Celerity Draught and Unbridled Celerity Draught cannot be sold to NPC Vendors.
• We are aware of the issue where some text in the Breeding Market menu appears abnormally.
• We are aware of the issue where the effect is incorrectly displayed when using the Warrior Solar Flare skill with Black Spirit's Rage.
• We are aware of the issue where Rulupee's Lightweight Adventure Bag item icon cannot be seen.
- This issue will be fixed during the next maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot exchange Marni's Stone(Stone Waragon) with Wacky Toshi at Iliya Island.
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot move for a fixed time after performing some of Shai's Talent skills.
• We are aware of the issue where Lv. 64 or higher characters cannot exchange Marni's Stones.
• We are aware of the issue where expired Frigate Sailor Contracts cannot be exchanged for Epheria Sailor Contracts.
- We recommend you get your Frigate Sailor Contracts exchanged for Epheria Sailor Contracts before they expire. This issue is expected to be resolved after maintenance next week.
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot use the camping shop function in a campsite.
• We have found an issue where the quest A Gift for You was giving out an abnormal completion reward. We have temporarily blocked this quest and the pre-requisite quest The Fairy Who Loves Music. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please note that the abnormal completion reward will be automatically deleted from Adventurers' accounts during the September 25 maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where the pet from purchasing a Limited, Prime or Legendary package cannot be selected on My Page.
• We are aware of the issue where Explosive Stone, Yak, and Rockskin Boar are not spawning in the Drieghan region.
• We are aware of the issue where the you cannot interact with the quest NPC to accept the Alitnova daily quest [Repeat] The Furious 24 Hours.
• We are aware of the issue where Knowledge obtained from the Secret Quest Challenge: The Tale of the Fallen Kingdom is not displayed.
- This issue will be fixed after the next maintenance on 9/10.
• We are aware of the issue where Apprentice guild members have their status changed abnormally when they join a guild.
- This issue will be resolved after the upcoming maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where sea monsters were being defeated too quickly. Due to this issue, these monsters will stop appearing.
- Candidum
- Hekaru
- Black Rust
- Nineshark
- Ocean Stalker
- Young Candidum
- Young Black Rust
- Young Nineshark
- Goldmont Small Battleship
- Goldmont Large Battleship
- Goldmont Medium Battleship
※ This issue is still under investigation. We will make an announcement as soon as possible.
• We are aware of the issue where unclaimed Challenge Rewards (Burning Gift Box) from the Chill Play Time event may be missing.
- This issue will be fixed after the next maintenance on 9/04, and you will be able to claim your rewards normally.
• We are aware of the issue where the Sell button does not function in the Sell tab of an NPC Vendor. - It is possible to sell items through the Purchase tab by right clicking the items in your inventory.
• We are aware of the issue where the following classes cannot evade while holding an Awakening weapon.
- Sorceress, Ranger, Tamer, Musa, Kunoichi, Valkyrie, Dark Knight, Lahn, Striker, Mystic, Archer
• We are aware of the issue where accessing the Adventurer’s Board displays the error message ‘Unable to load the page’.
• We are aware of the issue where the following items that are obtained during party play after setting up the registration for marketplace special item cannot be actually registered. - Weapon: +1 ~ +7 / +9 ~ +10 / +12 - Armor: +1 ~ +5 / +7 ~ +9 / +11 ~ +12
• We are aware of the issue where the number of dye slots is wrong for [Shai] White Bunny Ears and Cozy Fleece Hat.
• We are aware of the issue where voice chat is not functioning.
• We are aware of the issue where in the Guild window (G), the Saying of the Day is not displayed and cannot be entered.
• We are aware of the issue where the headpiece dye is not applied correctly when a Pearl outfit’s headpiece and armor/clothes are equipped together.
• We are aware of the issue where the effects of Finto's Fresh Juice do not properly apply when used while floating above water.
• We are aware of the issue where clicking the navigation button for the ‘[Event] Magnetic Field’ quest in the quest window’s new quest tab summons the Black Spirit.
• We are aware of the issue where Secret Quest related NPCs cannot normally perform other functions or quests as a result of the Secret Quest Challenge: The Tale of The Fallen Kingdom suspension.
• We are aware of the issue where the Ultimate Krea Ornamental Knot and Ultimate Krea Vitclari sub-weapons have the same damage reduction as Krea Ornamental Knot and Krea Vitclari.
• We are investigating the issue where the price of several items are displayed incorrectly when you first load Central Market information.
• We are aware of the issue where Karma goes down from attacking a protected member’s boat from the opposing guild during war.
• The following items are temporarily unusable until the next scheduled maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- Skill EXP +5%
- Combat EXP +10%
• We are aware of the issue where the following item effects are incorrectly applied.
- Skill EXP +50%
- Combat EXP +100%
These items are temporarily unavailable to use and will be fixed during the next maintenance (7/17)
• We are aware of the issue where [Shai] cannot accept one of the 'Black Spirit's Gift (Inventory Slot and Black Stones)' quests when completing the main quests '[Crossroad] The Lamenting Head of the League of Merchants' and '[Crossroad] Each of Their Reasons'.
- This issue is expected to be resolved during maintenance in the following week. We ask for your understanding.
• We are aware of the issue where a message is not being displayed when you attempt to enter Altar of Blood without completing the prerequisite quests.
- You must complete the questline starting with the quest 'Yaz and the Mountain of Sanctity' from Black Spirit's suggested quests with a level 56 or higher character to enter Altar of Blood.
• We are aware of the issue where some items cannot be gifted to an NPC even though the item’s trade price is below 50 million silver on the Central Market.
• We are aware of the issue where the following system message is displayed when pressing LMB on the Mount icon to try to call your wagon/ship. Please note Trainer's Flute cannot be used to call Wagons and Ships.
- Your mount is too far away. (You can call mounts from a further distance with a Trainer's Flute).
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot call your wagon even in close distance by pressing LMB on the Mount icon when you have a Trainer's Flute activated.
• We are aware of the issue where Shai’s Cheer Up! and Get Well skill effects are not being applied to allies during World Boss appearances.
• We are aware of the issue where the Cosmic Dawn Chandelier’s interior points are different from other chandeliers.
- The Cosmic Dawn Chandelier’s interior points will be corrected to be the same as other chandeliers as soon as possible.
• We are aware of the issue where [Shai] skills registered to Quick Slots 11 - 20 cannot be used.
• We are aware of the issue where the sale price for items that cannot be registered on the Central Market is not being measured when the current market asset value is determined.
• We are aware of the issue where the error message “Character has died.” will appear 3 consecutive times when a Shai character dies.
• We are aware of the issue where the Start of an Adventure quest cannot be selected and [Event] I love becoming stronger! is the first on the list during the tutorial.
- You can skip the tutorial or accept the quest by selecting the Go Back button while the Black Spirit is summoned.
• There is an issue with Altinova Freight Wagon that it does not deliver shipment correctly.
• We are aware of the issue where Lahn's facial expression is awkward when certain customization is applied.
• We are aware of the issue where certain NPCs and objects will appear abnormally after logging into the game or loading.
• We are aware of the issue where the Bahasa Indonesia translation for the skill options to decrease the Attack/Casting speed of a target is displayed as a decrease to Movement speed.
• We are aware of the issue where Knowledge tooltips in the Northern Calpheon Adventure Journal are being displayed abnormally.
• We are aware of the issue where the item description for [Event] Shakatu's Seal incorrectly displays Tungrad Earring instead of DUO: Tungrad Earring.
• We are aware of the issue where part of the quest summary for 'The Suspicious Sausan Assassins' quest is displayed as untranslated.
- This issue will be fixed after the maintenance on 6/05.
• We are aware of the issue where the button for the Black Spirit's Adventure event still appears even though the event period has ended.
• We are aware of the issue where the [Lahn] Garnet Marniera package appears for other classes.
• We are aware of the issue where the Value Pack bonus is not being applied to New/Returning Adventurers.
- This issue is under review and we will resolve it right away. We apologize for the inconvenience.
• We are aware of the issue where the name of the item 'Mysterious Chest - Earring' is being displayed as 'Mysterious Chest - Necklace'.
• We are aware of the issue where the NPC 'Center of the Ruins' appears awkwardly during 'The God of the Protties' quest.
• We are aware of an issue some stones are floating in the air at a specific place.
• We are aware of the issue where the description written on the quest summary of 'Worker Training: Bully' is irrelevant to the requirement to complete the quest.
• We are aware of the issue where you can not check the level and charm of a Fairy or Pet taken out after reconnecting to game client.
- This can be resolved by checking in and taking out your Pet or unsummoning and summoning Fairy again.
• We are aware of the issue where the text is displayed in Indonesian when using NPC vendor and NPC Blacksmith while the in-game language is set as English.
• There is an issue where pearl item horse gear appears to be worn out despite its Barding is 100% of durability.
• The 12 Wiki links on the Post Level 50 Quest Guide functioning abnormally for users depending on the patch applied
• We are aware of the issue where the character's motion becomes awkward when attacked by Mystic 'Dragon's Rip' while jumping on the ground.
• We are aware of the issue where certain monsters in waves of Savage Rift, and certain boss monsters summoned from boss scrolls don't disappear right after being defeated if you had not directly damaged the monsters.
• We are aware of the issue where it is possible to move to Valencia City by using Character Transport function.
• We are aware of the issue where the guild mount cannot be found when the number of resets for the guild mount has been dead/destroyed is 256 or more.
• We are investigating the issue where fishing is not available in the following areas.
- Lake Valencia
- Lake at Marni Cave Path
- Lake at Shakatu
• We are aware of the issue where the Guild House Auction started on 5/09 (Thu) at 17:00, which is one day ahead of the regular schedule.
- The next Guild House Auction is scheduled to start regularly on 5/24 (Fri) at 17:00.
• The character goes underwater while fighting Kzarka. (You are able to move your character to the nearest safe location via 'Escapte' Button on menu
• We are aware of the delay issue that can be found intermittently when using interaction and skill keys.
• Pets intermittently not displaying properly (can be fixed by re-log-in through character selection window)
• We are aware that the 'Below Level 35' video guide is not being displayed.
• We are aware of an issue where the shadow is abnormally displayed on NPC Deve's face when having conversation with.
• We are aware of the issue where the text 'Close' is displayed in the Korean language in Place Mode.
• We are aware of the issue where the 'View Details' button in the Fairy Skill Change window is displayed in the Korean language.
• We are aware of the issue where you are unable to continuously process items that cannot be stacked in the same inventory slot.
- This issue will be resolved during next week's scheduled maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where certain text does not fit the UI of the item restoration window.
• We are aware of the issue where you may experience delay in the following circumstances.
- Approaching an NPC that is near the ocean through auto-navigation while riding a ship or swimming.
- Setting auto-navigation to an NPC that is near the ocean while nearby said NPC.
• We are aware of the issue where the required EXP for each tier of the following Pets is set as Tier 2.
- Arctic Fox
- Emperor Hawk
- Haetae
※ This issue will be resolved during the scheduled maintenance on March 4 (Wed). However, the levels/tiers will be unchanged, and only the required EXP will be fixed.
• We are aware of the issue where the name of the [Event] Flower Coronet in the [Event] Flower Pack (M/F) is different for the product description in the Pearl Shop (F3).
• We are aware of the issue where the in-game tooltip of [Event] Shining Shakatu's Seal incorrectly states DUO instead of TRI: Geranoa Accessory for exchangeable items.
• We are aware of the issue where 'Golden Bell' cannot be used.
• There is an issue where server list of Savage Rift does not appear normally.
• We are aware of the issue where the Pearl Shop description of the Awakening Weapon Exchange Coupon does not reflect the change from the January 22nd update.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on February 5, 2020 (Wed).
- The correct description is that this item cannot be used within 30 days of the class's Awakening release.
• We are aware of the issue where the names of DLCs purchased in Steam differ from the item delivered to the in-game Mailbox.
- Note that the items in the box is correct for the DLC that you've purchased. It is only their names that differ. This issue will be resolved during February 5, 2020 maintenance.
• We are aware of the issue where the size of the Emperor Hawk pet does not change per tier when using a Pet Appearance Change Coupon.
- This issue will be resolved during the maintenance on February 5; if you use a Pet Appearance Change Coupon or change tiers through exchange after the maintenance on February 5, the pet's appearance will be properly applied.
[Guardian] We are aware of the issue where locking all the skills in the Black Spirit's Rage Skill Lock UI causes an error message to appear and all the skill descriptions to appear abnormal.
• [Shai] We are aware of the issue where the text bubble of the “Time to Shine!” skill buff description is abnormal.
We are aware of the issue where the recommended AP for the Abandoned Monastery node is displayed at an incorrect location on the World Map.
• We are aware of the issue where a ship with Ebenruth's Nol equipped unexpectedly stops moving when using Breezy Sail repeatedly.
- This issue will be resolved during the scheduled maintenance on March 13 (Wed).
• We are aware of the issue where the Upgrade Ship function cannot be used.
• We are aware of the issue where you cannot change the settings for the Dpad when using a controller/gamepad.
Please feel free to contact us through our Customer Support if you have any additional questions.
Thank you.