[Completed] 2024/1/26 Scheduled Maintenance (Last Updated: 26/01/2024 17:20 UTC+8)
Greetings, Adventurers!
The Black Desert Global Lab will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on 2024/1/26 to improve services and bring you the latest updates.
During the maintenance, the Black Desert Global Lab, Website Central Market, and other website services will be temporarily unavailable.
Please refer to the details below for more information regarding the maintenance.
■ Scheduled Maintenance Details
- Maintenance Date: 2024/1/26 @ 14:00 - 17:00 18:00 17:45(조기종료) (GMT / UTC +8)
- Affected Services: Black Desert Global Lab server and Website Central Market
- Black Desert and Website Central Market will be unavailable during maintenance.
■ Website Maintenance Details
- Maintenance Date: 2024/1/26 @ 14:00 - 16:00 17:00(3 hours) (UTC+8)
- Affected Services: Black Desert Website
- Black Desert Website services will be unavailable during maintenance.
*웹 서버 안정화 작업의 영향으로 홈페이지 점검 시간이 1시간 연장 되었습니다. (추가 2024-01-26 16:00)
* Additional Notices
- Once maintenance begins, you will be disconnected from the game even if you are waiting in-queue.
- Please move your character to a safe location (safe zone) before maintenance begins.
- Your character and/or mount may be attacked by monsters or other Adventurers if you disconnect from the game in a combat zone.
- Please try restarting the game if you receive an error message stating that you are already logged in after the maintenance.
- Black Desert Global Lab is a test server for Black Desert. Hence, maintenance schedule and details stated above are subject to change due to performing various in-game tests.
- Any changes will be announced as an update via this notice.
We appreciate your patience and support while maintenance is underway.
Thank you!