To All Adventurers Who Anticipated the Asia Node War Championship

I am sorry.
Due to the insufficiency in the preparation process and issues at today's Asia Node War Championship, I apologize for causing deep concern to the Adventurers who participated and those who love Black Desert.
While preparing for a big event like the Asia Node War Championship, there were too many shortcomings in the process. The solution for the ping problem was insufficient, server preparation was not enough, and character settings for the Node War were not properly prepared. Before the event, as Adventurers struggled to participate, I wondered if we should cancel and prepare properly again. However, we pushed through with the excuse that we needed to fulfill our promised schedules with our Adventurers.
To all guild masters who prepared and encouraged their guild members to participate, those who took time off work or spent personal time practicing until dawn, and those who participated despite difficulties in accessing the servers, I apologize again. Also, I apologize to the Adventurers who took time out of their weekend evenings to watch the broadcast.
For now, we are discussing canceling the ongoing Asia Node War Championship, as we deeply realize our preparations were lacking. We will follow up with an announcement once we have made a decision.
No matter how much we prepare, we cannot match the interest and enthusiasm our Adventurers have shown. Still, with this apology in mind, we will do our best not only for follow-up measures but also for future updates.
Finally, it is with a heavy heart that I address our Adventurers on a Sunday night at the end of the week with something like this. We will use this as an opportunity to make sure we do a better job and come back to you in a better form.
Thank you.
Jae-hee Kim, Executive Producer of Black Desert