Known Issues
Greetings Adventurers,
This is a list of in-game known issues that are currently being investigated.
We are working to resolve these issues as soon as possible and apologize for any inconveniences you may have experienced.
We will continuously update this notice as issues are discovered and resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
▶ [Go to the previous Known Issues - 1 Notice]
Current Known Issues
- Please refrain from using the worker hiring function, as it still consumes energy.
● The description of the "[Pet] Helter-Skelter Ceros" inside the "[Valentine's] Ribbon Cat and Friends Pack" in the Pearl Shop (F3), is being displayed incorrectly.
- The description 'Picks up items within a slighter wider range' for "[Pet] Helter-Skelter Ceros" is currently displayed only in the Pearl Shop.
- The function and the corresponding tooltip will be added during the Feb 20 (Thu) maintenance.
- If you have any inquiries regarding this item, please contact our Support.
● The maximum quantity of certain items (such as Level 5 barter goods) that a character can carry when exceeding the weight limit is different after the Feb 6 (Thu) maintenance.
- Construction Mode Node/Conquest War: Participation can be changed at any time on the server after building the fort. However, you cannot cancel participation while the Node/Conquest War is in progress.
- Occupation Mode Node War: If you cancel participation, participation for all guild/alliance members will be cancelled as well.
- Construction Mode Node/Conquest War: If the fort is dismantled, participation for all guild/alliance members will be cancelled as well.
● The information displayed in the Contribution UI does not accurately reflect current Contribution Points.
● Certain classes are seeing Karma penalty messages when defeating monsters in Honglim Base and Dokkebi Forrest.
- Please be advised that your Family's actual Karma will not decrease.
● During Node/Conquest War, certain areas deemed Combat Zones following the Oct 24 maintenance, will still display Safe Zone messages and alerts.
- Zone change messages and character highlight colors
- Region name colors on the minimap
※ For details on Safe Zones during the Node/Conquest War, check the [Patch Notes - Oct 24, 2024]. Note that other areas will be applied as combat zones during Node/Conquest War.
● For Dusa's Awakening questline, using a normal character (non-season character) and equipping a +0 - +15 enhancement level Tuvala Enlightened Blade during Dusa's Awakening tutorial causes it to not be completable.
● Containers installed in residences are not appearing in the list of the Contribution Point Usage UI.
● Exclusive titles for Conquest War are not obtainable in certain situations.
- If you've met the kill count requirements (100, 180, 300) but still haven't received your titles, please contact Support through a 1:1 inquiry.
- If you cannot use Clorince's Bag or Liana's Tool Bag, please submit an inquiry via Support.
● We are aware of the issue where AP is not reduced normally when it rains or snows.
● We are aware of the issue where having your internet connection disconnected while waiting in the Arena of Arsha causes you to be stuck on the loading screen when trying to re-access the Arena of Arsha from the ESC menu → Arena of Arsha.
● We are aware of the issue where you cannot level up when receiving EXP as a quest reward at level 59 99.99%.
● We are aware of the issue where you sporadically do not obtain gathering materials while Water Scooping.