Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea
Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea
The difficulty of Atoraxxion: Vahamalkea is separated into season, normal, and Elvia difficulties.
The appropriate difficulty level and rewards will be applied based on the server you're logged into. (Example: Season difficulty is applied when you enter Vahamalkea on a season server)
Season Difficulty
The difficulty will be scaled according to the season character’s gear score and there is no death penalty.
You can proceed with weekly season quests. (Reward – Atoraxxion: Rift Chest)

Normal Difficulty
Normal difficulty is applied and there is no death penalty. (Reward - Vahmalkea: Aakmah Chest)
Weekly First Playthrough Reward - Vahmalkea: Desert Chest
Weekly Second Playthrough Reward - Vahmalkea: Hystrah Chest
- You can obtain weekly rewards only a given number of times in Atoraxxion.
- Each Family can obtain rewards twice a week and the limit will reset Thursday after midnight.
- However, after your second playthrough, you must play with a character that has not accepted the weekly quest yet in order to accept the quest and receive rewards in Atoraxxion.
Season rewards earned are not affected by the weekly limit mentioned above.
How to Enter

You need a key in order to progress from area to the next. The key can be crafted by using materials that are dropped in Atoraxxion.
- Vaha’s Dried Fang: Go to Processing window (L) and perform Simple Alchemy using Vaha’s Cold Thorn x5 (drops from Ancient Weapons).
4. All party members must craft Lucretia Dagger from Sol Magia in Vaha’s Garden and then move to Vaha’s Cradle.
- Lucretia Dagger: Arrange Vaha's Twisted Fang and Vaha's Whispering Bell (drops from Ahtenn) into a [-] shape.
5. Defeat the final boss in Vaha’s Cradle
6. Claim your reward in Vaha’s Paradise
Vaha’s Sky / Vaha’s Storm / Vaha’s Query

Vaha’s Heart

Vaha's Head

Vaha's Garden

Vaha's Cradle

Vahmalkea Reward
Quest Name |
Requirement |
Reward |
[Weekly] Vahmalkea: Desert Chest |
Hand over [Elvia] Key of the Sunless Dawn x1 |
[Weekly] Vahmalkea: Hystrah Chest |
Hand over [Elvia] Key of the Sunless Dawn x1 (2nd playthrough of the week) |
[Weekly] Vahmalkea: Hystrah Chest |
Hand over [Elvia] Key of the Sunless Dawn x1 (2nd playthrough of the week) |
[Weekly] Vahmalkea: Aakmah Chest I |
Hand over Key of the Sunless Dawn x1 |
[Weekly] Vahmalkea: Aakmah Chest II |
Hand over Key of the Sunless Dawn x1 (2nd playthrough of the week) |
* In order to claim rewards for the second playthrough of the week, you need to clear it with another character. A character that has already completed the weekly quest cannot accept another weekly quest until the weekly reset.

Season Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea Reward
Quest Name |
Requirement |
Reward |
[Co-op] [Weekly] Vestige of the Rifts Bestowed by Vaha |
Fughar |
Complete Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea and check Vaha's Time Capsule |
Dehkima: Token of the Oath that can be obtained from the weekly quest reward chest are exchangeable for the following items from Old Moon Merchants in each town.
Required Item |
Exchange Item |
Dehkima: Token of the Oath x1 |
Memory Fragment x2 |
Dehkima: Token of the Oath x1 |
Mass of Pure Magic x2 |
Dehkima: Token of the Oath x5 |
Advice of Valks (+40) x1 |
Dehkima: Token of the Oath x10 |
Advice of Valks (+50) x1 |
Dehkima: Token of the Oath x10 |
Black Magic Crystal - Harphia /Cobelinus/Viper/Hystria/Carmae/Addis ▲ Select one of the items above |
Dehkima: Token of the Oath x1000 |
3 Weapon Exchange Coupons |
Obtain rewards after completing Challenges in Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea.
Challenges can be completed only once per Family and rewards can be claimed via the Challenge Window (Y) when logging in again after having met the requirements.
Challenge |
Requirement |
Reward |
[Season] On the Lucretia Dagger! |
Obtain On the Lucretia Dagger! knowledge after defeating [Season] Apex Urukios. |
On the Lucretia Dagger! |
Obtain On the Lucretia Dagger! knowledge after defeating [General] Apex Urukios |
Infested Urukios! |
Obtain Infested Urukios knowledge after defeating Apex Urukios of [Elvia] Atoraxxion Vahmalkea |
Quest for Clearing for the First Time
Quest Name |
Reward |
[Atoraxxion] The First Savior: Vahmalkea |
Vaha's Time Capsule
(Located in Vaha's Paradise, the location you visit after defeating the final boss)
Golden Tears of the Desert x1 Vahmalkea: Aakmah Chest x1 Scroll of Vaha's Records x10 |

Golden Tears of the Desert
Processing (L) - Heating: Golden Tears of the Desert x1 + Yona's Fragment x10 + Melody of the Stars x10 + Magical Shard x50
Vaha's Dawn has the same stats as the Black Distortion Earring.

- Cetus, Monoceros, Lacerta, Creomar, Putorium, Krahtenn, Ahtenn