Adventurer's Guide

Known Issues

Last Edited on : Jul 26, 2024, 13:40 (UTC+8)

Greetings Adventurers,

This is a list of in-game known issues that are currently being investigated.


We are working to resolve these issues as soon as possible and apologize for any inconveniences you may have experienced.

We will continuously update this notice as issues are discovered and resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding.



[Go to the previous Known Issues - 1 Notice]



Current Known Issues

● [Dusa] Autumnal Blitz, Prime: Autumnal Blitz - Forward Guard only applies up to attack 2 after the July 25 (Thu) maintenance.
- Forward Guard will only apply at the start of the skills (as described) when fixed during the August 1 (Thu) maintenance.
● [Berserker] Giant Leap - Backstep combos aren't smooth.
● [Lahn] Binding Chains - Cannot combo into Fatal Attraction from attack 2 after certain skills.
● [Witch] Ultimate: Teleport - Pressing S + C with your staff also triggers the cooldown.
● Exquisite Cron Meal incorrectly lists Special Attack Evasion Rate as an effect in its item description.
- The meal not granting the effect is working as intended, and the description will be fixed during the Aug 1 (Thu) maintenance.
● If "Lightstone of Earth: Disrupt" was sold before the July 24, 2024 (Wed) maintenance, and Silver from its sale was not collected, the Central Market may not be functioning normally.  
- As a temporary measure, the item has been removed from the sale list to ensure the smooth operation of the Central Market.  
- Uncollected Silver from sales will be sent after maintenance on Aug 1 (Thu).
● Cannot receive refund of the War of the Roses participation fee if you have no Silver in your inventory.
- This issue will be fixed during the Aug 1 (Thu) maintenance.
● Resurrection fails intermittently during the Event Red Battlefield, "Sand Castle Shore-Down.
● Appearance and progress with Apocros in Syca's Glare of Atoraxxion: Sycrakea is abnormal.
- This issue occurs when a party member enters Syca's Glare before the party leader interacts with the Sol Magia to move to Syca's Glare. To avoid this, we kindly ask party members to stay close to the party leader instead of heading to Syca's Glare on their own.
● Some chapters of "Igor Bartali's Adventures" are displaying abnormal text in Indonesian.
- This issue will be fixed during the July 10, 2024 (Wed) maintenance.
● In the Pearl Shop (F3), the "Mystery Outfit Box" incorrectly states that the [Scholar] class cannot open the [Event] Succession Classic Box.
- The [Scholar] class can indeed open the [Event] Succession Classic Box without any issues.
● When wearing the Memento Mori Helmet, the eyepatch part may appear unnatural with certain customizations.
● Exclusive titles for Conquest War are not obtainable in certain situations.
- If you've met the kill count requirements (100, 180, 300) but still haven't received your titles, please contact Support through a 1:1 inquiry.
● Apocros' location occasionally appears abnormally in Syca's Glare.
● Entering, leaving, and/or re-attempting the Magnus (abyssal veins) deactivates quest type settings and prevents you from accepting the Magnus Main quests.
- Check "All" for Quest Type in the Quest (O) window to be able to accept the quests.
● Quests with requirements and objectives linked to items in the Manage Currency UI cannot be completed.
- Affected quests: [Weekly Training] Imperial Horse Delivery, Grand Prix Vera's Scroll, [Manor] Northern Heidel Gothic Fountain, [Miniature Elephant] Permit from the Merchant League.
● After dying to [Black Shrine] Boss Blitz bosses, pressing the restart or return button in certain situations takes you to the boss area in the Land of the Morning Light instead of the location you entered from.

● Clorince's Bag and Liana's Tool Bag cannot be used or moved in certain situations.
- If you cannot use Clorince's Bag or Liana's Tool Bag, please submit an inquiry via Support.

● We are aware of the issue where "Private/Personal Trade" is not possible when using the gamepad UI.
● We are aware of the issue where AP is not reduced normally when it rains or snows.
● We are aware of the issue where having your internet connection disconnected while waiting in the Arena of Arsha causes you to be stuck on the loading screen when trying to re-access the Arena of Arsha from the ESC menu → Arena of Arsha.
● [Warrior, Ranger, Sorceress, Berserker] We are aware of the issue where an uncomputable Succession questline appears in an unaccepted state in the Quest window (O) for a character that completed the Succession quests before the Awakening & Succession questlines were combined.
● We are aware of the issue where you cannot level up when receiving EXP as a quest reward at level 59 99.99%.
● We are aware of the issue where the minimap marks are sometimes incorrect.
● We are aware of the issue where the gauge of Black Spirit's Rage shows a negative value and often does not change.
- This issue is resolved after you log in again.
● We are aware of the issue where you sporadically do not obtain gathering materials while Water Scooping.
● We are aware of the issue where certain crafting information is displayed in the Korean language in Crafting Notes.
● We are aware of the issue where the background terrain appears abnormally when the direction of the camera changes.
● We are aware of the issue where the Stable button located on the lower right screen on World Map(M) does not work at Rock Post.

Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.