Adventurer's Guide

Last Week

Last Edited on : Feb 13, 2025, 10:10 (UTC+8)


Hello, Adventurers.


Here are the updates made to Black Desert on February 6, 2025.

(Patch size: approx. 2.81 GB)
- Please note that the update for Steam may be larger than the size listed above.


※ Please read below for details.



  • Event 1. Get Upgrade Materials!
    • Event Period : Feb 6, 2025 (Thu) after maintenance – Feb 20, 2025 (Thu) before maintenance
[More details]

We are currently in the final stages of preparing "Duskwing," the new Dragon mount, to provide you with an exceptional experience.
Our desire to present a more polished and impressive feature has led to a delay in the update schedule.
We appreciate your patience and are committed to using the remaining time to ensure a fresh and exciting experience for all Adventurers. Thank you for your understanding.

MAJOR UPDATES - Great Ocean & Bartering



Bartering - Quality of Life Improvements

To all Adventurers who love Barter and those who'll be intrigued by today's update, we've got some updates to make your journey across the Great Ocean even more enjoyable. We've improved the refresh time for Barter, a feature you might have tried before, and added new quality of life features. Let's go over them one by one.

Input "Reduce Refresh Cooldown" Times

  • Added a feature allowing you to input how many times to use the "Reduce Refresh Cooldown" function when refreshing the barter list.



Margoria's Star Barter Info

  • Improved so you can check Margoria's Star barter information from the World Map (M).



Bulk Move Ship Cargo to Storage

We've added a handy feature that lets you move all your cargo to storage at once after finishing your bartering trips around the islands and returning to the wharf. When you're ready to sell items from storage, just use the item selling function. Plus, we've made it easier to sell items like Level 5 trade goods that don't stack in one inventory slot by letting you set the exact number to sell. Keep in mind, this feature works for any non-stacking items, not just trade goods.
  • Added a function in the Load Cargo window that allows you to move all items currently loaded in your ship's inventory to the storage at once.



Selling Storage Items

  • Improved so you can specify item quantities when selling identical items that don't stack in a single inventory slot through a Storage NPC.

Barter Info - View Only Owned

Captains who love Barter often work out the profits between their storage stock and exchange rates, crafting their own trade routes for fun. Now, you can check how many items you have on your ship or in storage right from the Barter Information UI. The Barter Information UI also lets you "Hide Completed Barter Nodes." By using both features, you can easily see which delivery regions are left for the goods on your ship, among other handy uses.
  • Added the "View Only Owned" function to the barter Information window.
    • Simplified the "Hide Completed Barter Nodes" function into an icon button format.
[NEW!] View Only Owned Only trade routes requiring items currently loaded on your ship will be shown in the barter list. (This allows you to easily check the list of trade goods loaded for bartering.)
Hide Completed Barter Nodes Hide nodes with completed exchanges from the list. 
(This allows you to easily view only the list of trade goods awaiting barter.)
[TIP] Try using both functions together!
Display only the items loaded on your ship for barter in the list, and hide nodes where exchanges are complete!
You can conveniently check the barter information for trade goods remaining on your ship that are waiting for exchange.

[TIP] Access the barter information window with ease!
1. RMB the Barter button in the Menu (ESC) and use the "Pin Menu'"function to easily open the UI with number buttons from the menu.
2. Use the "Barter Info" button at the bottom right of the World Map (M) to check barter information even when the world map is open.


Load Cargo Directly from the Barter Info Window

  • Improved the Barter Info window to show items in ships and storage.
    • Additionally added a function to move barter goods directly by pressing the ship or storage icons.
Example of Use: Check the number of items in storage and then directly load the cargo.


Barter Trade Goods

[Level 5] Trade Goods

esides making Barter more convenient, we're also upping the price of Level 5 trade goods. Furthermore, if you've wrapped up all your bartering, we're working on improvements to help you keep thriving in the Great Ocean. You can earn extra rewards from upgraded ocean monster zones or by tackling daily and weekly quests.
  • As the waves relentlessly rise in the waters nearby and in the vast expanse of Margoria Sea, the barterers stationed on each island eagerly await the news of trade from the sailing vessels. With the delivery of Tier 5 barter goods delayed, merchants are seizing the opportunity to purchase some precious goods at a premium price.
    • Increased the NPC shop selling price for Level 5 barter trade goods as follows.
Level 5 Trade Goods
(7,500,000 Silver → 10,000,000 Silver)
[Level 5] Octagonal Box [Level 5] Supreme Gold Candlestick [Level 5] Portrait of the Ancient
[Level 5] 37 Year Old Herbal Wine [Level 5] Faded Gold Dragon Figurine [Level 5] Elixir of Youth
[Level 5] Azure Quartz [Level 5] Stuffed White Caterpillar [Level 5] Luxury Patterned Fabric
[Level 5] Stuffed Morpho Butterfly [Level 5] Golden Fish Scale [Level 5] Mysterious Rock
[Level 5] Statue's Tear [Level 5] 102 Year Old Golden Herb -
Level 5 Trade Goods
(15,000,000 Silver → 25,000,000 Silver)
[Level 5] Opulent Coral Trinket [Level 5] Cox Pirates' Journal [Level 5] Rust Repair Tool
[Level 5] Otters Fish Hook [Level 5] Observatory Report -
  • As the merchants began acquiring Level 5 trade goods at premium prices, the barterers, too, found themselves in a flurry of activity, eager to secure these coveted items. They now offer exchanges with even more Crow Coins for these precious wares.
    • Increased the amount of Crow Coins obtainable when exchanging Level 5 barter items.
Al Halam Sea (Offshore)
Barter Location Before After
Halmad Island 100 - 150 Crow Coins 120 - 180 Crow Coins
Kashuma Island 80 - 160 Crow Coins 100 - 190 Crow Coins
Derko Island 100 - 160 Crow Coins 120 - 190 Crow Coins
Margoria's Star (Great Ocean)
Barter Location Before After
Shipwrecked Haran's Cargo Ship 150 - 300 Crow Coins 175 - 325 Crow Coins
Unfinished Adrift Vessel 150 - 300 Crow Coins 175 - 325 Crow Coins
Lantinia's Combat Raft 70 - 170 Crow Coins 90 - 200 Crow Coins
Pakio's Combat Raft 70 - 170 Crow Coins 90 - 200 Crow Coins
Crow Merchants' Vessel 70 - 170 Crow Coins 90 - 200 Crow Coins
Shipwrecked Rickun's Ship 70 - 170 Crow Coins 90 - 200 Crow Coins
Shipwrecked Cox Pirate Ship 70 - 170 Crow Coins 90 - 200 Crow Coins
Shipwrecked Marine Vessel 70 - 170 Crow Coins 90 - 200 Crow Coins
Old Moon Guild's Carrack 100 - 170 Crow Coins 120 - 200 Crow Coins
Wandering Merchant's Ship 100 - 170 Crow Coins 120 - 200 Crow Coins
Bartering Exchange Materials
  • Changed some items available for exchange via bartering as follows.
Before After
[Items Exchangeable for Level 5 Trade Good x1]
1. Saltwater Crocodile's Scale x1 (2 exchanges)
2. Violent Sea Monster's Scale x1 (2 exchanges)
[Items Exchangeable for Level 5 Trade Good x1]
1. Saltwater Crocodile's Scale x3 - 5 (1 exchange)
2. Violent Sea Monster's Scale x3 - 5 (1 exchange)
3. Violent Sea Monster's Bone x3 - 5 (1 exchange)
4. Violent Sea Monster's Ooze x3 - 5 (1 exchange)


Great Ocean Monster Zones


Sea Monster Habitat - Saltwater Crocodile

  • Increased the quantity of Sea Monster's Spirit Pouch and Ferocious Sea Monster's Spirit Pouch by 3.5 times when defeating monsters in the designated monster zones.
Item Name Before After
Sea Monster's Spirit Pouch x15 - 25 x50 - 60
Ferocious Sea Monster's Spirit Pouch x3 - 5 x8 - 10

Goldmont Pirate Territory

  • Increased the drop rates of Elaborate Pearl Necklace, Obsidian Crystal Bracelet, Gilded Coral, and Golden Turtle Shell obtained from defeating monsters in the following zones by 600%.
Item Name Changes
Golden Coral
(Selling Price: 10,000,000 Silver)
Increased drop rate by 600%
Elaborate Pearl Necklace
(Selling Price: 30,000,000 Silver)
Increased drop rate by 600%
Obsidian Crystal Bracelet
(Selling Price: 50,000,000 Silver)
Increased drop rate by 600%
Golden Turtle Shell
(Selling Price: 70,000,000 Silver)
Increased drop rate by 600%

Large Sea Monster Habitat - Lekrashan

  • Increased the spawn rate of Lekrahsahn by 150% when defeating Nineshark and Black Rust in the designated monster zones.

Breezy Crystal

  • Reduced the purchase price of "Breezy Crystal," which supplies cannonballs for cannons, from 200,000 to 50,000 Silver.
    • This item can be purchased from wharf manager NPC shops. Supplies 2 cannonballs to the ship per use.

Sailing Quests

Velia & Port Epheria Subjugation Quests

The quest to take down Margoria sea monsters, available from Croix the wharf manager in Velia, can also be picked up under a different name at Port Epheria. Many captains would grab quests from both places before setting sail. With this update, we've made it easier—now you can get combined rewards from both regions by accepting the quest in just one.
When the Great Expedition first launched, quest objectives weren't marked to encourage exploration of the vast Margoria Sea. As a result, it was difficult to find the monster locations. Now, in line with updates like setting waypoints on the World Map when you have a compass in Margoria, we have improved it to make it easier to find monster locations.
Additionally, we've boosted the amount of "Origin of Wind" to help Adventurers subjugating in the Great Ocean.
  • Improved the following quests that could be undertaken in Velia or Port Epheria.
    • Allowed players to receive rewards equal to the combined amount from undertaking the quests in both towns, even if the quest was accepted in only one.
      • With the rewards increased accordingly, you can only complete one quest with the same objective per town every day.
▼ Selectable Quests (Velia's Croix or Port Epheria's Dius)
Quests Objectives Rewards (Before) Rewards (After)
[Daily] Wanted: Hekaru
[Daily] Wanted: Ocean Stalker
Defeat the Hekarus of the Great Ocean
Defeat the Ocean Stalkers of the Great Ocean
300 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Origin of Wind x1
600 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Origin of Wind x50
[Daily] Looming Threats from the Ocean Destroy the Goldmont Large Battleship of the Great Ocean 300 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Breezy Crystal x1
600 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Origin of Wind x50
[Daily] Ocean Predators Destroy the Goldmont Small Battleship of the Great Ocean 300 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Breezy Crystal x1
600 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Origin of Wind x50
Quests Objectives Rewards (Before) Rewards (After)
[Daily] A Treasure Swimming in the Ocean: Hekaru
[Daily] A Treasure Swimming in the Ocean: Ocean Stalker
Defeat the Hekarus of the Great Ocean
Defeat the Ocean Stalkers of the Great Ocean
300 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Origin of Wind x1
600 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Origin of Wind x50
[Daily] Outlaws of the Ocean Destroy the Goldmont Large Battleship of the Great Ocean 300 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Breezy Crystal x1
600 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Origin of Wind x50
[Daily] Stay Sharp! Destroy the Goldmont Small Battleship of the Great Ocean 300 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Breezy Crystal x1
600 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Origin of Wind x50
  • Improved so you can confirm the quest location when progressing with the above six quests.
  • Added/increased the rewards for the following three quests available from the NPC Proix at the Dancing Marlin Tavern in Velia.
Velia's Dancing Marlin Tavern NPC Proix
Quests Objectives Rewards (Before) Rewards (After)
[Daily] Wanted: Hungry Sea Creatures Eliminate Hungry Hekarus, Eliminate Hungry Ocean Stalkers 200 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
200 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Crow Coin x50
[Daily] Wanted: Cox Scouts in Disguise Defeat the Cox Pirates infiltrating the islands x20 200 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
200 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Crow Coin x50
[Weekly] How to Recover Sailors Hand over Chowder x20 to Proix 200 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Contribution EXP 1000
Decuple Sailing EXP
Crow Coin 200개
Special Balenos Meal x10
  • Improved the objective location for "[Daily] Wanted: Hungry Sea Creatures."
  • Improved the objective location for "[Daily] Wanted: Cox Scouts in Disguise."
    • Adventurers will now be directed to the Cox Pirates' camp instead of the Cox Scouts' flag location.
  • Changed the "[Daily] How to Recover Sailors" quest to a weekly quest.
    • You no longer need to process the Chowder yourself.
    • Added "Dried Shellfish" to the list of ingredients for the cooking recipe.
      • Gathering shellfish has a high chance to drop Shellfish. Use Drying on Shellfish to obtain Dried Shellfish.
    • Cooking Recipe
(Process via Cooking Tool)
Dried Pearl Oyster Flesh x1 OR Dried Shellfish x5
Pepper x2
Pork x2
Milk x1
Teff Bread x1
  • Added Shellfish to be obtainable by gathering Shellfish and Clams.
    • Unaffected by pets with the "Gathering Quantity Increase" Talent.

Velia - Delivering Goods Quests

  • Added and expanded the rewards for the following three quests from Miya at the Dancing Marlin Tavern in Velia.
Velia's Dancing Marlin Tavern NPC Miya
Quests Objectives Rewards (Before) Rewards (After)
[Daily] Delivering Goods: Baremi Island Deliver trade goods to Baremi Island 200 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
200 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Barter EXP
Crow Coin x20
[Daily] Delivering Goods: Narvo Island Deliver trade goods to Narvo Island 200 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
200 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Barter EXP
Crow Coin x20
[Daily] Delivering Goods: Tinberra Island Deliver trade goods to Tinberra Island 200 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
200 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Barter EXP
Crow Coin x20
  • Improved so that you can accept and work on all three quests at the same time.
The Supplies Delivery Quest is a time-sensitive mission where you need to deliver supplies quickly. Sometimes, Adventurers would accept the quest but not start right away, ending up having to accept it again or give up. With this update, we've extended the quest duration by up to three times, so you can tackle it more flexibly, even while juggling other sailing quests or bartering.
  • Added and expanded the rewards for the following three quests from Velia & Iliya Island NPCs.
3 Supplies Delivery Quests
Quests Objectives Rewards (Before) Rewards (After)
[Daily] Supplies Delivery (Iliya Island)
(Croix in Velia)
Deliver supplies to Dario on Iliya Island
(Time Limit 60 min →
180 min)
200 Contribution EXP
Cox Pirates' Artifact (Parley Beginner) x1
Sailing EXP
Crow Coin x30
200 Contribution EXP
Cox Pirates' Artifact (Parley Beginner) x1
Double Sailing EXP
Crow Coin x50
Barter EXP
[Daily] Supplies Delivery (Tinberra Island)
(Rovinia in Velia)
Deliver supplies to Tinberra Island
(Time Limit 25 min →
60 min)
Sailing EXP
Crow Coin x80
Sailing EXP
Crow Coin x100
Barter EXP
[Daily] Supplies Delivery (Oquilla's Eye)
(Dario on Iliya Island)
Deliver supplies to Ravikel at Oquilla's Eye
(Time Limit 60 min →
180 min)
200 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Cox Pirates' Artifact (Parley Beginner) x2
Crow Coin x40
200 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Cox Pirates' Artifact (Parley Beginner) x2
Crow Coin x100
Barter EXP
  • The time limits for the above quests have been tripled.

Iliya Island - Barter Quests

  • Added and expanded the rewards for the following quests from Iliya Island's resident NPCs.
Barter Quests from Iliya Island Residents
Quests Objectives Rewards (Before) Rewards (After)
[Barter] [Daily] Lively Iliya Island Barter 3 times 200 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
200 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Barter EXP
[Barter] [Daily] Lively Iliya Island I Barter 5 times 300 Contribution EXP
Pure Pearl Crystal x2
Deep Sea Memory Filled Glue x8
Bright Reef Piece x8
Sailing EXP
300 Contribution EXP
Pure Pearl Crystal x2
Deep Sea Memory Filled Glue x8
Bright Reef Piece x8
Double Sailing EXP
Barter EXP
[Barter] [Daily] Lively Iliya Island II Barter 10 times 400 Contribution EXP
Enhanced Island Tree Coated Plywood x10
Cox Pirates' Artifact (Parley Expert) x1
Sailing EXP
400 Contribution EXP
Enhanced Island Tree Coated Plywood x10
Cox Pirates' Artifact (Parley Expert) x1
Sailing EXP
Barter EXP
[Barter] [Daily] Lively Iliya Island III Barter 15 times 300 Contribution EXP
Crow Coin x10
Sailing EXP
300 Contribution EXP
Crow Coin x50
Sailing EXP (1.33 times more)
Barter EXP
[Barter] [Daily] Sailing to a Wider World Barter 20 times 300 Contribution EXP
Lost Trade Box x1
Part for Explorer's Compass x1
Sailing EXP
Crow Coin x20
300 Contribution EXP
Lost Trade Box x1
Part for Explorer's Compass x1
Sailing EXP
Crow Coin x50
Barter EXP
[Daily] Barter Goods Support I Hand over Barter Lv. 1 trade goods x1 100 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
100 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Barter EXP
[Daily] Barter Goods Support II Hand over Barter Lv. 1 trade goods x1 100 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
100 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Barter EXP
  • Added Barter EXP to the rewards for completing the above Iliya Island barter quests.
  • Added the [Barter] tag to the names of barter quests.
  • Added three new quests, which can be accepted from [Barterer] Priko on Iliya Island.
Quests Objectives Rewards
[Barter] [Weekly] Iliya Island, the Barter Nexus Barter 100 times Contribution EXP 500
Sailing EXP
Barter EXP
Crow Coin x200
Riddle-Me Barter Support Box x3
[Daily] At World's End I - Ancado Inner Harbor Deliver supplies to Samia at Ancado Inner Harbor Contribution EXP 500
Sailing EXP
Barter EXP
Crow Coin x50
Riddle-Me Barter Support Box x1
[Daily] At World's End II - Hakoven Island Deliver supplies to Roshina on Hakoven Island Contribution EXP 500
Sailing EXP
Barter EXP
Crow Coin x100
Riddle-Me Barter Support Box x1

Oquilla's Eye Quests

The old daily quests for handing over Yellow Swordfish and Coral Pieces at Oquilla's Eye are being removed. They'll be replaced with new weekly quests to make things easier. Additionally, you won't need to head inside Oquilla's Eye to start them—the Quest NPC will now be near the wharf for your convenience.
  • Removed the following three quests from inside Oquilla's Eye.
    • They're now available as weekly quests from an NPC near the Oquilla's Eye Wharf.
      • [Daily] We are the Owners of this Island!
      • [Daily] Precious Coral Piece
      • [Daily] For the Young Otter Merchants
※ Any of the above quests that were accepted prior to the Feb 6 (Thu) maintenance have been forfeit.
  • Added two new quests, which can be accepted from NPCs near the Oquilla's Eye Wharf.
Quests Objectives Rewards
[Weekly] So You Wanna Live in Oquilla?
(Oquilla's Eye [Trade Manager] Kario)
Hand over Yellow Swordfish x1 500 Contribution EXP
Oquilla Coin x10
[Weekly] For the Young Otter Merchants
(Oquilla's Eye [Trade Manager] Kario)
Deliver Coral Piece x50
Deliver Iridescent Coral Piece x5
500 Contribution EXP
Gathering EXP
Seaweed Stalk x45
Oquilla Coin x15
Ruddy Manganese Nodule x15

Oquilla's Eye Wharf Quests

The previous quests at Oquilla's Eye Wharf were primarily focused on crafting Carracks. However, with this update, the objectives have been elevated to the next level. Here are the key changes to the Oquilla's Eye Wharf quests:
1. Crow Coins are now a basic reward, not a selectable one.
2. Blue grade Carrack equipment crafting materials have been added to the selectable rewards.
3. Up to double the Sailing EXP can be obtained compared to before.
While previous sailing quests primarily rewarded materials for Carrack crafting, the improved quests are designed to be more appealing to captains looking to craft Carrack equipment.
These updates are beneficial even for seasoned captains. Whether you're completing daily sailing quests with your guild members, friends, or beginner captains, you'll now earn more Sailing EXP, Crow Coins, and blue grade Carrack equipment crafting materials than before.
  • Added and expanded the rewards for the following quests from NPCs near the Oquilla's Eye Wharf.
 Oquilla's Eye Wharf Quests
Quests Objectives Rewards (Before) Rewards (After)
[Daily] Our Guild is Not a Charity Group
(Soldier near Sherah Riki)
Defeat 2 Young Sea Monsters 150 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Oquilla Coin x1
Tide-Dyed Standardized Timber Square x5
150 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Oquilla Coin x1
[Select] Tide-Dyed Standardized Timber Square x5
[Select] Violent Wave Plywood x1
[Daily] Do You Have What it Takes?
(Soldier near Sherah Riki)
Defeat Hekaru x1 200 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Oquilla Coin x1
Cox Pirates' Artifact (Combat) x3
200 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Oquilla Coin x1
[Select] Cox Pirates' Artifact (Combat) x3
[Select] Delicately Polished Support x1
[Daily] Win-win Situation
(Soldier near Sherah Riki)
Defeat Ocean Stalker x1 200 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Oquilla Coin x1
Deep Tide-Dyed Standardized Timber Square x4
200 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Oquilla Coin x1
[Select] Deep Tide-Dyed Standardized Timber Square x4
[Select] Wave Residue Adhesive x1
Quests Objectives Rewards (Before) Rewards (After)
[Daily] Old Moon Guild's Candidum Hunter
([Wharf Manager] Ravikel)
Defeat Candidum x1 300 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Oquilla Coin x1
[Select] Crow Coin x100
[Select] Tidal Black Stone x14
300 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Oquilla Coin x1
Crow Coin x100
[Select] Tidal Black Stone x14
[Select] Violent Wave Plywood x1
[Daily] Old Moon Guild's Young Nineshark Hunter
([Wharf Manager] Ravikel)
Defeat Nineshark x1 300 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Oquilla Coin x1
[Select] Crow Coin x100
[Select] Tidal Black Stone x14
300 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Oquilla Coin x1
Crow Coin x100
[Select] Tidal Black Stone x14
[Select] Delicately Polished Support x1
[Daily] Old Moon Guild's Young Black Rust Hunter
([Wharf Manager] Ravikel)
Defeat Black Rust x1 300 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Oquilla Coin x1
[Select] Crow Coin x100
[Select] Tidal Black Stone x14
300 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP (1.5 times more)
Oquilla Coin x1
Crow Coin x100
[Select] Tidal Black Stone x14
[Select] Wave Residue Adhesive x1
[Daily] Old Moon Guild's Young Sea Monster Hunter
([Wharf Manager] Ravikel)
Defeat Young Sea Monsters x5 900 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP 500
Moon Scale Plywood x10
Moon Vein Flax Fabric x3
Tear of the Ocean x1
Oquilla Coin x3
No Change
Quests Objectives Rewards (Before) Rewards (After)
[Weekly] Old Moon Guild's Candidum Hunter
([Wharf Manager] Ravikel)
Defeat Candidum x1 500 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
[Select] Crow Coin x500
[Select] Tidal Black Stone x60
[Select] Ruddy Manganese Nodule x4
500 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Crow Coin x500
[Select] Tidal Black Stone x60
[Select] Ruddy Manganese Nodule x4
[Select] Violent Wave Plywood x1
[Weekly] Old Moon Guild's Nineshark Hunter
([Wharf Manager] Ravikel)
Defeat Nineshark x1 500 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
[Select] Crow Coin x500
[Select] Tidal Black Stone x60
[Select] Tear of the Ocean x2
500 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Crow Coin x500
[Select] Tidal Black Stone x60
[Select] Tear of the Ocean x2
[Select] Delicately Polished Support x1
[Weekly] Old Moon Guild's Black Rust Hunter
([Wharf Manager] Ravikel)
Defeat Black Rust x1 500 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
[Select] Crow Coin x500
[Select] Tidal Black Stone x60
[Select] Cox Pirates' Artifact (Combat) x6
500 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP (1.5 times the more)
Crow Coin 500
[Select] Tidal Black Stone x60
[Select] Cox Pirates' Artifact (Combat) x6
[Select] Wave Residue Adhesive x1
[Weekly] Monster Increase Report
(Soldier near Sherah Riki)
Defeat Young Sea Monsters x20 150 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Cox Pirates' Artifact (Combat) x2
150 Contribution EXP
Double Sailing EXP
Cox Pirates' Artifact (Combat) x2

Large Sea Monster Habitat - Lekrashan Monster Zone Quests

  • Added a quest that can be accepted from Haeran of the [Ratt Delegation] at Oquilla's Eye.
    • This quest can be carried out at the Large Sea Monster Habitat - Lekrashan Monster Zone.
Quests Objectives Rewards
[Weekly] They Came from Dark High Seas
(Oquilla's Eye [Ratt Delegation] Haeran)
Defeat <Chasing Dark High Seas> Black Rust x10
Defeat <Chasing Dark High Seas> Nineshark x10
500 Contribution EXP
Sailing EXP
Crow Coin x500
[Select] Oquilla Emerald Fresh Water x3
[Select] Oquilla Aquamarine Fresh Water x3
[Select] Oquilla Golden Fresh Water x3
  • Changed the quest objectives from Haeran of the [Ratt Delegation] at Oquilla's Eye as follows.
Quests Objectives Rewards
[Daily] Hampering Monsters in the Sea
(Oquilla's Eye [Ratt Delegation] Haeran)
Defeat <Chasing Dark High Seas> Black Rust x20 → x5
Defeat <Chasing Dark High Seas> Nineshark x20 → x5
Crow Coin x200
[Select] Oquilla Emerald Fresh Water x1
[Select] Oquilla Aquamarine Fresh Water x1
[Select] Oquilla Golden Fresh Water x1


Sea Crystal

Rusalka Sea Crystal

The "Rusalka Sea Crystal" has been added. This new crystal boasts slightly higher effects than the existing Margoria Sea Crystal. One of its unique features is that, unlike other sea crystals, its effects are not limited to a specific area but are applied consistently. For today's update, the crafting recipe wasn't included but we're working on allowing players to craft "Oceanteared Ebenruth's Nol," which we introduced in the Black Desert Global Lab. This will enable players to enjoy the combined effects of the Sea Crystal and Ebenruth's Nol. We're making sure you'll be informed promptly when it's ready to be applied to the official server.
Rusalka Sea Crystal
  • Added a new Sea Crystal, Rusalka Sea Crystal.
Rusalka Sea Crystal


Rusalka Sea Crystal Equip Effect

  • You can obtain the Rusalka Sea Crystal by right-clicking to use the Rusalka Crystal.
    • There are 8 different types of Rusalka Sea Crystals, each with unique effects. When you use the Rusalka Crystal, you'll randomly receive one.
Rusalka Sea Crystal Effects
▼ You'll get one of these 8 effects:
- Speed +4.5%
- Acceleration +4.5%
- Rotation +9%
- Brake +9%
- Weight Limit +1,350LT
- Durability +22,500
- Extra Damage to Sea Monsters +900 x hits per ship
- Extra Damage to Ships +450 x hits per ship
※ Unlike other Sea Crystals like the Margoria Sea Crystal, the Rusalka Sea Crystal gives you a specific stats.
How to Obtain the Rusalka Crystal
  • You can obtain the Rusalka Crystal through the following methods.
Rusalka Crystal
(Simple Alchemy)
Origin of Margoria x10 + Oquilla Crimson Fresh Water x1 + Void Sea Crystal x1
※ Perform Simple Alchemy on a Margoria Sea Crystal to get Origin of Margoria x1-2.
Rusalka Crystal
(Simple Alchemy)
Origin of Rusalka x3 +  Void Sea Crystal x1
※ Perform Simple Alchemy on a Rusalka Sea Crystal to get Origin of Rusalka x1.
※ You can buy Oquilla Crimson Fresh Water and Void Sea Crystal from Ravinia and Livenia NPC Shops for 40 and 10 Crow Coins each.
※ With the addition of crafting Rusalka Crystal using the Origin of Margoria, usage details have been added to the item description.
※ Oquilla Crimson Fresh Water is now available in the [Crow Coin Shop] from Ravinia and Livenia.
  • Updated special barter items in line with the Rusalka Sea Crystal update.
Removed Added
Supreme Margoria Crystal Rusalka Crystal


Sea Crystal Improvements

With the addition of the Rusalka Sea Crystal, changes are coming to the existing four types of Sea Crystals. To ensure players don't obtain low-stat Sea Crystals, we've streamlined the total number of Sea Crystal items by half.
Furthermore, when processing Margoria Sea Crystals to craft Rusalka Crystals, the amount of "Origin of Margoria" obtained has been increased.

Streamlining Obtainable Sea Crystals
  • Simplified the types of Sea Crystals you can get with the following items from 80 to 40.
    • You won't be able to get Sea Crystals with lower stats from the following 4 types anymore.
      • Eltro Crystal
      • Serni Crystal
      • Zulatia Crystal
      • Margoria Crystal
※ Sea Crystals with lower stats subject to simplification have been changed to the lowest effect Sea Crystals obtainable during the Feb 6 (Thu) maintenance.
- For example, the Speed +3.1% Sea Crystal has been upgraded to the Speed 3.6% Sea Crystal during the Feb 6 (Thu) maintenance.
Margoria Sea Crystal
  • Now, when you use Simple Alchemy (L) on a Margoria Sea Crystal, you'll get Origin of Margoria x1-2.
    • You can use the Origin of Margoria to craft a Rusalka Crystal or make another Margoria Crystal.



Torn Treasure Map Piece

Now, the Torn Treasure Map Pieces can stack in a single inventory slot, reducing the strain on your inventory space. This change allows you to easily check the number of pieces you own, making storage a bit more convenient.
  • Improved so that the same Torn Treasure Map Piece stack in one slot in the inventory.
    • You can still combine them into a Treasure Map of a Sailor in your inventory or Yaz's Combinables Pouch, just like before.

※ With this update, any Torn Treasure Map Pieces you had in your inventory have been moved to the Heidel Storage.


  • Added and improved the usage and acquisition info in the descriptions of the following items:
    • Each type of Torn Treasure Map Piece
    • Each type of Treasure Map of a Sailor
    • Moss-Covered Map
    • Ravinia's Moss Remover
    • Epheria Carrack Parts Upgrade Permit: Advance/Balance/Volante/Valor
    • Claws of the Waves
Trade Goods
Rovinia's Supplies (Tinberra Island)
Croix's Supplies (Iliya Island)
Dario's Supplies (Oquilla's Eye)


Additional Improvements

Better Ship Collection/Taking Out Spots on Iliya Island

Iliya Island has a popular wharf among many sea-faring captains. Previously, ships were taken out facing a single direction, requiring a big turn when setting sail towards Lema Island. Now, the ship retrieval location has been changed, allowing for easier movement in any direction.
  • Improved where you can take out ships stored at the Iliya Island Wharf.

Better Ship Collection/Taking Out Spots on Kuit Islands, Wharf Manager/Barterer Relocation

In the Kuit Islands, adventurers often found the distance between the Wharf Manager and the Barterers to be inconvenient. Additionally, retrieving a ship through the Wharf Manager was challenging due to obstructive terrain. We have addressed these issues by bringing the two NPCs closer together and adjusting the ship retrieval location for smoother navigation.
  • Changed the location of Kuit Islands' Wharf Manager as below. Also changed the area for taking out ships and nearby Safe Zone.



Kalis Parliament's Agenda - Reef Removal Project

  • Hearing about the new winds on the Great Ocean, the Kalis Parliament proposed a reef removal project to ensure the safety and ease of ships trading along the coast.
    • Elina Leight, who previously led the reef removal near Port Epheria, started gathering feedback from her former crew of laborers.
Planned Reef Removal Sites

Near Iliya Island Wharf
Areas to watch out for when ships enter or leave.
Last month, Papu Barterer Priko nearly caused an accident while directing ship traffic (according to Priko).
Near Delinghart Island
Large ships like the Epheria Carrack struggle to pass, so barterers must meet them directly.
Recently, Otter Barterer Serrio tripped over his own tail twice while coming out to unload goods (apparently, it happens quite often).





  • Reset accumulated recommendations in chat groups with today’s regular maintenance.
    • Adventurers who possess the gold, silver, or bronze Black Spirit icons have been awarded a 90-day title as a token of gratitude for their hard work and dedication.
    • For the Hall of Adventurers chat groups, adventurers who possess the gold, silver, or bronze Black Spirit icons within their respective class chat groups have also been awarded a 90-day title.
    • Previous rewards for chat group ranking titles have all been deleted through this week’s regular maintenance.
Chat Group Gold Silver Bronze
Lunar Halo Inn Protector of Newbies Luminary of Newbies Herald of Newbies
Dancing Marlin Tavern Oh Captain, My Captain Reliable First Mate Hardworking Steerer
Battle Arena Fist of Legend Born to Fight Backstreet Fighter
Hystria Ruins Relentless Slayer Perceptive Hunter Clever Tracker
Florin Neighborhood Meeting Touch of Midas Crafty Diligent Life Skiller
Garnier Troupe Virtuoso Genius Composer Rhapsodist
Heidel's Street City Celebrity Famed Storyteller Street Herald
Hall of Adventurers Pathfinder Role Model Mentor


Arena of Solare Season's End Reward - Name Frames

  • At the conclusion of the Arena of Solare regular season, players will receive a special stylized name frame for battlefields.
Arena of Solare Regular Season Jan 23, 2025 (Thu) after maintenance - March 6, 2025 (Thu) before maintenance
Name Frames Issued on March 6 (Thu) maintenance based on Arena of Solare embems
Name Frames in Effect for all Arena of Solare matches upon receiving
(Practice, Custom, and Ranked Matches included)
※ The name frames will be displayed in all Arena of Solare matches, not just Ranked Matches but also Practice and Custom Matches.
※ The name frames will remain active until the end of the next regular season, allowing players to showcase the emblems they achieved in the previous season during Placement Matches and beyond in the upcoming regular season.
  • Changed the Max MP/WP/SP item effect amount for the Arena of Solare exclusive "Resolute Armor - Damage Reduction & Evasion": +10 → +100



  • Removed the restriction of being unable to enhance items below +15 enhancement level with 20 or less Durability.
    • This also applies to gear with fewer enhancement levels, such as the Sovereign weapons.


  • Improved the [Event] Blessing of Flame's buff icon to match those of item icons.
  • Fixed the issue where the effects of the following items were stackable.
    • [Event] Blessing of Flame, [Event] Melty Marshmallow Munch, [Event] Cozy Hot Cocoa
  • Changed the [Event] Premium Outfit Box II to be openable by Deadeye.


Eye of the Great Ocean, Khan
Unlike other guild subjugation bosses, "Eye of the Great Ocean" Khan requires a unique approach where you must use the Monsterbane Cannon to deal damage. The distance the cannonball travels depends on the angle and force of your shot, which can be challenging for adventurers who are not yet familiar with Khan's mechanics. To make this experience smoother, we've ensured that a critical hit is guaranteed when you successfully land a hit with the Monsterbane Cannon. This change not only makes it easier to recognize successful attacks but also speeds up the subjugation process, allowing for a more efficient and rewarding encounter.
  • Improved so that when you strike Khan with a cannon from the [Guild] Monsterbane Cannon Assembly Kit, you'll always land a critical hit.


Honglim Base

  • Fixed the issue where the [Sharpshooter] Fox Bandit's attacks were only hitting one target.
  • Fixed the issue where the [Wild] and [Boss] Shadow Lion did not properly return to its original position when it failed to detect nearby targets.
  • [Land of the Morning Light] Fixed the issue where some attacks from the following monsters were only hitting one target.
    • Black Shrine (Donghae): Gumiho, Songakshi, Mudang Wraith, Changui, Bamboo Legion, Imoogi
    • Black Shrine (Hwanghae): Bulgasal, Uturi, Dark Bonghwang
    • World Boss: Bulgasal, Uturi

  • [Black Shrine - Donghae (Solo)] Fixed the delay in Calamity 8-10 Sangoon's charge attack when Changui appears.



  • Improved the chance to obtain an Imperial Steed from horse breeding based on Training Mastery.
    • Changed the max chance to obtain an Imperial Steed from horse breeding from 5% to 7%.
      • With a Training Mastery of 1,500, you can obtain an Imperial Steed with a 7% chance when breeding a female and male at level 30.
Imperial Steed Chance Example (Breeding Tier 8 female and male horses at level 25)
Training Mastery 0: Imperial Steed chance approx. 3.2% → 4.62%
Training Mastery 1,000: Imperial Steed chance approx. 3.2% → 5.0%
Training Mastery 2,000: Imperial Steed chance approx. 3.2% → 5.4%
※ Detailed chance information depending on Mastery, horse level, and tier during horse breeding can also be found in the in-game Breed Calculator.
  • Increased the chance to obtain an Imperial Steed during horse breeding at lower levels and tiers.
Imperial Steed Chance Example (Based on Training Mastery 1,000)
Tier 6 female and male, level 25: Imperial Steed chance approx 2.08% → 3.2%
Tier 7 female and male, level 30: Imperial Steed chance approx 3.2% → 5.4%
Tier 8 female and male, level 20: Imperial Steed chance approx 2.4% → 4.62%
※ Detailed chance information depending on Mastery, horse level, and tier during horse breeding can also be found in the in-game Breed Calculator.
  • Added so that you can see the stats increase from the last level up in the Horse Details window.



  • Expanded the Mount EXP Increase caps from Hot Time and item usage effects.
    • via items: 300% → 1,000%
    • via Hot Time: 100% → 1,000%


  • Removed the 1-hour training time previously applied when using the Mount All Skill Training Coupon and Mount Skill Training Coupon
    • Using the above items will now immediately train your mount's skill(s) to 100% mastery.



As interest in the fishing content continues to grow among adventurers, there's also been an increased focus on the quest to acquire "Shim Cheong's Miraculous Fish Tank," which offers a 50-slot fish-exclusive inventory. However, some adventurers have found themselves a bit startled after losing the "Iridescent Shellfish" previously obtained through the quest, prompting visits to Support. To alleviate any confusion, we've updated the quest so that this item is no longer required.
We also encourage adventurers to show more support for Dorio, the Otter who tirelessly casts his fishing rod in the Sea Palace every day in search of Corvina.
  • Changed the Unexpected Encounter quest to no longer require the Iridescent Shellfish to obtain Shim Cheong's Miraculous Fish Tank.
    • The quest completion requirement for catching fish during the quest remains the same as before.
  • Added the Thunder's Dream: Voltarion knowledge reward to the [Voltarion] Forgotten Dream quest.
  • Improved the quest dialogue and completion requirement phrases of the Collect Rough Information quest to clearly indicate the monster's name.
  • Updated the quest requirements for "[Season Quest] Day 31, Stretching your Sea Legs."
    • Before: Complete Falasi Family's Kindness
    • After: Complete [Repeat] Philaberto Falasi's Request


As we wrap up the "Snowfall Crasher" event with today's update, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on this journey. It has been a pleasure to introduce the snowboarding experience to so many of you, and we're thrilled that you enjoyed the various content, including the snowboards. We sincerely thank all the Adventurers who participated and had fun, and we're committed to bringing you even more exciting experiences in the future.
Although the "Snowfall Crasher" event is coming to an end, we want to ensure that the joy of snowboarding continues. Lando, touched by your enthusiasm for the event, is preparing new courses where "Pro Shredders" can showcase their skills. We hope you'll continue to visit the Snowfall Crasher and enjoy all it has to offer.
  • Lando is busily toiling away at expanding the Snowfall Crasher area.



  • Moved the teleport location of the [Event] Snowfall Flare to the snowboarding slope's starting point at Snowfall Crasher.



Keyboard Movement for World Map (W, A, S, D)

We've introduced a new feature that allows you to navigate the World Map using your keyboard (W, A, S, D) while the map is open. Alongside this, we've added several other new features related to the World Map.
You can now use the "Save Camera Position" toggle to fix the camera's location when opening and closing the World Map. Additionally, the "Save Camera Angle" toggle allows you to lock the camera's angle and direction.
These features can be configured by going to [ESC → Settings → Game Settings → World Map]. For a smoother experience, you can also use the Spacebar in the World Map (M) to bring the camera back to your character's current location.
  • Added the function to move the World Map using the keyboard instead of the mouse when the World Map (M) is open.
    • Press the W, S, A, or D keys to move the map when the World Map (M) is open.
※ Pressing SPACE on the World Map (M) will move the camera to your current character's location.
Keyboard Movement for World Map
  • Added the following settings related to the World Map.
    • Save Camera Position
    • Save Camera Angle
※ These options are toggled off by default.
Save Camera Position Saves the last position of the World Map.
Save Camera Angle Saves the last angle of the camera.
Save Camera Position Save Camera Angle
Saves the last position of the World Map.
Saves the last angle of the camera.
※ You can find these settings in Game Settings - World Map - Camera-related settings.
  • Added the Set Loop saved data in the World Map (M) to be stored in the Setting Archive.
    • The data saved in the Setting Archive can be downloaded and loaded when needed, even if you change PCs or connection environments.
  • Changed the background of the Black Desert world displayed on the World Map (M) to match the current region.


Social Actions via Quick Slots

Whether you're taking a group photo with your guild members or striking that perfect ending pose after a stunning performance, social actions serve as a way to express emotions that chat alone can't convey during your adventures.
Now, you can register these social actions to a Quick Slot for instant use with just a single key input.
While this may seem like a small change, we hope it allows for a bit more joyful communication with your guild members, friends, and party members as you enjoy your adventures together.
  • Improved to allow Social Actions to be registered to Quick Slots.
    • You can drag a registered Social Action from the Social Action List to an empty Quick Slot to register it.
Drag from Social Action List to Quick Slot Use Social Action through Quick Slot

  • Changed the default setting of 'View Continuously' when hiring a worker through the Work Supervisor NPC.
Worker Grade Set the default to Professional instead of Normal.
No. of Workers to View Set the default to max based on current Energy instead of once.


  • Changed the My Page - OTP Management Page to require re-log in when using a Steam Account.
  • Changed the background and menu style of the Steam bridge page.
  • Fixed the issue where the Auto Update function of the launcher was not being fully applied.


  • Changed and unified the following in Indonesian.
    • [Special Growth] Keluarga Bangsawan -→ [Special Growth] Lahirnya Keluarga Bangsawan
    • Lempengan Pola Matahari. Lempengan Motif Matahari, Prasasti Bermotif Matahari -→ Lempengan Motif Matahari
    • Harta karun yang merenangi samudra, Harta Karun yang Mengambang di Lautan -→ Harta Karun yang Mengarungi Samudra
    • Melalui Gelombang Terjal: Desa Velia -→ Melewati Gelombang Ganas: Velia
    • Melewati Pasang Surut: Ancado -→ Melewati Gelombang Ganas: Ancado
    • Ravinia, Ravini, Lavinia -→ Ravinia
    • Pulau Kuit, Kepulauan Kuit -→ Kepulauan Kuit


  • Fixed the issue where the settings for NPC Voice (Language) were not properly reset when using the 'Reset All' function at the top of the Game Settings UI.
  • Fixed the issue where the inventory of an unavailable mount was displayed when checking a race horse at stables.
  • Fixed the issue where unnatural text appeared on the character death screen in certain situations.
  • Changed the text color of the date and button in the Daily Special to appear more natural.
  • Fixed the issue where the tooltip was not displayed on the Contribution Points icon in the My Information (P) window.
  • Fixed the issue where the maximum number of workers that could be hired was not updated even after the lodging construction was completed if the Worker Contract window was opened during construction.
  • Fixed the issue where snapping moved to the top when using the View Continuously function while using the Gamepad UI.
    • Snapping moves to the territory where the current character is located.
  • Fixed the issue where the selected region remained when reopening the window after selecting a region in the Worker of the Day window.
  • Fixed the issue where the scrollbar was displayed in the Worker List's grade filter.
  • Fixed the issue where a notification message was displayed for the current character's location when registering a worker at the Worker Exchange, even if the worker was from another region.
  • Fixed the issue where notifications displayed at the top of the screen after contracting a worker while using the Gamepad UI were shown after exiting NPC Chat.
  • Unified the description text of items related to Auto-Fishing Time Reduction to have the same phrase.
  • Fixed the issue where Birch at a specific location in Yukjo Street could not be gathered.
  • Fixed the issue where the node connection line was unnatural near the NPC when approaching the Node Manager in a node region where Contribution Points were invested.
  • Fixed the quest NPC's name to Laborer to match the completion target of the Money for Medicine quest.
  • Fixed the issue where the acceptance conditions for quests included in the Suggested [Combat][Lv.60] How to Get to Aakman Sans Ancient Teleporter was not accurate.
  • Fixed the issue where the [Calpheon] Epilogue III was not displayed in the acceptance conditions for the [The Magnus] Nostalgic for Velia quest.
    • Also improved the clarity of some acceptance condition text for better understanding.
  • Fixed the issue where the acceptance condition for the [Hunting Leap Apprentice 10] Hunt Humpback Whale quest was not accurate.
  • Fixed the issue where Abyssal Veins could not be activated when interacting with the Abyssal Well while carrying trade items on back.
  • Fixed the issue where the name of the furniture displayed when installing the [Event] Stuffed Threatening Turkey was incorrect.
  • Fixed the Quests (O) tab to move correctly when searching for ongoing questline.
  • Fixed the issue where the following quests, which could not be progressed, was displayed in Quests (O).
    • [Special Growth] Birth of a Prestigious Family, [Mediah] Until We Meet Again
  • Fixed the reward collection button to be usable immediately without toggling the UI after resetting Pearl's Blessings.
  • Fixed the issue where the appearance of some NPCs located in Gyeongbokgung Palace was unnatural.
  • Fixed the issue where duplicate knowledge information was displayed in the top left when interacting with Maudi Budar in Altinova.
  • [Dusa] Fixed the issue where the smoke effect of the gombangdae remained during social actions while in combat.
  • Emergency Escape - Fixed the issue where the skill animation briefly appeared when a buff or debuff was removed during the use of the skill.
  • [Wizard] Adjusted the neck area to look more natural when wearing Noonbora Goggles, Pom-pom, and Trapper Hats.
  • [Deadeye] Fixed the issue where your revolvers appeared in your hands even when out of combat while wearing the Kibelius Revolvers with certain outfits.
  • [Deadeye, Scholar] Fixed the issue where part of the cape's appearance was not visible when wearing the Karlstein Armor.
  • [Deadeye] Fixed the issue where the High Noon Outfit effects from the Pearl Shop would remain in certain situations.
  • Corrected an issue where Trading EXP was abnormally obtained when selling the following trade items in certain situations:
    • Magical Mandragora, Witch's Poison Herb, Saffron with Strong Scent, Fantastic Blue Rose, Moonlit Evening Primrose, Medicinal Autumn Bellflower Root
    • An investigation is underway for individuals whose Trading levels increased abnormally due to this issue. If any cases of abuse are found, actions will be taken in accordance with the operational policy.
  • Fixed the wording of the following quests to sound more natural and improved the visibility of certain text.
    • [Event] Snowfall Crasher's Powder Rush: Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced/Challenge
  • Fixed the unnatural appearance of the carpet when moving behind the Eilton Storage Keeper.
  • Changed the "Mount Your Board!" buff obtained from [Snowfall Powder Rush] Uyanga NPC during the Snowfall Crasher's Powder Rush quest to disappear when teleporting with items such as the Archaeologist's Map or the Command to Gather skill.
  • Fixed the issue where the "Shreddin' the Gnar!" buff effect remained even after getting off the snowboard during the following quests.
    • [Event] Snowfall Crasher's Powder Rush: Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced/Challenge
  • Changed the Classic Snowboard to be unmountable while already riding atop a snowboard.
  • Fixed the UI issue when removing a selected piece of gear in the Caphras enhancement window.
  • Changed story scenes to only display the skip option text after pressing the R key.
  • Fixed the issue where the 3rd saved auto-loop was copied over with the 2nd upon deleting the 2nd one in the World Map.
  • Fixed the issue where the number of search results appeared unnatural during quest searches.
  • Changed the quest search function so that your searched entry remains even when moving to another tab.
  • [Node War - Construction] Fixed the issue where annex buildings could not be constructed in certain locations after the start of a Node War.
  • Fixed the issue where you couldn't recover a horse after using a Mount Level Down Ticket and breeding with it.
  • Fixed the position of the horse's grade image based on its stats in the Horse Details.
Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run Launcher to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.